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Brawler's Guild - Dippy

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Guest Mawr

Did this fight as a monk. I started the fight by using Crackling Jade Lightning but quickly decided this was not a good strat.

So I killed it by running past Dippy hitting it with Jab, Keeping up Tiger Palm buff, Using Rising Sun Kick on cooldown and Blackout kick the rest of the time. Dippy died quite quickly and I took ZERO damage :)

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Guest Bellapal

As a Paladin, I found that using Judgement, Exorcism (make sure you do NOT have Mass Exorcism glyphed) and popping Avenging Wrath for Hammer of Wrath attacks worked just fine. Just kept moving in a circle around him and spamming those.

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Guest Tezzan


This is a easy one. DOT then Shadowfiend then spam instant cast and mindblast on cd

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Guest Denati

Frost DK.

As a frost DK very pretty much aversage gear , this fight was fairly easy. I popped army of the dead right when I entered the arena. Used outbreak, howling blast and death coil when avaiable.

Keep slowing him whit chains of ice to slow him down and just stay of of meleee range.

If you need healing summon your regular ghould and death pact.

All in all surprisingly easy fight.

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Guest Tyra

TG fury warrior bs dippy, I'm not sure if my gear just cheesed it but playing on the front foot and just beating him down so he gets pushed back and can't cast got me the win, 98k dps

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Warrior method:

General tactics (All fights):

Ideally you are wanting the Second Wind talent, along with Avatar, as it has the highest overall damage boost. (There are some fights where Bloodbath is better - But it will be stated further into this post on the "Fight-Specific Tactics" part).

You should also be making sure to, of course, have Mass Spell Reflection (As the other two Tier 5 talents can't affect you), and at least two Potion of Brawler's Might per fight.

Pre-potting with Potion of Brawler's Might is the best idea (Hence owning two per fight) and then using the next one as soon as it's ready, alongside all of your DPS cooldowns.

Most other benefits are negligible until higher up fights or your gear is lower than average (I'm working with full 463 or better gear - As that's what I had until reaching Rank 7).

Fight-Specific tactics (Dippy):

This fight is noticably easier as Fury than as Arms, as all auto-attacks and direct-damage abilities knock him back and interrupt his Peck ability (Which is a 1-hit ability with a melee range). However I did it myself as Arms so it is possible.

The way to do this is try to keep your rage as high as possible so that if he reaches melee range with you, you have an ability to throw at him in order to avoid death.

If you don't have enough rage, just use Heroic Throw, as that will also knock him back.

Be sure you don't get him against a wall, as if he is against a wall he won't be knocked back whenever he is hit.

This is a very simple fight if you can keep the hits landing, and if you're struggling as Arms, or even as Titan's Grip Fury, try grabbing a pair of weak 1-handed weapons from the Auction House or somewhere, and use Single-Minded Fury to reduce the threat even further, however then you might risk not having high enough damage to beat the enrage, but non-the-less, shouldn't be too hard.

- Wheelér, Saurfang EU

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Enhancement Shaman: Stay on the move and kite him like you would somebody in PvP. When he casts peck it will be interrupted because you're no longer standing where he cast at. Finished the fight easily on the first try with no problems. You'll be able to use all your maelstroms on lightning bolts. I did have Feral Spirit and Fire Elemental Totem up. I cant recall but I think I was just using unleashed fury and echo of the elements at that point.

Edited by Ryieahna
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Enhance Sham on Dippy (hell almost every fight)

Searing Totem


Elemental Mastery/Feral Spirit/Trinket Macro

FE Totem (or EE if FE is on CD)

Hero/Stormlash Macro (if it's available)

Only go into melee range for Lava Lash (if safe)


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Guest Grishnahk

WARRIOR: DPS gear, prot spec with single hander and shield. Shockwave, whirlwind, heroic throw when they're up but mainly used devastate. No cooldown. Faster weaker swings are your friend.

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A couple notes here from an iLvl 475 Shadow Priest who died a lot on Dippy.

