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Healing Officer + RSham

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Logs above^^


Hi all, 1st post here, i am healing officer in this guild, and only really know shamans (have followed this forum alot, Stoove+pando cheers!)


Could you critique my performance (Mercbeste) & on a secondary note i dont know anything really about how to play a drood, is our Rdrood underperforming? numbers say yes...but is there more too it.

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Nothing? was hoping someone would find something to improve on >.<


A secondary question, do people think the new echo provides a better option than the passive haste/instant cast? obviously the 2nd SL is a huge + but the echo and unleash charges seem negliable on output increase, so i am considering going back to swiftness as the general output>1 extra spirit link + occasional QOL on having an extra riptide available? Am torn...


Wonder what the passive 5% haste equates to in HPS if you consider optimum HS uptime/riptide on say a standard progression encounter of 7-8minutes, with no micro required versus the charges on echo.

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I'll chime in on my echo thoughts compared to your logs and one other thing that I can tell without looking deeper into logs.


You seem to be mostly spamming chain heal, which really isn't that bad in this content.  I see very little healing wave/healing surge usage.  If you continue this play style without the use of echo of the elements you will be wasting one of the perks of high tide which is the additional jump to 2 players that have riptide on them.  I find echo is much easier to play with now that you have riptide charges and can finish casting something else, knowing you haven't wasted a riptide proc.


In your logs almost all fights are 4.5-5 targets hit with chain heal on average.  With more riptides I believe you could have a higher # of people on average.



Healing Rain - On most of the fights you don't cast healing rain on CD or in some cases barely at all.  Flamebender is a great fight for healing rain but you only casted it twice.  I keep healing rain down on melee which heals the tanks, and anyone who ends up taking molten torrent damage.  You only casted it three times on this fight, it could easily be 10%+ of your healing.

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Cheers ^_^


I found with 4P that chainheal spam became my fallback standard play, in my older logs i utilised alot more healing wave, but now i find myself not really going to it often.


Point noted on riptide procs/echo making it easier to hit higher chain numbers.


Healing rain, i thought was only mana efficent if it had a reasonable number stood in it, i used to use it massively, but a disc in our lineup means lots of smaller damage is picked up by them, and on a fight like flamebender we have multimages/hunters/warlocks all with self mitigation of the molten thing, that often the mDPS group gets little damage for 30+secs, should i be still dropping it over the mDPS/tanks on CD still?

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Cheers happy.png


I found with 4P that chainheal spam became my fallback standard play, in my older logs i utilised alot more healing wave, but now i find myself not really going to it often.


Point noted on riptide procs/echo making it easier to hit higher chain numbers.


Healing rain, i thought was only mana efficent if it had a reasonable number stood in it, i used to use it massively, but a disc in our lineup means lots of smaller damage is picked up by them, and on a fight like flamebender we have multimages/hunters/warlocks all with self mitigation of the molten thing, that often the mDPS group gets little damage for 30+secs, should i be still dropping it over the mDPS/tanks on CD still?


I would still drop it.  Most logs show 10% or more healing coming from healing rain on this fight.  I also like to use ascendance during a firestorm if tide is on cooldown, that depends on your group though but if someone is eating a meteor around the wolf time that is a good place to pop it right after dropping healing rain as well.



Healing rain is actually really mana efficient now compared to back in cata from what I understand.

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During the 17 fights it's showing you did a total of 2k healing with your Spirit Link totem aka 0% use out of it. I highly recommend picking up Echo if you haven't already. There are several instances throughout heroic/mythic BRF where the 2 charges of spirit link come in handy. *Just checked my logs and it shows 0 spirit link heals also, so it must be bugged for both of us.


As someone said above, take echo for the extra riptide/unleash. Not only will your tanks thank you but you'll turn into a lifesaver for people who drop to near death. Anytime someone gets hit with a dot debuff, throw a riptide on them. The extra riptides out will give a major boost to your chain heal. You're missing out on roughly 35-45k in heals on every chain heal you cast.. If melee/tanks are grouped up and are taking more damage than range.. it helps to cast chain heal on a tank who has earth shield/riptide and have rt on several others in the group.. Anytime melee is grouped and taking consistent damage, drop a healing rain on them. 


