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Brawler's Guild - Fran & Riddoh

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Did as arms warrior and Unholy DK.

First of all BOTH ar attackable at all times though you will want to kill riddoh first IMHO You can use AOE's and spread diseases and if you do they will be easier to deal with overall.

When you move out of the minefield you will want to look for a gap, the mines are active immediately they do not have a wait period to arm like many normally do. I used bladestorm and sweeping strikes to damage both mainly foccused on riddoh. When he died fran was below 50% health and then I just tried to beat him down and stay out of the mines.

As a DK spread your diseases with pestilence and drop Death and Decay. A bloodboil or two won't hurt either. Otherwise a pretty simple fight.

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Guest Chiikara

I did this as a BM hunter.

I used a turtle pet tank, and healed him as I stood back. The minefield never spawned on me and my pet didn't take any noticable damage. Thus, I just dps'd both of them down to about 20%, popped stampede and called it a day.

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Guest Murghar

Did this ad a Boomkin.

Trow your Ursol's Vortex at the very beginning of the fight and start the normal rotation with the starfall.

You can stand still and take both the Riddoh bomb and the Fran melee hit at least at the begining as you'll be able to manage dmg reduction with the barskin.

Once the starfall went off switch your celestial alignment and go starfall again.

Every time he net you wait for the mines, switch cat and run away.

Apply a nature's grasp get you hit, just move a little bit away and nuke.

Run around the room wait for the next barskin apply it, then stand and nuke and it should be down.


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Retribution Paladin

I recommend a build of 211223. Most of the talent options can be interchanged but this is my preferred method and makes good use of the burst that Rets have available. Remember that with a 2 minute enrage timer the T14 4 set bonus will not help, so if you have other pieces that are superior itemization use them instead. The 2 set bonus is still beneficial if you have it. As is the case with most fights in the brawlers guild you will be attacking the boss from the front a majority of the time which means being hit capped and expertise capped (up to the hard cap) is the best way to improve DPS. Since there are only two mobs in this fight Crusader Strike will still provide better overall damage than Hammer of the Righteous, but remember to use Hammer of the Righteous every 30 seconds to keep the Weakened Blows debuff up. Substitute Divine Storm as a finisher instead of Templar's Verdict. As you will be using Divine Storm in this fight make sure to use Glyph of Divine Storm for some free healing. I also like Glyph of Double Jeopardy as you will want to constantly switch between the two targets. Also Glyph of Divine Protection is good as additional protection against the melee damage you will be taking. When Riddoh uses Throw Net on you, Hand of Freedom out and move out of the radius of Goblin Device.

Edited by Tanek1

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Guest Chris W

I see no one has posted about this bosses ability called "Enraging flames". It is an aoe which damages for up to 50k per hit and cant be escaped from. I have tried killing Fran first, and also Riddoh, when ever I get either to close to death (apx 100k) the above ability takes place and kills me.

Is this bugged or what?

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I see no one has posted about this bosses ability called "Enraging flames". It is an aoe which damages for up to 50k per hit and cant be escaped from. I have tried killing Fran first, and also Riddoh, when ever I get either to close to death (apx 100k) the above ability takes place and kills me.

Is this bugged or what?

This is the 2-minute enrage timer, which is common to all the Brawler's Guild fights :P It simply means you need to kill them harder!

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Guest Destia

I play a blood death knight with a gear level of 475 (full gems and enchants). What I did was keep them both diseased with unholy strike and frost shock. i brought the big guy down to 1000k health, then switched to the little guy and took him to 200k, then switched back to the big guy, dropped him to about 100k, then killed the little guy, then the big one.

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Guest Kaars

I completed this fight on my WW Monk. I failed twice prior to completion for the same reason: When the net expires, and the mines have you surrounded, I wanted to spam Roll and escape the net - despite roll being charged, and the net free, spamming Roll DOES NOT allow you to escape safely every time. I had the most success with Flying Serpent Kick as an escape. When it was not charged, I was only able to escape by the skin of my teeth.

Since the roll mechanic is not reliable; I found that killing Riddoh first, and getting rid of the snare, was a priority. Keep moving... Fran will do zero damage if you continue to move around Riddoh. Once its down to Fran, just run circles around her and finish her.

Some minor notes on the fight:

I use Glyph of Touch of Death, and it was helpful to end Riddoh as quickly as possible.

Disable Riddoh ASAP, and keep it up while he is alive.

Touch of Karma is helpful when Riddoh closes in while you're snared.

