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Resto healing in BRF N/HC: general strategy, talents, glyphs

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In my opinion, our healing style in BRF is heavily influenced by the introduction of the Tier 17 set bonuses and the change of the EotE talent in 6.1.


If you check recent WarcraftLogs, you’ll find that Cloudburst Totem usage has pretty much disappeared after 6.1 and remains in use mostly for resto Shamans who have not yet gotten their 2-piece bonus.


Frankly, it’s unsurprising. Our 2-piece bonus gives us something like a 20% chance to cast an additional Chain Heal alongside our primary one. It’s pretty awesome, especially in combination with High Tide and the redesigned EotE which allows us to easily manage 3 - 4 Riptides on the raid without Glyph of Riptide.  


It looks like it's much easier now to hit the numbers with Chain Heal rather than carefully manage CBT in order to receive its full benefit.


Before applying the Tier bonuses, we had to use Chain Heal very careful to keep the balance between its benefit and mana cost but still, it usually remained too expensive and overhealed in comparison with CBT.


Apart from this, looking into the logs, I saw that the standard percentage for CBT in Total Healing is around 7.5% (in the case of casting it on CD). However, not every Shaman is able to manage this properly. In this case, the CBT percentage drops to something between 4.5 - 5%.


In my opinion, it’s not a stretch to say that many Shamans felt relieved being able to remove one totem from their rotation.




Another recent major change was the redesign of the Echo of the Elements talent.


EotE is really good and competitive in combination with High Tide (which is pretty much a 'must have' with the Tier bonuses), providing us with additional empowered direct heals (with two charges of Unleash Life) and doubled raid CDs: two Spirit Link Totems without a 3 minute CD is awesome utility for any raid.


I would even go as far to say that the new EotE flexibility and utility makes it a default choice for progression.




One more aspect of our playstyle that was affected by the EotE redesign is the Glyph of Riptide. While an argument could be made about the Glyph in terms of healing throughput in Highmaul (and that it was somewhat useful as a utility for managing High Tide), in BRF we can easily keep enough Riptides on the raid for the talent without cutting off Riptide's initial healing.


I can't say that I don't see the Glyph being used in Resto Shaman logs but frankly, we don't have enough time and mana to blanket the entire raid with Glyphed Riptide (there’s usually too many people in the raid in WoD) just to be sure that whoever takes damage will benefit from High Tide. You can end up Riptiding the 'wrong' people. In practical terms, you begin blanketing the raid in advance, stop blanketing just to cast some healing spells and then find out that some other people took damage and now you have to Riptide and Chain Heal them. Meanwhile your initial 'blanketing' has faded providing nothing but overheal.


In my opinion, there is still an argument to be made for using Glyph of Riptide but that argument doesn’t hold as much water as before 6.1. I personally wouldn’t use it for any encounter going forward.




When I write talent suggestions for each encounter, it would usually be from the perspective of choosing talents that will give the most benefit over the entire duration of a fight, rather than short periods.


There are two reasons for this thought process:


1) we already have two very strong raid healing CDs (HTT and Ascendance) as well as two uses of a damage mitigation / health redistribution utility spell (SLT). Additional CDs are too mana draining (Elemental Mastery) or too weak in comparison to other talents of the same Tier (Ancestral Guidance). Keep in mind that with the bigger raid sizes in WoD, chances are that your raid has enough healing CDs from other healing classes too, so there is no need to sacrifice your overall throughput during an encounter for a couple of short bursts of output.


2) I'm very skeptical about throughput talents that we can't use 'on demand' or during the entire length of an encounter. Primal Elementalist and Storm Elemental Totem are not designed for the new WoD encounter style. Current raid content is designed around constant low / moderate damage with short spikes of heavy damage during the length of the encounter. I can’t recall any fight where you specifically need 60 seconds of bonus healing and no bonus for the rest of the fight. In my opinion, usage of Elementals is not practical - their timings just don’t coincide with the damage patterns of BRF encounters.




I never thought that it would be necessary to touch upon this in a healing thread but frankly, as fights become more complex, so too does the plethora of information that DBM spams you with.


