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Resto trinkets ( need help choosing one )

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Hello, Gigawatt.

When it comes to Spirit, I can talk only about my personal preferences because different people feel comfortable with different amount of Spirit.

I see that you still have Spirit in all the possible slots and on the weapon enchant. Are you struggling with mana management?

I'd use Winged Hourglass, especially after 6.1 when we would be able to upgrade it to the stage 4.

I wouldn't use any of your other trinkets though. Trinkets without hard Intellect feels to me like a pure throughput loss: I'd better manage my mana and spells wisely rather than stack Spirit.

Any Int trinket with haste, multistrike or spirit proc would be better than Spirit trinkets in my opinion. But once more - it's my personal preference.

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Thank you so much for the reply. I don't really struggle with mana to bad maybe like towards the very very end of some fights in Heroic BRF (BeastLord). Should I replace my weapon enchant to something like mastery ? So your saying look for trinkets with passive Int on it?

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Yes, I would definitely go for the Mastery on weapon.

Actually, if you want it a bit more complicated and have 2 weapons that you can use, enchant one with Mastery and the other one with Haste. You can use Mastery for progress and heavy damage fights, Haste for the farm and low damage where resto shamans are not able to fully benefit from the Mastery.


Trinkets (except Winged Hourglass stage 4):

My first choice in BRF HC is Darmac's Unstable Talisman. Blackiron Micro Crucible is okay too. I would keep Ironspike Chew Toy for long mana demanding fights.

In Highmaul they are Shards of Nothing and Quiescent Runestone.


Once more - I know that I completely ignored trinkets with hard Spirit, so if you prefer playing safe with mana, you choice might be different.

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I'll take this post for a little questen because I don't want to open another thread for it.


I hear more and more resto shamans saying that they want to have the tank trinket from hans & franz cause of the massive amount of mastery but I dont know what I should think of it.



I'm currently running with the furnance hc und imp hc trinket and planned to change the imp trinket with the beastlord one, but now I'm not sure again.

I'm also thinking about buying the candle, since most of the top guilds healer are using it. Will it be only bis for progress until you get your mythic ones or will it last the whole raid ?


(sry op again for taking this thread)

Edited by Bya

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I hear more and more resto shamans saying that they want to have the tank trinket from hans & franz cause of the massive amount of mastery but I dont know what I should think of it.


Hm. It's a bit weird because in WoD primary stats (Intellect for a resto shaman) are more than doubled in stat weight above the secondaries. I am not sure that trading more than 300 Int from BRF HC trinkets for 420 mastery is a very good idea, especially if your raid group is not doing very fast and serious progression when the raid is constantly low of HP.

The second problem that I can see with this trinket is that only one secondary stat (mastery) is useful here for a shaman, while any 'normal' healing trinket has a hard stat (Int or Spirit) and an additional secondary stat's proc.


Maybe saying shamans have their reasons for what they are doing like some specific tweaks or games with setup on progress fights, but in normal circumstances I wouldn't recommend this trinket as a better one.

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I hear more and more resto shamans saying that they want to have the tank trinket from hans & franz cause of the massive amount of mastery but I dont know what I should think of it.

News to me. I find that pretty hard to believe to be honest


Quick dirty way I rank trinkets

1. Static Int on on use int

2. Spirit procs or static doesnt matter

3. Static other stats or on use

4. int or stat procs


Futher up the list the better it is

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intellect is so much more valuable than ratings that you should almost always choose static int if you reasonably can (i.e. you aren't dropping 30 ilvls or something.)  I also don't particularly care for throughtput procs or on-uses, just because they have such a high chance of being wasted.


To be honest I think I would probably use the 670 mark/hourglass over the mythic emblem, but I haven't worked out the value of the emblem in a while so it might be closer than I remember.  The argument in favor of the emblem would be that you can use the haste for HTT, but when I was using the mythic shards of nothing for this it seemed to mostly just cause HTT to overheal more.


The candle is good enough to last you well into mythic raiding; it will arguably be outclassed by mythic BRF trinkets, but will still be a strong #2 choice behind the mythic chew toy.

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I did not realize haste effected HTT either... Right now I'm using lvl 3 Hourglass and mythic warf Mark. I rarely seem to have mana issues. H Blast Furnace seems to be the first fight that has given me mana issues. Course we just downed it on Tues, same day new talent came out and I dont think I EB enough that fight, new charges and chances to RT, UL effecting my global CD. 

I think I may swap out my Mark for H Shards for the Int. Hate losing the ilvl, but if it helps overall in the end ilvl doesnt matter. 

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I did not realize haste effected HTT either... Right now I'm using lvl 3 Hourglass and mythic warf Mark. I rarely seem to have mana issues. H Blast Furnace seems to be the first fight that has given me mana issues. Course we just downed it on Tues, same day new talent came out and I dont think I EB enough that fight, new charges and chances to RT, UL effecting my global CD. 

I think I may swap out my Mark for H Shards for the Int. Hate losing the ilvl, but if it helps overall in the end ilvl doesnt matter. 

