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Optimizing elemental dps 6.1 - logs included

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This topic doesn't require a lot of information:

Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/5122817/latest#


Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/the-maelstrom/Volcanic/simple


I know my class, just wanting to tweak things a bit (I've not experimented with EQ singletarget yet). 

Any improvements?

Also I can see that my opener should be cast a bit earlier for full damage gained.



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I would highly recommend you check out Binklestein's guide for Elemental Shamans on WoWhead for any numerical questions you may have. But as far as making sure you're using everything up, it appears you are doing most everything correctly apart from two things.


First, making sure you are using BOTH elemental totems you have at your disposal. For your latest heroic parses, I saw zero casts of Fire Elemental Totem on Operator Thogar or Beastlord Darmac. Even with using Storm Elemental Totem and an unglyphed Fire Elemental Totem, you could have fit a cast of it in... and you also need to make sure that unless a phase or portion of the fight comes up where nothing is out that you cast the Fire Elemental with as little delay as possible if you're consistently running with Storm Elemental Totem. Many of the fights I saw on your latest parses had a large amount of delay (more than about a minute and twenty seconds) between the first cast of Storm Elemental Totem and the first cast of Fire Elemental Totem. If your character sheet is accurate and you're consistently running the Fire Elemental Totem glyph, you could have fit even more casts of the totem in. 


Second, I do not count two potion casts on most of the fights in the latest parses, the exception being Hans'gar and Franzok. Saving your potions for a burst period is fine but it is worse to have unused potions than wasted potions. It's not easy to do that, because you're often thinking about GCDs and the encounter mechanics. I do it all the time, so I know the motions of forgetting that potion... and I kick myself every time I forget to use the second one, but the second potion is JUST as important as the first. 


As far as gear goes, you look decent enough apart from incredibly high mastery. Mastery isn't terrible but its DPS value per point is rather small compared to critical strike or even haste. You do have your four set, which is good. 


Apart from that, there is nothing else I can really tell you. I'm hoping I left you with more answers than questions but please do not hesitate to let me know if I've failed to answer something or if I am in fact, wrong. 

Edited by Uthedicia

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Thank you for the precisely feedback. Yeah I guess i can fit in another elemental totem. I did not think about the second potion at all - which is weird as i got a macro. Guess I should check that one out aswell. 


Comments for my gear is pretty much that I've been (as many other people!) unlucky with my bonusrolls and caches - but hopefully my luck has turned as I got mythic trinket from Blackhand in my cache. 

I will post more logs in this topic when possible to see if any changes has happend. 


Thank you again,


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