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Raiding with Disc priest - Raidframes question

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Hello all,


I recently got back into raiding (no hardcore raiding, we have 8/10 BRF HC atm) and was asked to use my Resto Shaman for the job. On the whole I am fairly happy with my performance (still plenty to improve though), but there's a shocking gap between my HPS and our disc priest.


I know there's terrible anti-synergy between the disc priest's absorbs and a shaman's mastery, but I feel I can do better regardless. One of the things I want to look into is using raidframes to show which targets are shielded. I currently use HealBot (it's just so easy to set up), but I am open to more suggestions. So my question is


- How do you maximise your performance when raiding with a disc priest?

- What is your addon of choice for raid frames?


Thanks for the input

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It's not about disc priest, its all about you. He coud steal your hps only if he have very high itmlvl for heroic (~690), so he will absorb almost all dmg. If hes itmlvl near 70-80, he cant absorb all damage and you always have smth to heal. Another thing - there is lot of logs, where rsham have very high hps with disc-priest in raid.


I am not rsham, but as i know their mastery give insane buff to heal (100% for 690itmlvl). So even if ppl at 80% hp, it will give you high heal output. And couse in draenor raids ppl always stay at 80-90% hp, and often drop to 30-40, rsham mastery feels like cheat.


Another thing - hard to give you advce when you dont give us logs/aramory.


About raidframes - ElvUI. Another addon - Clique. Also some ppl using HealBot or Grid. There is "addon" tab in rsham guide at this site.


And one more - disc priest cant shield entire raid, couse shield fall off after 15 sec, and also there is GCD 1.5(with haste will be lower, but they do not have much). And shield wont block all dmg. So for example oregore - he will cast acid aoe, and disc coud shield only 10-13 ppl. Other ppl will recive full dmg from it. And than he will cast void-zone, and disc cant absorb it dmg, couse there is debuff on ppl from hes shield, and they already fall of from previouse dmg, so raid will be low on health.


So one more time - probably you doing smth wrong, it's not rly "disc in raid bad for me".

Edited by Elarion

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Hi, Funq.

I'm raiding on both resto shaman and disc priest, so have my frames are setupped to show me all the HoTs and shields.


I'm using VuhDo - it's an amazing tool that already has all the needed features for healing and tracking build-in. It is not hard to setup and if people are not using VuhDo only because of the problematic start, I can put a setup guide here on the forum.


Anyways, here's the links to some videos from my streams. You can see here what I'm tracking when on shaman, on disc or when raiding on shaman with a disc in the team. Everything that you can see in my healing frames can be sorted in 5 minutes in VuhDo.




Shaman with a disc in raid


Now about healing with a disc priest. Disc and resto shaman is an amazing synergy if you are playing as a team, not trying to beat each other in the meters. Disc is about preventing damage and making the damage spikes lower and smoother, shaman should heal the damage that was already done. Disc has personal damage mitigation CD - shaman does not. Shaman has raid healing CDs - disc does not. If your raid has a right healer composition, you shouldn't feel that a disc 'stoles' your heals.

The only reason for this experience is to have way too many healers in the raid, so than after disc shields (and resto druid HoTs) you have literally nothing to heal. But this is not about the resto shaman and disc priest synergy - it's about wrong raid comp.

I even not sure how to answer about maxing the performance when raiding with disc - your healing shouldn't interfere with each other. The only possible suggestion - track disc shields in your healing frames and Riptide and heal people who don't have the shields. But this is a bit unnecessary suggestion because if a player is on 90-100% of HP and shielded, you shouldn't heal them anyway, and if this person is low of health and shielded you should heal them disregarding the shield.


I would be able to give some better advises if I'll see your raid logs, because it may happen that the problem is not in disc at all.

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I am not rsham, but as i know their mastery give insane buff to heal (100% for 690itmlvl). So even if ppl at 80% hp, it will give you high heal output. And couse in draenor raids ppl always stay at 80-90% hp, and often drop to 30-40, rsham mastery feels like cheat.

I'm sorry to point on it, but this is a completely wrong assumption about how the resto shaman Mastery works.

"Mastery: Deep Healing: Increases the potency of your healing spells by up to 24% (base)+Mastery percent from the Gear, based on the current health level of your target (lower health targets are healed for more)."

Mastery has nothing to do with ilvl of the healer but only with the health of the healed target. Mastery will never give high output for the people with 80-90% HP, but for 60% and lower the healing is almost doubled.

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I mean 690 gear will give you lot of mastery raiting wich you shoud stack. As i know, there is no abilities wich calculate its power from yoit char itmlvl =)


But about doubled heal i do not understand. For example we have 90% mastery, and this mastery as i know will give you 90% buff only if target almost dead (near 1% Hp). So for 60% hp target it will be 40-50% buff.


Anyway, as i already said, ppl will be often low on health even with disc-priest in raid, so you always have use of your mastery.

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Thanks for the input both. And thanks for the links Pandacho, I'll have a look at them when I get home. I tried EvlUI but for some reason I didn't really like it.


Just feel the need to clarify though, I am not hating on disc priest at all, just looking to maximize my performance. Some of the difference in HPS can be attributed to getting to know the encounters for sure, but that is outside the scope of this post. I'll see if I can post a log later, but looking at the overhealing percentages I think a lot can also be attributed to simply having too many healers. Often I had trouble to simply find a good target to Riptide.


Anyway, so tracking shields is nice but should not really be necessary. Good to know, but I'll look into it anyway.


Edit: my armory in case you were wondering http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/turalyon/Ashmin/simple

Edited by Funq

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