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[US-Kel'Thuzad][H] <CQ> 3/7M, 10/10H LF Healers and DPS (Tu/W/Th 630p-10p PST)

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<CQ> is an Alliance raiding guild on US-Kel'Thuzad (formerly on Ner'zhul). We're currently at 3/7 Mythic in Highmaul and 10/10 heroic in Blackrock Foundry. We formed at the end of Burning Crusade as a 25 man guild and are one of the oldest and most stable progression guilds on the server (with people still active and playing to this day). Many of our players who have retired from the game still enjoy being a part of the community. Our players range from college students to young working professionals. It's an annual tradition to meet up at BlizzCon and catchup with each other and relax. Outside of raiding, our members enjoy alt raids, transmog runs, achievement runs, playing League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, and Diablo 3.



Raiding at a consistently high level. It's how we relax and enjoy the game. It should be something you have fun doing as well. We want to push ourselves and each other to continuously improve. We expect you to be able to both take AND distribute criticism constructively. We want skilled players who wish to be here for the long term. Being able to handle the occasional friendly ribbing from other players is a necessity.



Players are asked to meet most (if not all) of our raid days. You will be asked to maintain a raid ready alt preferably of a different class. If you can fluently play a different class and role, it will be a plus. Be able to play your class at the highest possible level. Learning quickly and adapting to new boss mechanics is a requirement. Most of all, your personality should fit in with the guild atmosphere. 


Contact Us

Guild Master: Matticus (Matticus#1773)

Raid Leader: Subastian (Subastian#1149)

Recruitment: Alwynh (Alwynh#1758)



The Basics

Raid Times: Tu,W, Th. 8:30 PM - 12:00 PM CST (9:30 PM - 1 AM EST, 6:30 PM - 10 PM Pacific)

Loot System: Loot Council

Required Add-On: Angry Assignments

Voice Client: Mumble


Ready to apply?


Class Needs




Ret Paladins

Death Knights



Shadow Priest with a healing spec a plus

Balance Druids





Holy Paladins

Mistweaver Monks


Progression - Current expansion



Tier 17 Blackrock Foundry:

10/10 Normal

10/10 Heroic


Tier 17 Highmaul:

7/7 Normal

7/7 Heroic

3/7 Mythic


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      Where to Contact us
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