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[H][US - Proudmoore] <Maniacal Degree> 7/10 H, 8/10 N BRF Recruiting All Roles for Heroic Progression

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Maniacal Degree is an amazing Horde guild on Proudmoore full of super awesome people looking to add players to our core raiding team for heroic progression on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
The Full Story
Maniacal Degree is a Horde progression guild on Proudmoore looking to add some good players to fill out our raiding team. We're currently 8/10 normal and 7/10 heroic BRF, and our current focus is heroic Blackrock Foundry progression.
Our current team is a mix of both guildies and friends who raid with us regularly, and we're looking to shift that by building out the guild portion of our group. We're serious about making progression against bosses, but we also have fun during downtime and while pulling trash. On off nights, you can usually find some number of us running with PuGs, gearing alts, doing achievements, and hanging out on voice chat. We're looking for friendly people that are serious about raiding, but don't lose their cool if we struggle against a boss or if someone messes up a mechanic.
We're looking for all roles, with our order of importance being healers, melee DPS, tanks, and ranged DPS. We’re open to just about any class or spec, as we believe in recruiting the player rather than the class.
Any interested candidates should be prepared to raid with us for two weeks. We want to make sure you play well and get along with our current team. Our loot rules during that time are on our website. If everyone's happy at the end of the trial period, you'll be expected to transfer to Proudmoore immediately. We use TeamSpeak for voice chat and it's required during raids. You don't have to talk (though we'd really like you to!), but you do have to be on so you can hear instructions before and during the fight.
To apply, do any of the following:
* Get in touch with our GM Reliance#1266, or one of the officers: MrShow#1209, Tandem#1480 or MadHatter#1826 in game.
* Fill out our application.
* Reply to this thread with your BattleTag and when you expect to be online and we'll get in touch with you.
We hope to see you in game!

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