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    • By Nireas
      I usually sim my characters to get the best possible results. I enjoy the process quite a lot and since I reached 120, I wanted to find out the best build of the spec. (Note, I didn't want to find out what to play, but rather how my own build fares in comarison.) I rarely mind a 1-2% difference. If it goes above 2%, I really mind a change. What this thread is about is mainly to bring something in the attention of those who help making the class guides, especially the talent choices. To my surprise, I was awed to find out that certain talents outperform previous "Standard" choices in the endgame, probably due to the stat squish.

      The Frost go-to build (top dps) would probably be along the lines of <Icy Talons / Cold Heart - Runic Attenuation - Frozen Pulse - Gathering Storm - Breath of Sindragosa>. What I found out primarily was that after the removal of legendaries, Cold Heart severely underperforms at most given situations resulting in a major dps drop due to the low mastery. Gathering Storm also suffers from the same problem and most of the times, Frostwyrm's Fury is better overall. The biggest surprise of them all, however, was that Inexorable Assault overperforms quite a lot, and is the first reason why I made the topic. I then started simming with the above in mind and I came across a build that some would not consider on par with top dog builds around the meta, which is the use of Horn of Winter which overperforms both its other two options when using the Breath build. Talent Sim can be seen here. Another intresting thing, which I loved, was that the 2nd best build uses Obliteration as a lvl 100 talent and no other build surpassed it (Other than the first one, obviously). So, I encourage frost players out there to give their other, less common talents a try. To the class guide author(s), I believe that the two "underdog" talents will earn their spot in the class guides.

      Thank you for your time reading this.

    • By Exploit
      Hi everyone,
      I, like many others, are trying to maximize DPS for their respective classes, mine in particular being ret paladin.
      In general, it seems like there are several sources of information for dps for each class.
      Icy Veins Mr Robot Raidbots (Simulation Craft) Warcraft Logs Each with its own set of criteria as to what determines high dps. And I find inconsistency when bouncing between the different sources. I want to understand what am I missing when it comes to each. I will lay out what I currently understand, and would like some feedback as to what I may not be considering in each as well as some advice as to what other options I could be exploring (resources) to further the insight into whats applicable for my current state.
      Icy Veins
      For Icy Veins, in particular, the stat weights, are mostly vaguely determined. From the ret guide:
      If I am reading this right, its Mastery >= Haste > Ver >= Crit = Str
      Mr Robot
      I use the addOn and I subscribe for the Best In Bags function. When I plug in my information in, the site recommends that I go with my 2pce t20 and balance around my legendaries with a focus on haste pieces (haste gems are emphasized).
      Stat weights as listed in MrRobot:
      MrRobot Stat Weights
      From what I am seeing, Crit is most emphasized, and the one crit gem + ring crit enchants were originally recommended by MrRobot here. Also another notable thing here is haste being way behind crit's potential.
      RaidBots (Simc)
      For RaidBots, I use the addOn, and play around with various items I hoard, and use the stat weights functions. Generally the feedback I get here are to stick with the current gem setup and with regards to stat weights, emphasize at my current setup with crit. It also says I should drop some of my high ilvl pieces (935 head, and 960 chest) for 4pce (915 head, lfr 890 chest)
      Gear simc:
      Stat Weights:
      Vers -> crit -> mastery -> haste -> str
      (versitality first?)
      Warcraft Logs
      I mostly use Warcraft Logs to check what the top dps players (ret pallys) are hitting and what setups are they running. I don't want to specifically link player armories in here, but upon some investigation, you'll find most are just stacking haste
      I understand stat weights are relative, however it seems like everyone has different priorities, one says mastery, another vers, another crit, another haste?
      Help me understand.
    • By Strobes
      EDIT: The characters in question are
      Me - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/fenris/Cygnius/advanced
      Friend - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/fenris/teldrali/advanced
      Hey, guys. I downloaded simcraft and ran some patchwerk simulations today to help me decide which pieces of gear I want to be wearing, since I have a number of things that seem like they could be viable for my Demonology Warlock The results don't really match what the article here states, but still show Haste on top for single target, and very close to Int for 2 and 3 targets, which seems to at least somewhat match the guide here. I figured this would be good enough for me to determine which gear choices would be the best for me to equip.
      However, I was curious and wanted to see what it said for a friend's character, who is a Fire Mage. From my understanding, Crit is always king for Fire Mages, but the results showed the opposite, which is making me question Simcraft as a whole. Am I doing something wrong? Must something more be done than to import your character, select the type of fight you want, which plots you desire, etc.?
      Here is a link to the scaling results, labeled for convenience.
    • By vampirefang
      Hello! was just wondering how to add death coil healing to my action priority list in Simulationcraft for blood tanking
      What I've tried:
      actions+=/death_coil,target=(me),if=buff.lichborne.up&health.pct<70 actions+=/death_coil_heal,if=buff.lichborne.up&health.pct<70 I'll just make it a list because I'll add to it if possible
      I've done a ton of googling for old sim results and old blood death coil healing but have been very unsuccessful in finding an answer for myself.
      The first action listed will simulate, but it wont cause healing from death coil
      Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    • By Stoove
      This is a call for someone to contact me who's experienced with SimCraft and simulating Shaman. The aim is to produce a guide for Shaman of all classes (but in particular Elemental) which focuses on how to produce an accurate simulation of your character using SimCraft. I would also like to extend the guide to producing your own stat weights.
      There is a very clear need for a guide like this; we have repeatedly found that help topics about stat weights are not able to be answered without some kind soul simming the person for them. I would like to reverse that, and teach people who need help how to find their answers. I believe that this will eventually produce some regulars here on the Shaman forums who came here looking for answers and ended up staying to help others.
      If you have the relevant experience with simming Shaman (no writing experience required!), please PM Stoove and we can get something started.
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