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Need some advise on my DPS

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Hey everyone, Haven't ever really tried to improve my DPS on my DK. Joined a guild recently and have noticed i'm not really where I need to be DPS wise. Below are logs from our wednesday night raid. I'm trying to read my logs and don't fully understand all of them at the moment and what im looking for. Noticed im not really in any top % for any brackets.


I use the NP + UB rotation and am learning not to use FS so often that I can SS and have enough Frost and Blood runes later on to extend NP out more. I feel im missing a lot of chances to use SR and that is a huge DPS loss.


L:OGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/MQFvxXA7pd61cTKr#type=damage-done&source=4&comparesearch=


ARMORY: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/arthas/Sugenite/simple



Thanks all

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took a few minutes to look at the logs provided.


First of all, your dps in most fights (except the Kromog wipes) is not bad for you ilvl.


A few things that can be improved however:

  • Battering Talisman (even if MY WF) is, as I am sure you are aware a pretty bad dps trinket for UH. And by bad I mean worse than LFR trinkets.
  • As you stated you can try to minimize FS use just to keep NP rolling til UB is back up
  • Judging from your Blood Tap graph, you probably macroed it at which point RC becomes an option
  • A little more RP pooling whily TImmy is enraged can also beneficial. Sometimes it takes you a little long to get DT back up.
  • For Kromog specifically: You can hold your trinkets as well as ERW for the Hands phase to get as many BB in as possible

This is obviously not an exhaustive analysis but I hope it still helps.



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THANK YOU! I ended up getting this horrible trinket and thought I was going to be tanking. Ended up not being the case and have gotten rid of my other trinket. I feel it is a DPS loss and boosted my ilvl so it looks worse than it is. I've tried to take BT out of DC macro but it seems really hard to manage. Something i'd like to work on. Any advise on BT?

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THANK YOU! I ended up getting this horrible trinket and thought I was going to be tanking. Ended up not being the case and have gotten rid of my other trinket. I feel it is a DPS loss and boosted my ilvl so it looks worse than it is. I've tried to take BT out of DC macro but it seems really hard to manage. Something i'd like to work on. Any advise on BT?

Advice on BT: take RC smile.png  It is easier to manage when you are new to Necroblight style. RC is passive by default and yields somewhat better results than BT in macro together with DC (which you made passive). Real BT monitoring and management is another action to take and generally not worth the headache for UH, unless you can perfectly execute your rotation blinfolded. UH rune regeneration should better be fluent. Necroblight style already has some considerable downtime and random inopportune death rune popping out of nowhere (when you have DC-BT macro) can disrupt the rotation quite a bit.

Edited by simpetar

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