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[Archived] S20 Hearthstone Legendary Demonlock GvG

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Guest Jyoeru

This deck simply doesn't perform very well.  I have everything but Sylvanis, and of the 20 matches I've used this deck for (rank 17-16), I lose 80% of the matches.  The reason is due to the mulligan rarely ever panning out.  I might be making some bad trades here and there, and I have made some mistakes, but the loss rate is super high against solid mech/zoo decks and a lot of the control decks.  Frequently, I find myself sitting at <10 health by turn 5 with all my minions murdered, enemy at full health.  

The doom guard pops at the wrong time, the voidcaller frequently gets popped with another one, so my trades end up being voidcaller for voidcaller.  I have seen Mal'Ganis pop about 2 times in 20 matches, but Jaraxus has popped about 60% of the time.  My AOE is almost NEVER up when I need it.  Neither is the Game Hunter.  That's all luck of the draw, I realize.

But this deck almost demands a certain mulligan and certain draw order.  The matches end up taking a long time just to end up basically hoping to topdeck and frequently not.  

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I don't know what to tell you, other than the deck is good. This deck or small variations there of, has been played by the winner of the ESL Legendary Series, gone from Rank 16 to Legend on the first day of the season piloted by Xixo, and been used by many other high level players in competitive play.

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Guest Lemegethon

Im playing this deck and im at rank 5 atm. Its really fun to play! I recently made a small change removing 1 implosion and adding 1 Void Terror for the Deathrattle synergy (Sylvannas/Eggs/Voidcaller) and also for the possibility the buff something small that would die otherwise (like an imp) and have a big minion early so that it can either add pressure to the opponent or make them use their removal so that my big minions have a better chance of survival. 
Do you think that this would work or are 2 implosions really necessary?

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I like two Implosion, but the Void Terror idea doesn't sound terrible. I'd maybe try cutting a Voidwalker instead of an Implosion and see how that works out.

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Guest Guest

I don't think this deck is so great, either.  I played 30 games today.  I won 5.  First game I won because my opponent was disconnected.  Second game I won my opponent resigned after the draw (probably bad mulligan).  Third game I won my opponent left mid game - he was ahead at the time.  Fourth game I won was exactly like the fourth.  It was only the last game that I won where my opponent conceded... and I think if he'd stuck it out he might have won.


In each game I played, the Lord Jaraxis was the first demon drawn (other than the void terrors) and came out first... and was quickly dispatched.  A warrior damaging it with a 1/1 and then an execute was my second favorite topped only by the opponent who played a blade (I forget the name of it) that proceeded to do one point of damage to LordJar repeatedly until it died.


In my opinion, either I had really, really bad luck for 30 games... or this deck is bad.

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Do I just copy/paste my post from above? :P

There is a third option though, you're not playing correctly.

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Guest Wilhelm

What do you think about adding two void terrors, 2 sludge belchers, 1 more healbot and removing 2 succubus, 2 abusive sergeants and 1 implosion.

I find this deck very vulnerable against early pressure

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Guest campy

2 void terros is too much since there wont be enough buffs in the deck to make it usefull every time. One can be alright.Sludge belcher can be a good addition but getting rid of early game monsters for it is like committing suicide especially if you are playing a zerg hunter. One sludge belcher should work though. As far as another healbot I do not think it is needed since it is an emergency heal or nothing else to play card, and seccond one won't be nearly as effective in preventing you from dying.


As far as which cards to remove, one voidwalker, one loatheb (to keep good mana curve with addition of mid range mana monsters), and one implosion are best candidates.


Many might not like that I added loatheb to the list, but I feel that he is only trully usefull when playing against rogues and warlocks, especially since most don't use spells the deck cannot deal with in other ways. Sludge belcher can serve similar role as Loatheb when it comes down to slowing your opponents pace.


Anyway this is just my opinion, and I hope it helps


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Guest Nosk

Testing out this deck and I've had good luck with it so far but for the first time today I was able to use void caller to summon Jaraxus.  I noticed, to my dismay, that when Jaraxus was summoned, the battlecry didn't proc.  So is this expected behavior?  Sorry if this is a newb question.

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Yep, that's the expected behaviour. Getting a 3/15 on the board is still really beneficial for you, you shouldn't be afraid of it.

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Guest joppwnt

I actually like the deck quite a bit, yet unfortunately i do not have acces to Mal'ganis and sylvanas. I now play one extra hell fire and cairne as substitutes (hell fire because of the high number of aggro decks). Would you recommend an other solution? 

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Seems ok, the 2nd Hellfire is totally fine, there might be better options than Cairne, but hard to know without knowing your card collection.

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Guest Oztille

malygos would be a great card for this deck for hellfire, imp-losion and all other spells because imp-losion spawns imps for the damage dealt and it's a spell so it would be great with 5+ dmg so you can spawn 7-9 imps


a very powerfull play in late game is that if you have malygos from the last round you put mal'ganis and if he doesn't kill any of those two you put imp-losion and there you have a full board of 3/3 imps

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The amount of "ifs" involved in that scenario is pretty huge. If you get any 9 Mana card to stick to the board for a turn, you just win, Malygos isn't special in that regard. The reason those types of things aren't common is that it's almost impossible to achieve consistently.

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Guest Blaice
  On 3/19/2015 at 4:32 PM, Lemegethon said:

Im playing this deck and im at rank 5 atm. Its really fun to play! I recently made a small change removing 1 implosion and adding 1 Void Terror for the Deathrattle synergy (Sylvannas/Eggs/Voidcaller) and also for the possibility the buff something small that would die otherwise (like an imp) and have a big minion early so that it can either add pressure to the opponent or make them use their removal so that my big minions have a better chance of survival. 

Do you think that this would work or are 2 implosions really necessary?

Great idea. I will most certainly be doing this as well! implosion is far too much RNG for my taste... 

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Guest Demanufactrr

By chance are there any youtube videos of this deck in play, I feel it is a very potent deck however needs to be played quite precise.

Thanks in advance!

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Guest Demanufactrr

So i've gained some really massive single turn damages by removing implosion and dark bomb and swapping them with demonfire and void terror. This has gotten me out of some late game dire situations and has also helped me establish a very strong early game presence by buffing my void walkers and giving me that cushion to develop a strong board!

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