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[Arcane] Facing Guild Kick - DPS help

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You stop using AM at 65%, at which point it's only 3 arcane blasts until 50% mana, at which point you evocate. You don't risk munching anything, at least not before ending your burn phase. You may mucnh one missile proc while building to 4 stacks again, but that chance is very low and means you were lucky anyway. 


My burn phase explanation in more detail is here: http://altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1455#post-anchor-rotation

so, we still do cast AM if at 3 stacks bellow 65%, right? ( otherwise I think the chance of munching is over 27%)

the only difference will be camping 2 procs ( if lucky enough) for next conserve phase.

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so, we still do cast AM if at 3 stacks bellow 65%, right? ( otherwise I think the chance of munching is over 27%)

the only difference will be camping 2 procs ( if lucky enough) for next conserve phase.


You shouldn't have 3 stacks when you drop below 65% mana, because you're using them as soon as you get them before then.. "worst" (also best) case scenario the 3 casts to get you from 65% to 50% mana give you AM, and you don't use those until 3 stacks of arcane charges when back at 90% mana after evocation.

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Alright!  As per yesterday, new raid logs.  Must say, there's a couple of really nice fights.
BUT!  I'm still getting flummoxed when it comes to moving around.


Might look at more macro changes.  


Along with our discussions, I was basically burning down to 50%, AM's if they proc'd during burn was only cast above 65% mana (or at least tried) - there were a couple of cases where I blew Barrage either too soon, or before evocation, which really pissed me off.  Then occasionally, i would cast AM directly after a barrage, as it proc'd from it,  which is wrong! so many regret fights yesterday.

HOWEVER!  My DPS has improved with my UI changes!!

Edited by RoseyNZ

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Gruul                  -                28485.5

Oregorger          20024.8    14713.8

Blast Furnace    24191.4     22723

Hans & Franz    22192.7     26576.8

Flamebender     24496.5    31387.9

Kromag              25581.1    27221.9

Beastlord           24479.3    30787.8

Train                  26209.5    11676.8 

Iron Maidens     15753.4     22743.9

Black Hand        6854.1      16 / 18 / 19k


During Oregorger, I was pinging at 2k ms home Latency.  I had to reboot the router after blast furnace.  Which as you can see made a difference For the rest of the run.

I got sat on Blackhand, as people were dying (not me) dps on these fights were lame, as we called wipe & reset so i stopped casting & waited to die, meaning my DPS was dropping (at least that's how I view it) 

The ones where i'm getting mid teen dps, was due to being dead way too early.

Edited by RoseyNZ

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I looked at your Gruul fight. Let's see the bright side : you went from 20k on butcher (where you don't move at all) to almost 30k on Gruul (where you move a bit more)


-You should use RoP and not IF (!!!!)
-You used arcane power only once (well, for your defense, the fight didnt last much more than three minutes smile.png )

-But you didnt use your second burn phase at 1.30, since you did not use evocation

-You forgot to use some arcane missiles since you got capped at three stacks for 30 seconds.


If you had enough time for that second arcane power, and if you had burned your mana on your second PC, your DPS would have jumped quite a bit.


I usually don't record my logs but i can try to do it tonight to see how much i do on Gruul (i must be a bit above 676 ilvl with the gear buff, did not check so far).

Edited by tapif

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Yes!  on RoP - several Guildies have mentioned RoP vs IF.  At the moment I feel that RoP is great for not much movement fights (ie Gruul) - but looking at AskMrRobot, it was pointed out that IF is the more often used talent by the top 5% of Mage DPS.  


When I raid, I have a website up with a list of the best talents for that fight.  I just need to remember to change them before the fight starts.  This comes down to a better head space and being 100% engaged in the raid.  Which I'm really working on.


Arcane Power - I started playing around with Macros for this, in order to trigger as many things as possible, with as few clicks/presses as possible.  If anyone has suggestions on Macros for Arcane Power / Trinket / PC / PoM etc, that would be great.


My burn phase got a bit messed up with getting petrification - which leads me to another point that I find strange & perhaps I don't understand.  I've been in a burn phase, down to around 60% when I'm looking to do Evocation, when I stop to move due to mechanics, all of a sudden, my mana jumps to 80~% -- I'm not sure if it's a skill, talent, or buff or something, but it's not the same (or at least doesn't seem like it is) as normal mana regen.


Missiles i'm actively working on - it's been a bane, as I go hell for leather with Blast, I forget about AM, or get a bunch of procs quickly.  I am normally spamming my buttons, so i start casting AB before my UI shows an AM proc from last AB cast.  

One thing other DPS from guild have said is one of my big issues, is lack of ABC (always be casting) - which I have trouble with IcyFloes & Casting.  Again, this could be changed with Macro, or different button pressing. 


I'm probably going to do a couple of LFR's and possibly a premade on Monday.  I might record my fight and post it.  So people could see what i'm doing, in case it helps give hints & tips.


Does anyone have a Mod/WeakAura or something that would be good to show Arcane Power off cooldown, and something for Evocate getting close to cool down.

