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[Archived] S19 Hearthstone Legendary Grim Patron OTK Warrior BrM

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Guest Pacho

This is really great, how about a loatheb, KT or majordomo for the poor lads?

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Guest Smiter

This deck is actually a ton of fun and really satisfying when you pull off the combo.

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Guest Yasuhiko

How do you feel about Axe Flingers? They're another great card with all the pain cards in the deck, but I can't seem to find a good space for them.

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Axe Flinger is pretty poor in this deck, It's expensive to fit into a Warsong combo, and you will always get more damage from a Patron, Frothing or Worgen.

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This deck is... confusing to say the least. Knowing that I have all those great combos that I can only unlock in the later turns is pretty nice but in the current aggro meta I get wrecked usually before turn 8.

I played over 15 matches now, lost 14 of them and won 1 because a shaman surrendered in turn 2.

I don't know if the deck is consistent or bad at controling the early game or I am just a bad player for this deck, but anything I try doesn't work. I replaced the belchers for some additional tempo by playing dread corsairs instead and replaced inner rage for slam for additional help in early removal. I still get wrecked like it's nothing for the enemy.

Last round I played with a priest (which got super lucky by thoughtstealing though, stole me both dread corsairs and death bite and Battlerage) and lost with him still having 28 HP left.

I'm doing something wrong here. Can you please explain?

Also, I have quite the opposite succes with this deck: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/224656-senfglas-top-10-legend-grim-patron-warrior-700dust

Played 20+ matches on ladder and only lost two. Seems like that deck is more consistent because of the heavy card draw. This deck only brings you card draw with two cards - acolyte and battle rage. It's kind of stupid to use battle rage when you have no minions on the board and as this is the case for the most part in early game, I would probably be much more comfortable having slam instead. At least you do some damage along the way aswell.

The deck mentioned above does it much better - heavy card draw means you almost always have the turn 6 emperor and are practically almost able of comboing the patron in turn 7.

Another card I miss is commanding shout. Including this card in the combo (with emperors help it can be done on turn 7 instead of 10) it serves as the ultimate oponents board wipeout and by playing the Senfglas deck I get to use this an awful lot.

It is the main reason how I manage to wreck handlocks along the other benefits.

I really want to play my dr.boom and grommash, but it just doesn't work in this meta. sad.png

Ok went to the original idea of this deck and it works a bit better but most of the time it's really a 50-50 chance to win and really draw dependable. The only class I've had most luck with are druids, its actually pretty easy to win druids with this deck. Everything else mostly makes me suffer dearly.

Right that will be it for me. After playing this deck for the whole day, I won two games. I'm switching to something else until I get the cards to make myself control warrior.

Thanks for help.

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The strategy of the deck is explained pretty well in the guide I think, I can't really help you much more than that without more specific questions. 

As for the deck's effectiveness/consistency, it seems pretty solid to me :P


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Thanks for answer. 


Ok it seems that I am (it was the most likely explanation anyway) playing it pretty much wrong. 


I don't know usually I am saving at least one warsong commander to combo it with grim patrons etc. Do you think it's better to play it in a way that you can always answer the opponents threat? So if I need to warsong + frothing combo for example in turn 6 I use it for that? Play patron on turn 5 even though he might be removed? Or play patron + whirlwind on turn 6 for example? 


The guide explains the way of playing nicely though I always liked your guides. Thing is that have absolutely zero clue about optimal card play. 

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The idea is that you shouldn't really NEED to play Warsong early to answer your opponent's threats. All of the cards like Whirlwind, Inner Rage, Taskmaster etc. are the expendable ones, you should be using those where possible to answer your opponent's options. Combine that with your Weapons and your own minions and you should be able to answer your opponent's options fairly effectively.

Don't be afraid to use Grim Patron either, it's only really Warlock with Hellfire, and Mage with Flamestrike that can deal with a Grim Patron board easily, so don't be afraid to get a couple of Patrons on the board without charging them to set up for a big Warsong turn later.


Basically Warsong Commander is your card to protect, all other cards can be used to keep control of the game if you need to, but protect your Warsongs and use them for the big burst combos and board clear, if you keep them in hand, almost every other card in the deck combos with them in some way or another, so you will always have options when it comes time to use them.

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Thanks for clearing that up. And yeah I figured it out myself just before when I actually started playing with the same tactics you described - it works. Guess this deck just needs some serious practice. 


Forgot to ask one more question btw - when do you use battle rage? I mean sure, when you have no other choice you just play it but when do you consider this card as a "well spent card"? 


Does it already justify it's value when you draw one card? I guess not since slam would also do a similar thing. Two cards? 

Basically, how do you know when is the right time to play battle rage?

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If Battle Rage draws 2, it's better than Arcane Intellect, so that's totally fine. The only time you should be really greedy with it is if you can see the ridiculous Grim Patron Whirlwind turn in your hand and you're going to draw like 6 cards.

Even cycling it for 1 card is fine if your hand is bad. Obviously the comparitive value to Slam is poor, but you're playing it for the potential blowout turns, you have to just suck it up and accept the bad ones sometimes.

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Thanks yeah this cleared a lot of things for me. I was usually saving it up for the patron card draw combo. 


Yeah it makes perfect sense. 


I have tried all your suggestions and the deck now behaves much much better. I'm also getting way more consistency out of it. 

Thanks man you saved my warrior ^^ Yesterday I was so nervous because of me being unable to play this deck ok that I felt like exploding. 