Most raiders (including healers) are using DBM for tracking boss abilities that they need to pay attention to. It's mandatory for any level of ‘serious’ raiding. DBM is usually very good at self-configuring it’s settings based upon your role. However, during progression DBM will sometimes have all available boss abilities being announced for all raid roles. I would go as far as to say that during progression, you should check your DBM settings after every update to ensure that you’ve only got the relevant information being displayed, otherwise you’re just hit by a cacophony of white noise during every new encounter.


In fact, I’ll go one better and suggest what abilities you should be tracking in DBM as a healer.


Please note that these suggestions are for the bare minimum that you should be tracking. It’ll give you a lot of peace and quiet but I am not you - there might be timers or announcements that are important to you and, as with anything, you should use your own judgement. smile.png




Most of my suggestions here are for a medium to large raid group (15+) on progression fights when the raid takes moderate to heavy damage.


Also note, there are different talents for heavy and low damage.When a boss is on farm, you’ll most likely be doing 50-60% overhealing and talent choices will probably be different.



GRUUL (top)




Tier 1:  I suggest Nature's Guardian. Phase 1 has constant damage and the 'oh, shit' passive is better than the possibility to mitigate some damage on a couple of the Inferno Slices.


Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.


Tier 3: Call of the Elements. It's good to have a couple of additional HST for Inferno Slices. I can't really see any use for Totemic Persistence if you are not running with CBT. The raid will have 6 Inferno Slices per Phase 1 and as such it’s better to have an additional HST than to add it to HTT. The raid damage is not that bad and Totemic Projection is an unnecessary complication. However, if you feel like throwing your totems at the Tanks or the other raid stack, this is the Talent for you ^^


Tier 4: EotE if you are running with 2-piece Tier bonus and High Tide Talent in tier 7. You can chose Ancestral Swiftness if Gruul is on farm, as the fight will be shorter and the overall damage will be lower by that point. I do not recommend Elemental Mastery at all for this encounter: the damage is spread throughout the fight and we don't really need additional short burst.


Tier 5: if you are good at managing Conductivity for its full length, go for it. This fight is awesome for this Talent. Having said that, if you are struggling with Conductivity, go for Rushing Streams, it’s also a good choice. Ancestral Guidance is not even close to those two talents, there’s simply no reason to take it.


Tier 6: I suggest Elemental Blast. Spirit and secondary stat bonuses are always valuable. If Gruul is on farm and you prefer single target heals, Unleashed Fury isn’t a bad idea either. Taking EotE in Tier 4 you'll be able to heal almost every injured person in your team in one cast (UF+UL+HS) after an Inferno Slice. Primal Elementalist isn’t a terrible choice by any means but the fight is just too short and you’ll only be able to summon your Elementals once. Anyway, as I already mentioned, the damage patterns of most encounters just aren’t great to justify this talent and Gruul is an excellent example of that.


Tier 7: There is only one choice in this Tier as far as I’m concerned: High Tide. It is the best choice whether you have your set bonus or not. It's the best combination with the damage pattern here - heal hard when you are affected by Inferno Slice, slow down otherwise. CBT just can't provide these nice short bursts of healing when it’s needed if you are not very handy with its management. CBT isn’t bad for when Gruul is on farm though as the damage will be a lot lower and you’ll get less overhealing with CBT. Storm Elemental is not a good choice because of it's problematic CD. It's simply not a good idea to remain without Tier 7 talent after one minute.



Glyph of Healing Stream Totem

Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace. This Glyph is great for 30 seconds of healing on move during Phase 2.



Inferno Slice is pretty much all you need to track here. You can track the stacks of Overwhelming Blows on the Tanks but frankly, your Healing Frames will already show the debuff and it’s down to your Tanks handling this encounter correctly to ensure they never get more than 12 stacks. And even then, it’s not something that a Shaman can do anything about as we don't have single target damage mitigation CDs. It’s enough to know that by the time that a Tank is ready to swap to Inferno Strike soaking, Gruul will just be pounding him harder.



