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Any Resto pointers for Heroic Blackhand?

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We downed Heroic Blackhand on Wed 7min kill.


I feel like I can do better, but there is so much movement, especially in P1, I'm not sure how. Half the time in P1 it seems like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off - only being able to cast RT and UL. Can not stand there long enough during Demolition to even cast a HS unless I get lucky. I glyph for Grace of Focus but it seems like I'm lucky if I can get 1-2 CH off before it ends. People get knocked around the room putting them out of range by the time the cast goes off - wasting my entire cast/time. I try to stand behind Debris to heal but that doesnt work half the time either during Demo. I hit HTT for the 1st Demolition and then try to save my GoF and Asc for 2nd Demo. 2 SLT somewhere in between. P1 is the worst, is it just me? 


The 3 phases seem to get easier to heal as you get through them. I seem to get Marked for Death in P2 at least 2-3x. I'm not even standing on the edge of the room, I'm more in melee range, but dodging everything I end up all over the room. (Was told the farther away you stand from the Boss the more likely you are to get targeted by Mark.) I'll either hit my HTT in P2 or save it for P3, then Asc in beginning of P3 depending on damage of course. 


P3 is surprisingly pretty easy. Course I died on our kill from a slag mine because I was targeted w/ one - moved out of the way like I should, but then our monk healer w/ his own stood right on top of me and set them off killing us both.  


Looking for any situational suggestions. Thanks 

Edited by Toulip

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hey man, I feel your pain for P1 I kinda just take it on my stride first of all you running Chain heal glyph or not? If not get that glyph like ASAP I use that glyph on the majority of fights excluding like Oregorger Mythic. Secondly We cycle through foxes in Hyped on P1 so I usually save my SWG for the second demo. Also on the first demo we pop Fox+Hymn+HTT and that's where the majority of my healing comes from and also using RT and HST on CD, you can get like one or two casts off per demo if you want to dodge all the falling debris but tbh you just want to stay away from the large demo and you should be fine. If you're stacking enough mastery you're gonna be healing people for like 100-140K with chain heal on P1 when Demo hits even with other peoples cd's. Also the 2 set is super handy for this fight :P


P2 is the worst imo there is so much spread damage and its just crazy, I personally go up so I dont have to deal with P2 that much and just pop HST when I am down and getting into position for the next smash. Tank healing seems really good on that phase but we have a Hpala so forget about healing the tanks :P I normally pop another HTT somewhere in P2 and by the time the healing gets hard in P3 It's back off CD and I normally Insta top people with Ascendance transitioning into P3 using SWG to be able to cast while falling. Chain heal healing is so op on the fight It was 30% of my healing on Blackhand just because that 2 set is insane.


P3 double spirit link is literally the most op thing in the game here and also being able to throw it mid flight to hit more people can come really handy. Just cycle through CD's and keep up Chain heal HW HW and you should easily come close to top on the healing remembering to use HST on CD as well just try not to overlap with HTT otherwise its completely wasted ><


If you wanna know anything else just reply and I will see if I can help, hope this response helped you :) 

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P1: damage taken from the orange swirlies ('massive demolition' iirc) is relative to how far away from them you are; you potentially can stand and cast quite a bit during demolition as long as one of those does not drop near you.  The small white swirls do negligible damage and can mostly be ignored.


People should not really be getting knocked back in P1 aside from the tanks occasionally; the raid needs to be avoiding impales.


P2: won't lie, this phase sucks for us.  You basically just have to use HST/riptide and spam chain heal, and hope you get out of the phase before running out of mana.  Use your cooldowns toward the end of the phase (siegemaker 3-4), since the damage from snipers will be getting quite intense by then and you'll probably have at least a couple of impales out.


P3: surprisingly easy to heal once you get the positioning straight.  If impale is done right and bombs don't blow up the raid there is relatively little damage.

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Zandly - week before last I tried the fight w/ the Glyph of Chain Heal - but decided to drop it after a few attempts. I didnt like waiting to CH, 3 sec doesnt sound like long but when it gets crazy CH is my go-to spam button, especially now with the 4pc set bonus I wasnt sure I needed it. If you're highly recommending it though I can try it again this week and just HS more in between in P1. 

(Originally was CH glyph for Kromag too, but I seemed to heal more w/o it so I dropped it.)


We only have 1 hunter and he is supposed to Fox for the 2nd demo, doesnt always does when its called for and when he does most of the time I've already hit my SWfocus because he doesnt hit it quick enough. I may use SWG again too since I could really use the extra time.  

Here is my armory http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/turalyon/Toulip/simple I've got 85.28% mastery unbuffed. 


I was asked to go up first in P2, but we since then have a druid do it as they can get more heals off faster and our dps seems to not always go up on the same side so people are very spread out up there and I have LOS issues.

