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[Archived] S20 Hearthstone Paladin Aggro GvG

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Guest Renion

The deck is pretty good after you get the hang on it, i went from rank 18 to rank 5 (for the first time ever) in 2 days 
My opinion is that it's one of the best decks if you wana get the new rewards from the chests coming this month, and it struggles mainly with priests and control mages. And one more thing, some games are simply unwinnable due to the missfortune on the draw, but the deck has a lot of potential especially for a low cost deck


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The deck is pretty good after you get the hang on it, i went from rank 18 to rank 5 (for the first time ever) in 2 days 

My opinion is that it's one of the best decks if you wana get the new rewards from the chests coming this month, and it struggles mainly with priests and control mages. And one more thing, some games are simply unwinnable due to the missfortune on the draw, but the deck has a lot of potential especially for a low cost deck

if by "control mage" you mean freeze mage,then yeah, if they draw well you won't manage to do much(kind of like facing them with zoolock).if you mean the one with the grinder variants with duplicate etc i don't really find them hard to beat at all.


as for priest,they can be tricky,but i find that the key is to depart from the usual aggressive stance of this deck,and try to prevent them from having things on the board,because if they get value off their hero power or velen's chosen,you won't be able to burst them down and you will eventually just lose your entire board to their big minions.that and playing around things like holy nova etc by not overextending on the board a turn before they cast it.getting a good divine favor(i ALWAYS keep it in hand against priest) helps too.



in my opinion the worst match up of this deck is by FAR patron warrior.it's usually kill them before turn 8(hard to pull off,what with their damn armor gains around) or lights out.control warrior is pretty easy to beat though,amazingly enough(although their recent use of deathlord kind of helped their case a bit).


but yes,i also find this deck awesome to play,and would go as far as to say that it's the best aggro deck in the game right now.

Edited by batanete

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Yes, Patron Warrior is by far the worst matchup for this deck. Every Whirlwind effect is essentially a Flamestrike, and they play a lot of them.

Freeze Mage is manageable as long as you draw a Divine Favor.

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Guest Jimmy Martinez

Thanks alot for sharing this amazing and fun to play deck with us @Sottle I couldn't get past rank 15 with my own deck and strategy since I just started playing about a month ago or less and as soon as I got this deck I went from rank 15 to rank 8 in like 3 days and still climbing the only thing I changed was defender of argus for a Tirion fording only because I love the card and a Kazan mystic instead of a south sea deckhand to completely destroy those hunters with their own secrets.

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Any particular reason for the major changes in this deck (-equality and avenging wrath, + arcane golem, silence and defender of argus)?


I stayed with the previous version and it worked quite well for me this season (evn after TGT).

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Guest WhiskeyJack

I, at first, had a ton of trouble playing this deck. I wasn't really trading when I should have and going face when I should have. Tons of games I traded and was just dead in the water. Whereas when I only traded effectively (muster tokens and weapon) but kept pushing face damage with minibot and whatnot I was able to put them in truesilver/golem range. A lot of games came to holding back a few minions and keeping 6+ damage on the board. Divine Favor seemed clunky at first but has since been awesome, turn 6-7 play hand and divine for 3-6 cards, is pretty sweet.


I did make a couple adjustments. I took out 2x consecration (always felt bad in my hand) and 1x blessing of might. I added a Coghammer (opened one so was freeish) and another worgen (mage was annoying) and 1x hammer of wrath (so far has always been good).


I am at rank 12 (started this deck at 19) but considering I am new (played MTG though) and this is my first and only deck it's not bad.


Anyways, yea make sure you are putting in face damage. A turn 8-9 golem and truesilver/blessing can just end the game.

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Any particular reason for the major changes in this deck (-equality and avenging wrath, + arcane golem, silence and defender of argus)?


I stayed with the previous version and it worked quite well for me this season (evn after TGT).


It just focused the deck more, the previous build was still a little midrangey, and didn't draw damage as consistently when you were topdecking, this one is a lot more focused in on killing people.

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I am preferring the ol' Hammer of Wrath instead of the Worgen Infiltrator.   The Hammer can put 3 damage anywhere even to the face and can reach around taunt for a finish, plus it has card draw which imo is this decks only real weakness.  I'm nowhere near a pro and i'm seeing this deck taking me to 5 or better.  What I love is that this deck can be very forgiving, I make a lot of mistakes and from 20-10 i can still usually pull off a win ... depending on what time of day i'm playing.


The Hammer might be a personal thing for me though.  I played a Pally in WoW  way back in beta, vanilla and bc.  When I was drinking and PvPing  I use to like yelling out "Hammer Of Wrath!!!" as I would get the final blow in AV.  But I'm just weird like that.

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Oh, one more thing.


Why doesn't this deck utilize any cards like Warhorse Trainer that gives a +1 to my Silver Hand Recruits or even Raid Leader?  I see a lot of 1/1 guys just peck peck pecking away  and wondered if those cards would make it faster.

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Bad topdecks, too situational. Things like Abusive and Kings can be used immediately with Chargers, those are the only buffs you want in the deck. 