Your HTT should be assigned by your RL or Healing Co-ordinator to be used to mitigate Inferno Slice damage. If it's not, use Ascendance to heal the first Inferno Slice on your team, HTT for the second, Spirit Link for the third. Do not forget to drop SLT before the Slice, not after. Repeat during the second Phase 1.


Mana potion usage:

The fight is very short and you will not need a Channeled Mana Potion. If you are running OOM, use a Standard Mana Potion.






Tier 1:  I suggest Nature's Guardian. Phase 1 is pretty much normally healable but in phase 2 Nature’s Guardian can save your life when you accidentaly are rolled over by the boss.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements. To be able to drop one more HST on phase 2 when running around.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements and Ancestral Swiftness are both good here. More ticking Riptides and double SLT for Acid Torrents vs faster casts + instant. Your choice.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams. With the constant movement during all the fight there is no usage for Conductivity. Ancestral Guidance is just too weak and has a too long CD to be used.  

Tier 6: I would suggest Elemental Blast but all the talents could be in use for this fight. Unleashed Fury can be good especially for the phase 2 when you have pretty short periods of time to stop and heal, so more powerful heals are better. You can use PE for the 10% healing bonus in phase 1 - damage is heavy so this bonus could be very helpful.

Tier 7: High Tide. I can’t see any alternative here.



Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace. This Glyph is great for 30 seconds of healing on move during Phase 2.

Glyph of Healing Stream Totem (can help a bit with the Earthshaking Collision in Phase 2)



You should track Acid Torrent and Retched Blackrock. All the rest is irrelevant for our class.



Your HTT and SLT should be assigned by your RL or Healing Co-ordinator to be used to mitigate Acid Torrent damage. If it's not, try to use them and Ascendance for Acid Torrents early in Phase 1 because most of the healers are tend to save their major CDs for the end. So using CDs early gives you a better chance not to overheal and to use all the CDs once more in the second Phase 1.


Mana potion usage:

You will get your mana back passively while running in Phase 2. If you still feel like struggling with mana management, use standart mana potion rather than channeling (too much crap on the floor that may force you to move before you finished to channel).






Tier 1:  I suggest Nature's Guardian. There is no specific damage patterns that should be mitigated with Astral Shift but NG can help if you moved wrong through Stamping Presses.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements. Drop one more HST on Pulverized. If you don’t have 2-piece bonus or have troubles with casting on move, Totemic Persistence with CBT could be your choice too.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements and Ancestral Swiftness are both good here.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams. I can’t see any alternative here.

Tier 6: All the talents are good here. Choose whatever suits your play style.

Tier 7: High Tide if you have 2-piece bonus. If now, think about CBT - it could work pretty nice in this encounter.



Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace. This Glyph is great for 30 seconds of healing on move during Pulverized.



You can track Disrupting Roar with DBM if you are not good in looking at the boss castbar.

Track Crippling Supplex if you are using SLT on it.



The fight is a mess. Use SLT on Crippling Supplex if you have enough melee to share the damage. HTT and Ascendance usage depends pretty much on the ability of your raid to handle Pulverized and Searing Plates. No specific times here.


Mana potion usage:

The fight is short and you should be fine without pots. If you still need it, use channeling pot after the first Pulverized ends.






Tier 1: You can definitely use Astral Shift for the Firestorm here.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: You can go for Call of the Element for the extra HST, but it’s not mandatory.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements. Double SLT that you can use both for the Firestorm and Molten Torrent on you.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams. If you are healing a big raid with at least 6 melee (4+2 tanks), you can try HR+Conductivity on melee group.

Tier 6: I would go for Elemental Blast. Two other talents are too ‘unstable’ for this encounter.

Tier 7: High Tide. If the boss is on farm and you are overhealing most of the time, go for CBT.



Glyph of Healing Stream Totem

Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus. Can help if you are focused by the dogs.

Glyph of Chaining could be good here due to the raid spread if you don’t mind a 3-sec. CD in the CH.



You should track Firestorm.