Paralysis did not hold Riddoh still for very long. It seems that Fran will wake him up somehow.

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Warrior method:

General tactics (All fights):

Ideally you are wanting the Second Wind talent, along with Avatar, as it has the highest overall damage boost. (There are some fights where Bloodbath is better - But it will be stated further into this post on the "Fight-Specific Tactics" part).

You should also be making sure to, of course, have Mass Spell Reflection (As the other two Tier 5 talents can't affect you), and at least two Potion of Brawler's Might per fight.

Pre-potting with Potion of Brawler's Might is the best idea (Hence owning two per fight) and then using the next one as soon as it's ready, alongside all of your DPS cooldowns.

Most other benefits are negligible until higher up fights or your gear is lower than average (I'm working with full 463 or better gear - As that's what I had until reaching Rank 7).

Fight-Specific tactics (Fran & Riddoh):

This fight is against a Hobgoblin (Riddoh) with Fran (A goblin) riding on his back.

The main threat of this fight is Riddoh's net combined with Fran's minefield abilities, initially you will be immobilized by the net that Riddoh will throw at you, which lasts for 5 seconds, and then with about 2 seconds remaining, Fran will surround you with mines, each of which will do 80k damage to you if you're too close upon explosion - The way to deal with this is to run out of one of the gaps between mines as soon as you are able to move, as they detonate after a few seconds, or when stepped on.

The next threat is Fran's Throw Dynamite ability, which does quite a lot of damage for his basic attack, but if you keep moving around (While you can), it's damage can mostly be ignored.

Finally, the kill order is pretty vital - If you kill Riddoh first, Fran will Throw Dynamite far more often than before, but it is still avoidable - And he will still conjure circles of mines around you every so often, which are just as deadly as before, but more easily avoided due to the lack of Riddoh's net.

If you kill Fran first, though, Riddoh will enrage and deal 250% increased damage until either of you are dead, and will still net you every so often, making kiting him much more difficult if this is your chosen path.

If your damage is high enough, I recommend killing Fran first, to remove most of the incoming damage, and as soon as he dies, use all of your DPS cooldowns, along with Die by the Sword, and beat up Riddoh as quickly as possible - If he dies fast enough, you'll be fine, if not, you probably won't.

If your damage is questionable or you aren't comfortable with the above method, beat up Riddoh first, kill him as fast as you can, and then run in circles around Fran with your eyes open for the minefield, making sure you get away from it until it explodes.

Of course, if you prioritize Fran, and you are arms specced, useSweeping Strikes to put some damage into Riddoh before he dies. However, if you do target Riddoh first, don't, as there's a distinct threat of Fran dying first, causing Riddoh's damage output to increase and maybe result in your death, as Fran has much lower health than Riddoh.

- Wheelér, Saurfang EU

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Here is what I did for this fight as a Windwalker Monk.

When Fran and Riddoh become active, I activated my ability_monk_summontigerstatue.jpgInvoke Xuen, the White Tiger and had him target Riddoh. Then I switched to Fran and started to DPS him down. While Xuen is up Riddoh will target him with Throw Net so you only have to deal with the Land Mines without being trapped.

Later on when Xuen despawns you will get trapped by the net and surrounded by the land mines. Once I was free I would roll out then either roll back in after the explosion or use ability_monk_flyingdragonkick.jpgFlying Serpent Kick to get back into melee range.

Then I just watched Fran and Riddoh's HP and DPS'd them down together. Once they are close to dying I spammed ability_monk_cranekick_new.jpgSpinning Crane Kick until they both were dead.

Alternatively you could bring one down with your normal rotation then switch to the other and use ability_monk_touchofdeath.jpgTouch of Death to finish him off quickly.

Edited by Shimm3rADG

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Guest Zynemorg

I can say the rogue section needs to be updated after patch 5.2. Blade Furey no longer works. When Rddoh dies Fran still has 75% health. Will update when I mange to kill the bastards.

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General notes:

- The guide says "We advise you to make Riddoh and Fran die at the same time" - for dumbos like me this should be more explicit and say "You need to watch Riddoh & Fran's health and switch between them so that they die at about the same time." Posted Image

- If you have key non-instant spells with short cast times, save them for when you are rooted by the net. Must be short enough that you can escape in time, of course.

Shadow Priest notes:

- You can buy (a little) time out of melee range for healing with Psychic Scream & Void Tendrils.

- SW:P is obviously key as an instant cast you can use while dodging.

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