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I'm having another issue and it may just be my inexperience, but knife juggler really isn't working for me.  My problem is that everyone knows the potential of this card and destroys it immediately before i can get any good use out of it.  I'm using it in turn 3 after I drop the annoy o tron on turn 2 or I have been waiting to drop it on turn 5 when I can play muster for battle at the same time.  I could use some advice on how to better play this card to make it less situational like you mentioned above.  

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I'm having another issue and it may just be my inexperience, but knife juggler really isn't working for me.  My problem is that everyone knows the potential of this card and destroys it immediately before i can get any good use out of it.  I'm using it in turn 3 after I drop the annoy o tron on turn 2 or I have been waiting to drop it on turn 5 when I can play muster for battle at the same time.  I could use some advice on how to better play this card to make it less situational like you mentioned above.  


You have enough 1-drops to protect Juggler against minions. If you opponent plays a two-drop, you trade and drop Juggler. If your opponent destroys it with a spell, it is still OK for you as he did not play a minion, allowing you to play more minions on an empty board.

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Guest AlmirRC

I managed to rank 14 more could most , he's very goodwink.png

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IDK what I am doing wrong, but I struggled to reach rank 15 (Oktober 2015 season). There are so many legend cards out there or decks with a hugh ammount of taunts. I never get the cards that are in this deck, that I would need at that time. With all the small damage minions in the deck, I am overrun at turn 7 or 8 for most of the time. (trading my whole board just to kill one of my oponents minnions seems rediculous) So I don't know how people get legend with this deck. I tried trading in the beginning or going straight to the face. I seem to even out my win-lose ratio at rank 16 to 15.

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I've been top 10 Legend with this deck on multiple occassions, so it is definitely viable. Although right now the Secret Paladin decks are a little more stable, there's still no reason why you shouldn't be able to get Legend with this deck is you are playing it well. As I always say to people, it's hard to point out your specific mistakes without seeing you play, but you will certainly be making some if you're stuck where you are.

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Sottle, thank you so much for this deck! I am an avid player of Hearthstone and this Aggro deck has helped me get to rank 4--higher than any rank I have ever managed; I've only been playing for about 4 months or so. Two months extensively.

Those of you saying that this deck isn't good need to practice and reflect on how you play. I know I am making this sound really zen-like and serious, but you are the one at fault.

I will admit it: I thought the same thing. It was to the point I thought HS was rigged. Lol I finally googled why I suck at Hearthsone, and found out that I was trading and facing at the wrong times. It was me--not the game or the deck. I had to check my ego at the door.

Keep practicing and you will get better.

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Guest Guest

Also, another ESSENTIAL aspect of this deck--and any deck for that matter--is making sure that you mulligan correctly. I cannot stress enough how important this is to master.

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I posted the previous comment as well. My bad I thought I was still signed in.

Anyway, Sottle I was wondering if you could offer some advice against Face Hunters and Control Warriors in regards to this deck..?

I seem to have the most trouble with them building armor and bringing on so much damage as a Hunter.

Any tips?


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Another thing: When I tilt like crazy I lose my ass. Today I started at 17 because of my finished rank from last season. I went up to rank 15 and then plummeted to rank 18. Any ideas of the cause? I need to get better at facing and trading for sure.

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Another thing: When I tilt like crazy I lose my ass. Today I started at 17 because of my finished rank from last season. I went up to rank 15 and then plummeted to rank 18. Any ideas of the cause? I need to get better at facing and trading for sure.


Can be because of your matchups. For example, Warriors and Priests are very favoured against aggro decks and facing a lot of them can lower your winrate. 

Yes, as you said, bad trading can often lose you the game. Aggro decks aren't as forgiving as some control decks (eg. Ramp/Taunt druid). Also, this deck is not updated with TGT cards. I recommend giving the TGT version a shot as well. You can also try the Secret Aggro Paladin.

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Yeah, I did play a LOT of Warriors and Priests.  I find that I do extremely well against Warlocks for some reason....Probably because they don't have time "to get everything setup.".



Thanks for the tips.  Oh, okay!  Sorry about that.  I'll work to change that.

Edited by Cadowyn

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Yeah, I did play a LOT of Warriors and Priests.  I find that I do extremely well against Warlocks for some reason....Probably because they don't have time "to get everything setup."


Also their hero power works in your favour. You should be favoured against Zoo, especially with Minibots. You should be even with Handlock and unfavoured against Demon Handlock. Anyway, you should adapt to the immediate meta by switching decks to achieve maximum winrate.


By the way, try to keep your thoughts in one post biggrin.png You can also edit your previous post.

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Don't know about now, but before TGT aggro pally vs zoo was very slightly unfavoured in my experience(maybe around 45%).

I tried both sides. As a Zoo (not the demon one) I feel unfavoured because I can't trade up and my hero power works in his favour. Before I included Shadowflame, I couldn't deal with Muster and other small minion. Not sure about Demonzoo though.

As an aggro pally, I was able to establish a board pretty quickly and if not, consecration saved me a lot of times. Shielded Minibots were just too good.

Also, might be because I used to use in the early season at lower ranks against unskilled players.

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