No need to track but needs Personal Announce if you affected by:

Lava Slash

Molten Torrent


Blazing Radiance



Your HTT and SLT should be assigned by your RL or Healing Co-ordinator to be used to mitigate Firestorm damage. If it's not, Firestorm is still the best time for HTT and Ascendance.

You can use SLT on Firestorm or when you are affected by Molten Torrent.


Mana potion usage:

The best time is after the Firestorm. You will have about 20 sec of pretty low damage in raid.





Tier 1: Astral Shift would be the best choice here. Use it to mitigate Tantrum damage.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements. Totemic Persistence if you will use CBT in Tier 7.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements or Ancestral Swiftness. Both are good for this encounter.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams. No other choice really.

Tier 6: Elemental Blast. It’s a long fight and most of the healers are pretty much OOM towards the end. Better to have this Spirit buff.

Tier 7: High Tide. CBT if the boss is on farm and you are overhealing most of the time.



Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Cleansing Waters. You should dispel a lot in this fight, this glyph adds nice healing part to dispel.



Pinned Down

Superheated Shrapnel


Inferno Breath


Check ‘Show HudMap for Inferno Breath’ - it helps with positioning.



Your HTT should be assigned by your RL or Healing Co-ordinator to be used to mitigate Tantrum or Savage Howl damage. If it's not, use your CDs starting from Ascendance and SLT on melee on Savage Howl, HTT for Tantrum. It is a long fight, you should be able to use every CD 2-3 times.


Mana potion usage:

You will have to use Channeling Mana Potion here. The best time would be after killing of the second beast - there is a low damage gap before Darnac mounts the third one.






Tier 1:  I suggest Nature's Guardian. There are too many Iron Bellows during the fight for the Astral Shift to be worth taking. All the other damaging abilities could be normally healed through.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements. Extra HST on Iron Bellows is really helpful.

Tier 4: I would suggest Echo of the Elements. More Riptides for your Chain Heal and double SLT for Iron Bellows.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams.

Tier 6: Elemental Blast. Like Rushing Streams in the Tier 5, we need more a talent which could be in use during all the fight.

Tier 7: High Tide. I think that it’s too tricky to adjust CBT with damage patterns of this encounter.



Glyph of Healing Stream Totem

Glyph of Healing Wave



Iron Bellow

Show special warning before raid split

Show special warning to move out from Prototype Pulse Grenade


You can track incoming trains with DBM, but I personally use Thogar Assist addon - it’s awesome.



All the CDs should be used for Iron Bellows damage mitigation.


Mana potion usage:

You will have a low raid damage gap to channel when the raid gathers after the first split. If it’s too early for you, use standard mana potion further in fight.



KROMOG (top)



Tier 1:  I suggest Nature's Guardian. There are too much damage during the fight for the Astral Shift to be worth taking.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements. More Riptides for your Chain Heal on the Rune of Grasping Earth phases and more SLT for Stone Breathes.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams

Tier 6: UF is not really worth taking because of constant raid wide heavy damage.

I tried PE on this fight recently (thanks, Feldar) and it was a really nice surprise - with the Glyph of Fire Elemental it was really good. Elemental Blast could be nice but I found myself wasting most of the casts while moving around or healing after the Breathes. 

Tier 7: High Tide.



Glyph of Healing Stream Totem

Glyph of Healing Wave

You can think about Glyph of Chaining here, but I wouldn’t suggest it as mandatory

Glyph of Fire Elemental if you took PE in tier 6



Stone Breath

Rune of Grasping Earth

Rippling Smash



Your HTT and SLT should be assigned by your RL or Healing Co-ordinator to be used to mitigate Stone Breath damage. If it's not, still use your CDs for Stone Breath and you can use Ascendance for recovery healing after the Runes of Grasping Earth.


Mana potion usage:

Tip from Feldar: "Everytime when you get picked up is a great moment to drink the channeled mana pot. I usually drink 1 at the 2nd pickup, Make sure it actually grabbed you before drinking otherwise it will interrupt you."






