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[US-Farstriders][A] 8/10H <The Senatus Altius> Casual guild w/ a raiding problem! Don't be shy!

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Greetings and thank you for taking the time to check out this recruitment post! I'm Nerdstalgic, the recruiting coordinator for The Senatus Altius. I've been an active member of this guild for the better part of the past four years.


TSA is one of the oldest and largest guilds on Farstriders and we are currently accepting new members. 


Don't want to raid? 


No problem! We'll take you as you are! Any and all classes are encouraged to seek us out if interested. You may do so by contacting Mastodon 1734 on Battle.net! (That's me, Nerdstalgic!) I'll chat with you a bit and then get you set up with an invite.



Are you a raider? Are you interested in raiding, but haven't ever done it? Have you raided before, but were put off by negative attitudes?




We are looking for willing and interested people for many roles! At this point in time, we are particularly interested in people who are capable and comfortable fulfilling dual roles within a raid. Warriors, Druids, Death Knights, and Paladins who like to dps, but are also willing to swap specs and tank as needed are an area of need. The same goes for classes that can both heal and dps. Ideally, you'd be coming in to dps, but let's face it. Real life happens, and when it does we would like to 

invite you to join us to add to our diversity within our current raid set up!


Currently, we raid T/Th 8-11 pm CST and Su 7-10 CST.


If you're titillated but still unsure, drop me a line! I'll be more than happy to answer your questions personally. Just wing me a message

@ Mastodon 1734.


If you've made it this far, what are you waiting for? DO IT!






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