Ya very true , I have some 655 trinkets with passive INT on them maybe I should keep my stage 3 WIngedHG and a 655 passive int trinket than my Mythic Trinket :( 

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Last night I tested using my Hourglass and Shards trinket on Iron Maidens - our Heroic kill was 12m27s.

Dropping my Mark trinket I lost 500 spirit and I was going OOM every 3min of the fight; I did not like this, changed trinkets back immediately after this fight.

I would rather be able to spam all my healing spells and not have to worry about mana. Granted 2nd to last kill of the night I got my 4pc set bonus so I may try this trinket again since my CH will have a chance to cost less mana and maybe try it on a shorter fight. 

Plus the Herb trader finally came to our server yesterday so now I can upgrade my Hourglass to lvl 4. 

Edited by Toulip

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I plan on using stage 4 hourglass and ironspike chew toy for blast furnace this week.  I was plum out of mana as we went into phase 3 and already had a full channeled mana pot downed.  Luckily I died and ANK was up, free mana return!


I've been lucky with trinkets and have the Goren, Mythic shards, stage 4 hourglass, and heroic ironspike chew toy.


Typically I run mythic shards and pop the haste cd w/ HTT or ascendance during heavy damage spike phases.  I really need the mana on blast furnace though.

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Agree blast furnace takes most of my mana more than any other fight. 


Been rolling every week on Beastlord but no luck on the trinket yet. Our Druid has the toy along with mythic auto-repairing autoclave, our monk healer got the normal version of the autoclave last night. I think this would be a good option to take too. 


Found the Everburning Candle for sale for 60k+ still not sure if this is really worth that much gold with everything else that is out at the moment?? 

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Found the Everburning Candle for sale for 60k+ still not sure if this is really worth that much gold with everything else that is out at the moment?? 

I will go with stage 4 Hourglass and the Beastlord trinket.

While the Candle is very good, its price seems ridiculous (same 60K on my server).

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the difference isn't so huge if you consider the actual total cost of the hourglass; 60 bloods, 550 paints, 110 sorcerous-es, eight cards for the initial craft.  On my server (proudmoore) that's probably ~40k worth of mats even at current prices.


of course, slowly upgrading the hourglass reduces sticker shock a bit vs. just shelling out 50-60k for the candle

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Please pay attention, guys, that in 6.1 all the items without Spirit were removed for healers spec rolls (bonus rolls, personal rolls) for slots where spirit is available.

So if you want to do a bonus roll for throughput trinket, check your roll spec.

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That change is so annoying for bosses where you need both a spirit item and another trinket without spirit.  You basically only get a chance at one set of loot.  Can't believe they changed this :(

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If Stoove could redo his maths on his blog since the Ilvl upgrade and buff on spirit trinkets, I would be so grateful!


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So, what about Stone of Fire for resto? Static versatility, massive Int proc, and enhanced pots, so a little bit of regen as well? I know I'm using the 640 version for leveling (it procs almost every pull, so massive damage gain while solo questing). But should I bother with it for raiding?

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Well, as far as I know, stage 4 Stone of Fire (680 ilvl) is not bad and with 40% additional mana from pots could be accounted for about 100 hard Spirit. It is competitive against the Candle and could be used in Normal and HC raiding in BRF.

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Please pay attention, guys, that in 6.1 all the items without Spirit were removed for healers spec rolls (bonus rolls, personal rolls) for slots where spirit is available.

So if you want to do a bonus roll for throughput trinket, check your roll spec.


any idea why this change was implemented? also all healer classes have a way to cheat by changing the specs except for paladins and monks.. don't you believe this is slightly impartial? 

and these hard intellect trinkets proc only via attacks and not general spells/heals .. How viable are they? Don't they also force people spec into one particular play style eg: elemental blast or holy prism (paladins) just to make the trinkets proc.

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any idea why this change was implemented? also all healer classes have a way to cheat by changing the specs except for paladins and monks.. don't you believe this is slightly impartial? 

and these hard intellect trinkets proc only via attacks and not general spells/heals .. How viable are they? Don't they also force people spec into one particular play style eg: elemental blast or holy prism (paladins) just to make the trinkets proc.


Well, Blizz didn't ask my opinion when doing this change :-/

The explanation though was like this: the change was implemented for tanks and healers, e.g. for Bonus Armor and Spirit stats - the best stats for tanks and healers (in Blizz opinion).

Meaning that after 6.1 tanks wouldn't get on bonus rolls or followers missions gear pieces without Bonus Armor and healers wouldn't get pieces without Spirit (for neck, back, rings, trinkets slots).

The fact that Spirit starts to be pretty useless the deeper into expansion we are... well, most of the healers just shrugged and switched loot spec to dps. And we mourn together with paladins and monks who can't do this.


About the second part of your post: you are not right here - all these trinkets proc from healing too.

Proof: Hotfixed on 10 February 2015: (source:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/165616 ... -2-10-2015)

Darmac's Unstable Talisman, Furyheart Talisman, and Goren Soul Repository can now trigger its effect from heals as well.

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