Tier 1: I suggest Nature's Guardian. There are too much damage during the fight for the Astral Shift to be worth taking.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements but if you feel like using another talent - go for it.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements or Ancestral Swiftness - whatever suits you better.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams

Tier 6: Elemental Blast. It’s a long fight, I think that having Spirit and secondary buffs is the best here.

Tier 7: High Tide.



Glyph of Healing Stream Totem

Glyph of Healing Wave



Show special warning when you are affected by Bomb / Rupture / Melt / Fixate

Show special warning to move out from Rupture / Melt / Slag Pool

Show special warning to move away from other with Volatile Fire


You can use DBM to track Blasts but frankly it adds an awful noise being casted too frequently and there is nothing we can do really to mitigate the damage except SLTs on some Blasts. So, it’s your choice whether to add Blasts to tracking or not.



Tricky fight for specific assignments. You should figure out by yourselves best timings for your raid group. Remember that it’s a very long fight and you’ll be able to use every one of the major CDs in every phase. So do not try to save them for the end.


Mana potion usage:

Pretty problematic to find specific time for a channeling pot. Try to channel when some other healer uses a major raid CD like Tranq or Hymn. If it doesn’t work, just use a standard mana pot.






Tier 1: I suggest Nature's Guardian. But if you prefer to use Astral Shift when Fixated or targeted by certain abilities - it’s your choice.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Choose whatever you like. I figured that different shamans prefer different talents here depending on their play style.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements or Ancestral Swiftness - whatever suits you better.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams.

Tier 6: Elemental Blast. You can use UF if assigned specifically to heal the tanks and a person being targeted by certain abilities.

Tier 7: High Tide.



Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Spiritwalker’s Focus

Glyph of Chaining could be good here due to the raid spread



The Drednaught

Bombardment Pattern

Show special warning when someone close to you is affected by Rapid Fire / Blade Dash


Leave checked all the personal announcements


There are loads of timers and announcements for this fight. I wrote the utter minimum, so if you feel like some tracking is missing for you - add it.



You should have all your CDs back and use them in under 20% HP phase. Before this - your choice. I think that you will use the major CDs a lot on Bombardments while learning how to avoid the damage.


Mana potion usage:

Pretty problematic to find specific time for a channeling pot. Try to channel when some other healer uses a major raid CD like Tranq or Hymn. If it doesn’t work, just use a standard mana pot.






Tier 1: Nature's Guardian or Astral Shift - depends of your preferences of passive saving or being able to mitigate certain mechanics.

Tier 2: Irrelevant. I’m staying with Windwalk totem.

Tier 3: Call of the Elements or Totemic Projection. Shamans prefer different talents here depending on their play style.

Tier 4: Echo of the Elements or Ancestral Swiftness - whatever suits you better.

Tier 5: Rushing Streams.

Tier 6: Elemental Blast.

Tier 7: High Tide.



Glyph of Healing Wave

Glyph of Spiritwalker’s Focus

Glyph of Chaining could be good here due to raid spread if you don’t mind a CD in the CH

If you don’t use Glyph of Chaining, try Glyph of Healing Stream Totem - can help with the Massive Shattering Smash




Massive Demolition

Massive Shattering Smash

Falling Debris


Leave checked all the personal announcements



Here’s a nice discussion about resto CD usage on Blackhand HM.

Speaking shortly, you can use HTT for Demolition in Phase 1, heal Falling damage on Phase transitions with SWG+Ascendance, drop another HTT in Phase 2 and 3 when needed. Use SLT proactively in Phase 3.


Mana potion usage:

Pretty problematic to find specific time for a channeling pot. Better to use a standard mana pot if needed.



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I hope this topic is free for discussion biggrin.png

Definitely a very good post. I agree with pretty much 98%, but let me tell you the 2%.


General stuff:


Unleashed Fury:

I can't think of any boss fight where Unleashed fury talent is worth it. The global cooldown makes a combo to slow to actually use the healing bonus. It's good in fights where often a single person is taking a big hit at predictable times so you can precast it. I don't see potential for this in BRF n/hc.

If you dont need the mana from Elemental Blast, Primal Elementalist is the way to go IMO.