1) The protective effect of Mind Flay is not (as I had thought from the guide) that it does enough damage to keep Dippy out of melee range, but that it damages often enough to interrupt every Peck. I had expected to be able to keep him out of range with it from the descriptions, instead it repeatedly knocked him back (interrupting Peck) and then he was back on top of me.

2) After I realized that MF was serving to interrupt not distance, I still found a Peck got through every now and then and killed me. Eventually I thought about the effects of Haste on Mind Flay, looked at my gear, and realized that the recent drops I'd been getting while in the Holy spec had way too much Mastery and too little Haste, and my stats had gotten unbalanced, with Haste down to just 7.5% rather than the 15% goal. I reforged a bunch of Mastery into Haste, got up to 10.8% or so, and that made the interrupting consistent.

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Guest Shendris

Very easy as a guardian/feral druid if you have heart of the wild. I was able to kill him with wrath spam before it wore off first try.

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Guest Amanda

Monks should use lvl 90 talent Invoke Xuen the White Tiger. Xuen will consistently knock back Dippy, making it exceptionally easy to avoid his melee or peck.

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Guest Gildur

As a Paladin I had a hard time beating him in Retribution so I instead switched to Holy and spammed Denounce on him. My gear was pretty bad at the time (barely had anything better than HC gear) but with cooldowns popped to get the cast time down and getting in a Judgement or Holy Shock in between casts I beat him easily without even having to move around.


That being said I'm having a hard time beating him on my warrior. Not sure what to do.

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Guest guest dest lock WoD

So, Does anyone have any advice for the destroy where they took out our instant cast move.  Every time I start to just get something off he has already cast his peck.  I've tried all my different demons.  Unable to stun, disorientate.  Little bigger is so fast that by the time I can get still to send off a spell he is already on me. any advice? tips? something?  warlocks no longer have an instant besides 2 conflagorates that aren't upby the time he gets back to me.


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Guest Shodan
  On 11/25/2014 at 6:36 AM, guest dest lock WoD said:

So, Does anyone have any advice for the destroy where they took out our instant cast move.  Every time I start to just get something off he has already cast his peck.  I've tried all my different demons.  Unable to stun, disorientate.  Little bigger is so fast that by the time I can get still to send off a spell he is already on me. any advice? tips? something?  warlocks no longer have an instant besides 2 conflagorates that aren't upby the time he gets back to me.


I did this as destro the other night.  use terrorguard pet, and KJ talent open with immolate, dont blow your conflags together.  basically one hit will knock dippy back far enough to get a cast of incinerate off, so conflag, incin, then move.  repeat this until you have full embers, pop your brawlers guild int potion, DI, and KJ and chaos bolt or shadoburn depending on his health while running away from dippy, get 4 off, and he should pretty much be dead at this point, but just keep the conflag/incin/move rotation up.  Also if you drop your demonic teleport when the fight starts you can use it to cross the arena and buy you enough distance to get 2-3 incinerates off before he gets close enough to you. 

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Guest Earthcrafter_warrior

As a fury warrior i took Unquenchable Thirst as a level 45 talent.  Whirlwind, bladestorm, ravager, heroic throw etc are all nice but when things are on cd, having one spell with no cooldown means that u can cast it faster than he can cast peck.  i knocked him down with bloodthirst, moved up a bit, and hit him again.  you could just wait for him to keep coming back to you but for more dps i ran him down.  and keep extra fury high just incase.  whirlwind has good range in case u find yourself facing away from him

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Guest NoFace

laugh.png Paladins


I just did this fight and it seems pretty clear that consecrate knocks the bugger down. At least in my Prot spec it does.


Ring of invincibility ftw.

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Guest rocsage

need update.

dippy is immune to stun; as a monk, I could not incapacitate him with paralysis or fists of fury.

and not all damage knocks him back, fist of fury does not,nor does subsequent hits from jade lightning.


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Guest Jahara

Super easy for an arcane mage since all spells basically push him back.  

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