Now it's a killer deck. I also feel much more comfortable in knowing that I can also use the patrons for some board clearing if necessary (handlocks or just some crazy turns sometimes) because I can compensate it with grom, boom or frothings. The warsong worgen combo is also nice if there is no sight of patron or other cards. Inner raging it under charge also give a 12 attack which is basically equal to grommash. Although by all means grom stays the all mighty :) 


Thanks for the awesome guide Sottle, my spirit now rests in peace :) 

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Guest Dave

I think you're underestimating Axe Flinger. It's not there as an aggro piece, it's there as a serious counter to decks like Face Hunter, Paladin Rush, Mech Aggro etc. It tends to take out a card even in bad matchups, is an excellent target for a Taskmaster or Inner Rage if you don't have other tech, and puts pressure on heavy control decks. Sure, it's not optimal if you're going for face but in a slower Thaurissian-based build going for the OTK it can do heavy work alongside a Zombie Chow in the early game.

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How is a 4 Mana 2/5 a counter to aggro decks? You'd just play Sen'jin in that slot, it's strictly better for that purpose.

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Guest Dave

You're probably right that Senjin's better as a defensive piece, but the flinger can also have late game combo potential. Not so much as the Patron, but if you've saved up a whirlwind effect or two then the direct damage can be useful. Especially if he's costing less off a Thaurissian.

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Is there a way how to succesfully counter face hunters and zoo decks? I usually end up at <10 hp on turn 8, a lot of times the fun ends way before. Depends on the opponents topdecking... 


Or mech mages? Everytime a mech mage opens with a annoy-o-tron I loose the game. My axe gets spent for removing his shield.


Should I whirlwind in this case? I guess inner raging him to remove the shield or taskmastering him is bad (then removing with the axe)?

Edited by Sparkl

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Guest Svet

Hey! I love the deck. I have one question, though... How does one deal with decks that have 2x hellfire or 2x flamestrike? Do you try to bait them both ( I can't imagine how that could be done, especially if the opponents see the type of deck that you are playing)?

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You're probably right that Senjin's better as a defensive piece, but the flinger can also have late game combo potential. Not so much as the Patron, but if you've saved up a whirlwind effect or two then the direct damage can be useful. Especially if he's costing less off a Thaurissian.


The combo damage off an Axe Flinger is so insignificant compared to a Worgen or Frothing, it's just not worth having such a bad card in your deck.

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Is there a way how to succesfully counter face hunters and zoo decks? I usually end up at <10 hp on turn 8, a lot of times the fun ends way before. Depends on the opponents topdecking... 


Or mech mages? Everytime a mech mage opens with a annoy-o-tron I loose the game. My axe gets spent for removing his shield.


Should I whirlwind in this case? I guess inner raging him to remove the shield or taskmastering him is bad (then removing with the axe)?


I consider Mech Mage to be almost a free win with this deck. Face Hunter is a little tricker, but still quite favoured in my opinion. 

Mech Mage doesn't really push fast damage all that well, and plays so many 2 attack minions, that it really is just a matter of surviving until Grim Patron combo. Just survive by any means necessary.


Face Hunter you just need to use your 1 damage pings to good effect, Inner Rage, Whirlwind, Taskmaster etc. kill basically all of their minions. You can also force them to trade by just dropping a Frothing on the board and Inner Raging it, they can't leave that up, and it will technically heal you for a bunch while they kill it.

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Hey! I love the deck. I have one question, though... How does one deal with decks that have 2x hellfire or 2x flamestrike? Do you try to bait them both ( I can't imagine how that could be done, especially if the opponents see the type of deck that you are playing)?


Yeah, Double Hellfire decks are the worst. It's just a rough matchup. The gameplan here is just to save Warsong/Frothing and try and burst them down, since any Warlock deck with Hellfires is going to lower themselves to a scary life total at some point.

You're not going to win these matchups by board control from the Patron combo, so you really do just need to save up Burst pieces in your hand, along with Executes to clear Taunts, then just go for it when you see an opening.

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Mech Mage doesn't really push fast damage all that well, and plays so many 2 attack minions, that it really is just a matter of surviving until Grim Patron combo. Just survive by any means necessary.


Hmm well it seems that in my case they all just keep playing tinkertowns and spider tanks, practically material I cannot deal with my patrons. If they spawn low minions they spam them usually when I don't yet have the patron combo or in lower turns, forcing me to deal with them otherwise I would be toast until turn 6. Or they just keep flamecanoning everything I throw on the board. Or frostbolting or fireballing. Thats cool, but usually I can't do jack until higher turns but by then my health gets so low I usually have at most 2 turns in front of me while the opponent has like 3 4att+ minions on the board. Edit: And also, can you please tell me how do you usually deal with annoy-o-trons?


Maybe it's just my bad luck, maybe I still haven't figured out the optimal play but I feel a lot of times that I could answer the given situations easy have I drawn certain cards before. But when the opponent comes on the board with a few 4/4 minions even my patron combo sucks. 


Also shamans man... Silence, silence, lightning storm, lightning storm, they get even so lucky they get 4 taunt totems in a row (happened to me yesterday)... Then they crackle a bit, all while they maintain board presence.


How do you beat that stuff :/ 


I feel like the easiest match for me at the moment is vs. zoo. I kind of manage to survive long enough to trade all his low minions for my patrons. 


But I have absolute trouble vs. mech mage, handlock, face hunter, priest (mind controling belchers and gromm or boom at turn 10 is no fun at all), control warrior, shaman sometimes.


I can get by with druids and rogues. And even with druids, if I don't draw the removal cards it's usually a long wasted game. I play patrons with warsong (or turn 5 plus inner rage + deathbite aoe if I can) on turn 7-8, make a board he spawns AoW next turn, I don't draw a removal for the next few turns and it just all goes down from there. It would be just so nice if I could figure out how to achieve the perfect curve of card draw...

Edited by Sparkl

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Is Kel'Thuzad viable in this deck? Since I don't have Grommash, I was wondering if I could replace him with KT. Either that, or a Shield Block, to get that armor and card draw you mentioned.

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