Cloudburst Totem:
Used to be some controversy in Highmaul if it was good or not. I personally only used it at Brackenspore. High tide used to give better HPS already and with more mana regen and the tier bonuses I wouldnt recommend CBT in any BRF fight.


Totemic Projection:

You only mention it once, but the talent is actually really really good. Although Call of Elements will always be the best option for HPS, Totemic Projection can be a lifesaver in many fights. Great fights are where the ranged usually is divided from the tank+melee group. Examples are: Hans & Franz for crippling supplex, Blast Furnace during elementalist where you often get targeted with violatile fire. Beastlord where you can't stack on melee because you can hit the with a Pin Down.



Specific Bosses:



Talent 5. I don't think its worth to go for conductivity here. Mana shouldn't be a problem in this fight wich means Rushing streams + normal healing rains will give you more HPS. (Only fight I would consider using it is Kromog if your melee is stacked at the same position 24/7, but even there im still using rushing streams.)



Glyph of Chaining. If ur group is fine during phase 1 and phase 2 is a problem with people scattered around everywhere Glyph of Chaining is a great option. The smart healing through walls is great to avoid many line of sight problems. However if you have 4 tier bonus this glyph's value drops A LOT.



Glyph of Chaining. Raid should be spreaded, again I would only advise it if you don't have tier 4 bonus.



Let me know what you think smile.png

Edited by Feldar

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Hi, Feldar!

Yes, sure this topic is opened to discussion. :)


Now to your questions.


As I mentioned in the start of my post, my suggestions are mostly for standard raid groups in WoD which is something around 20 people with 4-5 healers. It can be 17-man with 3 healers or 25-man with 5 healers, I'm going for the average.

In this case healers will find themselves dividing areas of responsibility like tank healing, group 1-2 or 3-4 healing, melee healing or raid healing. It is not strict, rather 'pay more attention' thing but it's done normally to prevent the situations when 4 healers are topping tanks or pinned person with 70% overheal while melee are dying because every healer thought that another one should heal them. It is an exaggeration, I'm just using it for the better example.

The consequence of healing a big raid is that sometimes you can find yourself assigned to tanks and soaking-something-persons healing (here UF can be very good) or you can chose single healing by yourself if disc and resto druid already shielded and HoTed all the raid.

What I wanted to do was to remind our resto shamans that we don't have to compete with other healers, we can find a new nice niche just by changing 1-2 talents.


Totemic Projection.

Once more - big raids. I can't recall a situation when some person was out of range for all the healers because of fight mechanic. If some raider constantly run away without a reason and dies in the corner, you shouldn't chase him and shouldn't talent for this kind of situations.

There are always people to heal near you exactly like other people for other healers, I don't think that throwing totems anywhere is a necessary part of resto shaman rotation. You can definitely use TP talent if it suits your raid or you like it, but I will not suggest this as a necessary talent.


Cloudburst totem.

I used it in Highmaul, actually I used both CBT and HT and got to 90+ percentiles.

As I wrote in the General section of my post, I would recommend High Tide on progression fights for everyone who got 2-piece bonus but there are still people who don't have it.

Another situation where I mentioned CBT - farm fights. When you have more healers than needed or outgeared the fight and doing 50-70% overheal, CBT could be a nice tool to manage.

Why to stack with HT and 60% overheal of CH if you can have solid 7-9% of Total healing from CBT with no overheal (it does 4-9% overheal normally) and no mana cost?


Gruul and Conductivity. 

Conductivity is a very good talent here. Your team is stacked in the same place most of the fight and always has at least 6 people who constantly take damage. So you should use HR on CD and it definitely worth Conductivity because you remain in the same place (even when move for a couple of seconds to avoid certain mechanic, you immediately come back). Don't forget that HR with Conductivity could be renewed by CH too, so you are not losing the benefits of High Tide.


Glyph of Chaining.

It could be useful, yes. But I prefer not to write in suggestions something that force me into longer CD on my 'main' healing spell (I think that we can agree that with 2-piece bonus, CH became some sort of a main cast). I will leave using or not using of Glyph of Chaining to everybody's own judgement.


