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[US-Mal'Ganis][H] <Pretending to Be Good> Weekend Mythic LF DPS

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<Pretending to Be Good> is a serious raiding guild on that recently transferred to Mal'Ganis, US [Horde]. 


Progression status: 

- Blackrock Foundry: 10/10 Heroic, 10/10 Normal

- Highmaul: 4/7 Mythic, 7/7 Heroic

- Top 6 guild on previous server


We are currently seeking ALL serious and exceptional raiders, for our Weekend Mythic Raid team.


Raid Schedule: 

- Friday: 6:30PM - 10:30PM (CST)

- Saturday: 6:00PM - 10:00PM (CST)

- Sunday: 6:00PM - 9:00PM (CST)


We bring up to 30 players for Heroic, with 20 COMPETITIVE raid spots for Mythic.

We ask for everyone to be online 20-30 minutes prior to raid invites.





- Minimum 670 ilvl

- All exceptional applicants are always welcome.


Primarily seeking the following classes at this time

- DPS: Ranged: Mage, Hunter, Elemental Shaman, Boomkin

- Healers:  Holy Priest, Disc Priest, Holy Pally


Medium Priority:

-DPS: Shadow Priest, Warrior, Rogue

-Heals: Resto Shaman

-Tank: Warrior/DK




About Us:

Our core is filled with a variety of experienced, serious, and dedicated raiders, from past endgame/hardcore raiding guilds; from Vanilla to MoP endgame [Heroic & Mythic] content. Although we consider ourselves to be jokesters, we all have the same goal in mind: Progression.


The raiding team is built up of players with similar ideals: we want to progress and we want each player to give their all. We are more than willing to help all members of the guild improve. If you want to get better, kill bosses, and you have a very team centric mentality you will get along with everyone great: no Lone Wolf mentality here.




For more info, please check out our guild website and apply @


When applying, it is generally a good idea to:

- Complete the full application

- Log out in PVE gear until you've received a response

- Be honest

- Use proper grammar and sentence structure.



•Know your class

•Be open to constructive criticism 

•Enchant & gem your gear.

•Have a positive attitude

•Always try your best

•Admit your mistakes

•Show up on time and prepared for every raid

•Be communicative about any problems you may be having

•Advise an officer if you will be absent from raid

•Be open to constructive criticism (yeah its on here twice)

•Have fun!




•Attempt to cheese meters without explicit permission

•Scam or Ninja Loot

•Be disruptive

•Disappear randomly without notice




Who to contact:

- Officers: Nexacutioner/Drybones, Paladinlight/Nidee, Melloncholy, Sancte, Sayya

- Bnet: BearsAirz#1566, Paladinlight#1801, Luxory#1758, Sancte#1384, Siadinalol#1190




Thank You for your consideration in joining our team.

We look forward to slaying monsters with you.

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