I did actually hit SWF transitioning into P3, did not combine with Asc - so I may need to remember to try that. I was saving Asc once we landed in P3 got boss positioned and HR first then Asc. I was going to try a HR, SLT, then Asc. I'm sure we wont 1-shot blackhand so I may try it both ways. 


Cheze - I know you cant stand near the big red demo, farther away the better. I thought the smaller demo was doing more damage to me like when there are 3-4 circles that form around me, but it must just be my range to red demo because I tend to die more in P1 trying to get a heal off. 


The P1 range issues - our first few attempts the RL was having the melee take the hit and go flying. Thank goodness this stopped this past week and its just the tanks now. Must just be people running around from demo getting out of range. 


I really dont have mana issues on this fight. I have been getting at least 7-10 EB casts in, I know I need to EB more, but goes back to having the 4pc, enough spirit, and still spamming my CH, I EB when I can. (Other fights like Iron Maidens I EB 30+ and Furnace 25+ times.)


With me not having mana issues I've been HS more than HW. With the buff to Tidal Waves I have been really trying to focus on casting HW more, but after looking at logs I still way HS more, so I still need to work on that. I cant help it though, especially with 4pc overall I still seem to CH the most (aside from RT which is usually always my #1).

I did notice my HST % dropped a little this past week. I'm not blaming but I'm guessing its because of EofE and 4pc that Im hitting other buttons more often as my HST used to be #2-3 for me and is now #3-5 on # of casts.

I hardly ever HW...maybe this is why my #s are low at times?? Who knows, we run with 2 priests, Hpal, druid and a monk when he shows up. Druid has been going dps the most, last week for the 1st time I went Enh for 1/2 of H BRF since we had so many healers. 


Hopefully our kill on likely Wed I'll have better #s and link them. 


Edited by Toulip

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We havent downed it yet and are dieing mid P2, but in P1 i seem to cope ok just staying away from the big demos, and chaining. We tranq+fox in demo1 and we tide+amp in demo 2, i then tend to walker+asc when we drop down into P2. As for people flying around, we go through phase1 with only 1 tank ever getting smashed up, and our priest is tasked with grabbing him, which works a treat.

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I was looking over some top posts and those guys are just spamming chain heal.  I can't for the life of me get good #s on this fight.  We are having a druid tranq the first demo and monk revivals 2nd.  This leaves my HTT almost useless, I've been dropping it in phase 2 when damage gets rough and its backup for phase 3.


I'm dropping spirit link 1 on each demo after 2nd big circle spawns, especially around a camp fire when demo is near and people are marked.


In phase 2 I was doing a lot of riptide + chain heal spam and still not getting good hps, I noticed that a lot of my chain heals were only hitting a few people, my average on our kill was 4.5 hits per chain heal which I would still say is better than riptide + healing wave spam.


Phase 3 is great for us, 2x spirit link is wonderful along with ascendance and tide being up I feel that, that is where I gain some HPS on the meters but its already so dismal from the first two phases.  I could probably spam chain heal a lot more as I'm not having any mana issues at all and next week I'm just going to spam my 1 button over and over again and see what happens.


Phase 1 we have 3 hunters so I just spam chain heal while fox / swg is up but with tranq and revival there still isn't much to heal after 2-3 chain heals on each demo.

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Still progressing on the fight but in phase one I tide on the first demo and for the second I pop assendance and get a BoP and spam chain heal.


If you get a BoP for one demo you can spiritwalk the other and free cast the entire phase.


BoP on the resto druid tranqing is first priority though

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We HTT for the 1st demo, I think we Tranq/Revival for the 2nd demo and then Amp as we transition. 


We did just recruit another ret pally so I very well could msg him and request a BoP for 2nd demo :) good idea Dean

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I have a really really Noob question I SLT before the damage comes right? not after ?

Like on Gruul before the Inferno Slice am I right ?


You should try and time it for both.  For gruul its very easy to watch the timer and drop the totem just before the slice happens.



For demolition on blackhand I've been waiting until I see the 2nd circle spawn and then I drop it somewhere slightly away from that circle, that way if anyone didn't get far enough away they can be saved by the totem.  


The other thing to watch for on the 2nd demo is marks coming out while people are running around to avoid the falling debris.   Sometimes they get by a campfire and big demo comes very close to it.  When this happens I drop SLT so that they can still stand by the camp fire and limit their damage.


I'm sure we could clean phase 1 up and would need to do it for mythic but we are far away from mythic.  I'm just glad we killed it on heroic :)

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you might consider using HTT/tranq for the demolitions, then using revival to heal the fall damage up


people debate glyph of chaining, but I really like it for this fight. The hard healing happens in P2 when the raid is spread all over.  If you're only averaging 4.5 hits with high tide you should at least give it a shot.

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