Thanks for your input, Feldar :)

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A lot of what you say makes sense but I have to agree with feldar that unleashed fury seems a bit wasted as the global you incur from unleashed life can make it just not quite as useful. I can see it being nice for preparing to heal a tank who is about to take a large amount of damage "crippling suplex" for example, but I suppose my opinion is a bit moot on that side I have yet to stop running elemental blast for any fight.

Also totemic projection is so useful and I just don't feel like 1 extra hst every 3 minutes is worth not using it. As a general rule of thumb I do not stand in melee, so anytime I may feel the need to put slt on melee I can. Blast furnace is a giant room so it can be useful to move my htt to better reach spread out players. Especially if I am on the light side of healing and the heavy side needs the cd in phase one. Also, on flame bender in the rare case that I cannot stack right away due to aoe damage (can't recall name of ability), I can throw my slt before I am able to stack.

Now, feldspar, conductivity is Amazing. Not only for mana conservation, but for healing throughput. Every healing rain you do not have to cast is an extra chain heal you can cast. This can add up very quickly. The only fights I do not use conductivity on are those where we just move too much, and I have to recast healing rain anyway or if the raid is too spread out and will not recieve the benefits.

Now the guide I would most like to see is stat priority weights and justifications and caps if any. So much debate.

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Cloudburst Totem

Hmm I see your point about CBT. Guess it might be good when there is way too much healing for a fight. You got any logs where you use CBT in BRF, im curious how effective it actually is in those fights. (even though if there's too much healing, Shamans probably gonna be horrible and better of throwing in some dps ^^)


Gruul and Conductivity (and other fights)

If I would use Conductivity on a fight it would be Gruul or Kromog, like you said it will always have 6 people to heal and you have no problem at all to keep it up the full duration. But it's a short fight where you don't have mana problems. So the only thing you save with using conductivity is the cast time of the healing rains you save. Saving the cast time isnt worth missing out on rushing streams.

Unless you're actually having mana problems, I'm sure rushing streams is the better option to go for. (extra fire resistance from glyph as well)

Kromog: Pretty much the same reason I don't use it at Kromog, I dont have the mana problems (Channeled pot in hands) and healing stream is just doing so much work.

Flamebender: Not enough constant damage to make it worth

Maidens: Not enough damage to make it worth

Furnace: Too much movement because of the security shields in my raids. Might be done different in other guilds, so not completely sure.

Beastlord: Now i think of it, i actually liked conductivity at Beastlord. The melee/tanks stayed on the same spot pretty much all the time. I dropped it after i got 4 tier because there was no need to save mana anymore.


tl;dr: Conductivity is a great talent, saves a lot of mana and cast time. If you feel like you need the mana take it, if not rushing streams is the way to go. 


Unleashed Fury:

Abilities like "Crippling Supplex" are a great example for where the talent comes in handy. Its a giant hit and you know when it's coming so you can precast it. However it will only be cast 2 or 3 times in the fight. Wich IMO is not worth it to pick the talent for. "Slam" another good example. Big damage, pretty frequently in the fight. But the fight is to long to skip Elemental Blast and after Slam resto shammies should probably be healing the raid.


If you are assigned to tank healing and you are really sure you can get efficient unleashed fury's off... i guess it's... decent? but... meh biggrin.png

Edited by Feldar

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Nice post!


I have 10/10 normal and 8/10 heroic on farm. We're a healer team consisting of 1 resto shaman (me), 1 disc priest, 2 resto druids and a mistweaver monk. We usually run with rsham, disco and one or two druids depending on the fight, and if we need more heals we can pop in the mistweaver if balance druid is real good for that encounter (starfall).


Anyways, to comment on the post.


Set bonus

The 4 set bonus is awesome. 



I really like the talent, but I also really like the passive 5% haste from AS, as well as the active it provides. With 4set, the haste is worth more than EotE for most fights in my opinion. The exceptions might be Gruul for inferno slices, depending on if you take one or two on each side (with only one on each side it's not worth), but I have not tried it for this fight, as we're not struggling with healing/mitigation. The talent is fun, though, so I would love to utilize it. I should try it some time. It might be nice for p3 BH too. Other fights have lots of movement and spread-out-ness, so not really worth in my opinion.