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Another week down, this time we 1 shotted all the Heroic BRF bosses & I survived Every. Last. One!

I even got 90% Rank on Hans & Franz! 




Biggest issue this week:  Movement vs Casting.


Loot: New trinket (from 670 to 685) - 4pc set bonus! (also have gloves now to make 5 pieces, but my current gloves have leech & socket, so i'm keeping those ones on.  But it's nice to be able to swap out items if something else comes along


Downside: Still have crappy Belt! On the fights that require movement, Blast Furnace, Blackhand, Iron Maidens, Operator, I'm still having issues with getting casts off vs staying alive.


Gruul: I find for some reason I'm getting petrify 1st up, which breaks my burn phase from pull, meaning I get mana back from regen which pushes my burn phase out, which causes more Missile procs.  Aside from that, I believe I'm losing DPS as I get stunned while my buffs are up and they drop off before I can really get much use.  

I feel I should burn no matter what, on the pull, if I get petrified, should I start another burn phase (no cooldowns active) and then Evocate & Conserve, or should I just head into a conserve phase?  Alternatively, is there a way to drop Petrify with IB/Invis/Greater Invis?

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Nice improvement, gkick averted!


Yup!  Getting there!  I'm practising when I can as well. So I'm doing Normal HM/BRF, LFR's, Heroic HM as well.

New UI has helped a lot!  With Mana %, & proc's/countdowns for CoolDowns etc.  2 & 4 piece Tier set was pretty helpful too.

Now I just have to beat some other DPS on our weekly Heroic BRF clear, in order to get into the Mythic team.  Or alternatively, get some accounts banned or something :p hehehe - I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that.


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That might be better, I can't see how to upload into "my media" - can't even figure out how i uploaded the last one I had.

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I like it, it is quite smooth.


One question however : how do you track your arcane chages? Only with the small icon on the left of your mana bar? Maybe this is too small, don't you think? But after all, after some practice, you know how many arcane charges you have. 


I personnally use a combo point add on (i think it is nugcombobar), which I find better than the regular arcane charge debuff. After all, arcane charges is a sort of combo point system :)


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One question however : how do you track your arcane chages? Only with the small icon on the left of your mana bar? Maybe this is too small, don't you think? But after all, after some practice, you know how many arcane charges you have. 



Right under my character in the middle, above the cooldown icons & Mana bar, are 4 small blue boxes, thats 1 per AC.  First proc = 1 box, 2nd=2 etc.  

The cooldowns on the left, along with the arcane missiles window above them are part of Scorchio2,  which I'm thinking of getting rid of.

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Some weird things popped up in this thread.


Never ever ever use PoM for RoP. PoM is used at the last second of Prismatic Crystal to make sure you get an extra AB on it.


The Number of Missile procs you have is unimportant for whether you should cast them or not. Casting missiles is determined by your mana level and Supernova availability (also maybe if PC is coming off CD in 2 seconds).


During burn phase you do still cast arcane missiles. At 4 Arcane charges Arcane Missiles deals more damage than Supernova which deals more damage than Arcane Blast.


The 70% mark is artificial; it's made to shorten your burn phase in order for outstanding situations where you get a bunch of procs don't make everything go out of sync.


This is all i've read till now that reaaally popped up.

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Gruul > Beastlord - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/kAX8zPBbw1T2r7gc

Operator > Blackhand - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/r37gHG9Jjcvw24Vb


After Gruul - got singled out for my vast improvement.  YAY!  

As you can see, my rank is up there on the static fights, but still having issues with the high movement fights.  

Even Iron Maidens was crap & there's not that much movement. (except the end, which seems to go crazy).


Also picked up 4 BiS's yesterday!  Legs, Staff, Trinket & Cloak.

Edited by RoseyNZ

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Nononononono, don't do this.


You use your arcane missiles whenever you're below 93% mana and above 65% mana, even during burn phase. (as long as you have 4 stacks of arcane charges)

Wait... use ALL your arcane missiles? Like in a row or Just one?

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Use them all, until you get above 93%, in theory, this should only take 1 AM to get you over 93%.  However, if it doesn't, due to too many casts of something, you might need 2 or three. 


During Burn phase, I've found it better to cast Blast until 3 stacks, then use ALL AM procs, then burn down to 50% & Evocate.  However, this also comes down to RNG/Luck on AM proc timing.  I've cycled through 4 blasts, Barrage to reset x2 before getting a single Missile proc.  But i've also had 3 procs from 4 blast casts as well.

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Newest logs - Heroic BRF again.  Due to stupid Maintanence last night, we didn't get Blackhand down.

We've gotten to the point of having a couple of well geared Alts in the raid, as long as they pull their weight.

So although i'm no longer bottom (mostly) - I'm generally beating Alts, however, there are some good raiders that i'm beating on some fights.


Also, i've put together a spreadsheet for tracking.


Zantaltik's Performance in BRF

Edited by RoseyNZ

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