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Help with Necroblight in H BRF

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I record logs on both warcraft logs and askmrrobot. I always have higher rankings on mr robot but i believe that is because they have less of a sample of players. I have recently started doing H BRF and would appreciate any advice to help improve. Thanks.











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  On 4/6/2015 at 5:30 PM, Durthh said:

I record logs on both warcraft logs and askmrrobot. I always have higher rankings on mr robot but i believe that is because they have less of a sample of players. I have recently started doing H BRF and would appreciate any advice to help improve. Thanks.












Few places to improve:


Need higher uptime on Necrotic Plague, you are only at 80% you want 95% minimum


Need a lot more scourge strike casts. Scourge strike should be one of your top damage dealers (along with its shadow damage). Only use festering enough to keep necrotic plague up longer than the CD left on unholy blight. After that scourge strike is your number 1 priority until 45% range where soul reaper is.


You don't use AMS at all. Anti magic shield is a defensive spell but also an offensive one. Pop it and stand in crap and take some hit to build up extra runic power. It is a dps gain to do this often and use AMS on CD. 


You pre pot which is good but you want to keep potting when you lose your buff

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