Riptide glyph

Agree. Never ran this, the other glyphs are really powerful (HST, HW and Spiritwalkers Grace) and I really need the clutch riptides sometimes to save a Purgatoried DK or something alike.



Tier 1

I run with Astral Shift 24/7. I like to be able to control damage mitigation, and the 90s cd is fair imo. I seldom drop below 30% hp so NG wouldn't trigger that much.

Tier 2

Agree. Windwalk is the only one you sometimes can utilize.


Tier 3

In BrF I always run with CotE. If melee needs SLT, I usually can SwG and run to them and pop it, watching boss ability timers if need be. Never had need to move my totems.


Tier 4

Agree with EM. Not much use. As stated earlier, the passive 5% haste from AS is powerful. The instant cast has saved lives time and time again. Read above for EotE.


Tier 5

I run with Rushing Streams for every fight except Gruul and Flamebender.

The reasoning for this is there's always a group of people standing nearly completely still, while taking constant damage. Inferno slice on Gruul, Meteors and Firestorm on Flamebender. Again, with 4set proc you can pretty much spam CH which keeps your HR active for longer. Worth.


Tier 6

I run 24/7 with EB. Macro for sending it to focustarget, and you can cast it pretty much every time it's off cd. Really helps with mana.


Tier 7

I tried CBT early in WoD. Didn't really like it. I have too many instant casts which require a GCD, and *having* to pop CBT when HST expires just feels clunky. Havent tried Storm elemental though, but I don't feel it works anywhere.


So I run some fights differently than you, but I am sure you are doing great as well. :-) I don't feel like I'm struggling on any fights, so I'll keep on going the way I am, but it's a really nice writeup!



I have one question for you all, though.

What are your opinions on trinkets?

I fell in love with Everburning Candle, and I have a stage 4 Winged Hourglass. I'm wondering if there are any nice trinkets. Maybe I should try to get int + haste on use for 4set CH spamming, it can act as a mini-ascendance, and with ascendance popped it is another HTT.

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I have one question for you all, though.

What are your opinions on trinkets?

I fell in love with Everburning Candle, and I have a stage 4 Winged Hourglass. I'm wondering if there are any nice trinkets. Maybe I should try to get int + haste on use for 4set CH spamming, it can act as a mini-ascendance, and with ascendance popped it is another HTT.

Here's a pretty nice recent discussion about resto trinkets. I personally prefer throughput above Spirit, so it always Int as a primary and Spirit (Hourglass or Candle) and / or Haste as a secondary. 

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Nice post!


Once thing i would like to say especially when not struggling on mana.

Primal Elementalist can still be a viable option on short fights if you use Glyph of Fire Elemental. You can still use 3 Elementals. So I like it, even on Gruul. 



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I see you completed the list :D


I just finished 10/10 HC after way to many whipes on Blackhand.

I'd say I got some good rankings (can always be better) Especially for just having around 15 people wich hurts the HPS a lot and to much healers most times ^^



Some feedback from me, let me know what you think. On all the other stuff i agree completely smile.png



Glyph of chaining, Ranged should be spread out pretty much all the fight besides during the firestorm. love the glyph in this fight.



Everytime when you get picked up is a great moment to drink the channeled mana pot. I usually drink 1 at the 2nd pickup, Make sure it actually grabbed you before drinking otherwise it will interrupt you.



Like i said just finished this fight yesterday, 15 man setup wich made glyph of chaining real nice because everyone is so spread. Also i was healing without 4 set and still didnt have mana issues at all. I took UF here, sometimes it was great in my kill it didn't add to much. I feel like primal elementalist would be the best to go with, but im not comfortable enough with it to get the maximum from it.

Also used healing stream totem glyph instead of the spiritwalker's focus, felt like spiritwalk was fine as it is. (lots of aspect of the foxes.)

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