If you have sufficient mana, 1200+ spirit, chewtoy/candle etc, and are using EB.. you can get by using a few Healing surges without it affecting your mana. 


I'm sure there's more but overall you're doing a decent job. Being paired up with a disc priest brings our numbers down considerably from what I've seen. 

Edited by rsham

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Just for note, i have been running echo since 6.1 i was just musing the options. On the spirit link, i am pretty liberal on usage, so i dont think that must be working? IE/ on those logs i have 29 uses in the 17 fights.


We spent last nights raid progressing beastlord mythic for first few hours, then we killed a few bosses on HC. We 3 healed 20m beastlord hc and i played with glyphing riptide, using ancestral not echo, and seeing what my output went like. Ended up in the low 40kHPS but felt like i was 4-5k short of comparable output when i ran echo/non glyphed riptide (and would do some extra heals on dispels as thats the glyph i swapped out (kept in HS and healing wave glyph)).


In mythic i found i rarely have time to unleash/single target heal tanks as by time the GCD is up then the cast is complete on the heal itself, either i waste a large % as tank have been healed by disc/hpala/rolling drood hots. So i tend to focus on "group healing" with 2 riptides on tanks, try and get 1 or 2 on whatever group is suffering mDPS or rDPS and then through chains in bursts to heal that damage, then fall back into routine of EB + rain up + riptides + odd wave on single damage targets when its quiet.


https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dRFqwV248gQLKHN7#boss=1694&wipes=1(logs of those tries on mythic BL etc)

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During the 17 fights it's showing you did a total of 2k healing with your Spirit Link totem aka 0% use out of it. 



Warcraftlogs don't count Spirit link healing, as it's not really a "heal", it re-organises health: 

"The totem reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. Every 1 sec, the health of all affected players is redistributed, such that all players are at the same percentage of maximum health. Lasts 6 sec."


I haven't raided mythic (unfortunately doubt I ever will) but if your looking at meters for healing, as a shaman I feel your wasting your time.   Whilst we can output big numbers on certain favorable encounters (butcher from my experience) The biggest question is if your failing healing as a team, rather than an individual.   Shaman healing from what I've seen relies mainly on the HP on the person your healing (first on a chain heal) the lower it is, the better the heal (awesome mastery ftw) 

and your healing will always be stolen by a holydin/disc/rdruid anyways because they have insta heals/quicker casts/can move and heal (I know shamans can to an extent but nothing in comparison) in my experience. 

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different meters (and log sites, I think) record spirit link differently.  Warcraftlogs usually records it as having done one point of net healing (I assume due to rounding), while skada (and iirc WoL) just record it's healing done without subtracting its 'damage' done.


it took me awhile to come around on echo of the elements, but I like it a lot now.  Looking back at pre-change logs vs. what I'm doing now, it's really increased my riptide usage a lot (I do miss NS sometimes though, wish they'd make that baseline for us.)  Too much of riptide's heal is in the initial hit for the glyph to be worth it any longer imo.


As far as log analysis, it'd be easier if you have specific questions.  Your percentiles aren't high on most heroic fights but that's not uncommon with a disc priest in the raid.  Spell usage doesn't look terrible.

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Cheers ^_^


I found with 4P that chainheal spam became my fallback standard play, in my older logs i utilised alot more healing wave, but now i find myself not really going to it often.


Point noted on riptide procs/echo making it easier to hit higher chain numbers.


Healing rain, i thought was only mana efficent if it had a reasonable number stood in it, i used to use it massively, but a disc in our lineup means lots of smaller damage is picked up by them, and on a fight like flamebender we have multimages/hunters/warlocks all with self mitigation of the molten thing, that often the mDPS group gets little damage for 30+secs, should i be still dropping it over the mDPS/tanks on CD still?

On fights where people are stacked I use healing rain plus conductivity. Conductivity can be seen as a mana saving talent but actually, every healing rain you don't have to recast is an extra chain heal you can keep on spamming. (Roughly). I have found this to provide more healing than the extra heal on hst if enough people are stacked in it consistently. If it is a fight where we move slightly like Oreo (depending on your groups strat I suppose) or imperator or tectus, I try to place it so that we can remain in it longer. Though Oreo is potentially i fight I would drop it for. I would agree though that some fights healing rain just does not seem casting compared to just continuing on chain healing.

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