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MH - OH enha question

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I have a question relating shamans weapons. I usually keep my stronger weapon on my Main Hand but I heard some ppl who are saying that keeping the stronger on Off Hand is better, what do you guys think?

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I've honestly seen many shamans doing it both ways.

Enh is my offspec that I dont really play much so I may not be the best person to answer your questions, though I saw you posted this a bit ago and wanted to provide some input. 


Your main 2 damage spells Lava Lash & Stormstrike, along with passive Enhanced Weapons - all do things to your Off-hand, but the damage increase to your Main-hand is still greater.  


If you look at the talent descriptions for all 3 on the left side:

LL from your OH can deal 4,877 dmg

SS deals 12,448 MH dmg and 3,393 OH dmg

EW has a 20% chance to trigger 3 extra attacks dealing 1,245 MH dmg, while OH attacks cause 437 additional fire dmg. 


The math alone - MH does more dmg. I would keep the higher dps weapon in your MH. 

Edited by Toulip

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I have a question relating shamans weapons. I usually keep my stronger weapon on my Main Hand but I heard some ppl who are saying that keeping the stronger on Off Hand is better, what do you guys think?

Hey, it is a bit wierd but yea OH should be your better weapon. I have two very similar weapons (HM mythic 685 ilv and BRF HC WF 686) but I can give you example:

       MH better                   OH better          Result for better OH

SS   18260/9112               18222/9131       -38 MH + 29 OH = -9

LL    18898                       18938               +40

DMG 4530-5181               4524-5168        avg difference -10

result is = -9+40-10 = +21 - with those similar weapons is dmge difference really low, but yea better score for stronger OH.

That EW is really not reason for keeping stronger OH... in my case the difference is only 4 and to be honest 20% is really low chance. Do not forget that LL has only 8-9 sec CD and LL resets a lot thanks Improved Flame Shock so the EW cannot beat it.

Edited by Ogiexie

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Well how about you throw in a combat log of many minutes from gruul and say maidens  in heroic and compare numbers if it was main hand and if it was offhand everything.


Because in your "numbers" you are not showing any EW dmg?


And in cases of AE like maidens, you usually skip many lava lashes because stormstrike produces way more many Maelstrom weapon stacks between your fire novas. There is no way a stronger offhand to help in that battle  more than being in main hand.


Just saying my few words.

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