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Hearthstone Lord Victor Nefarius / Nefarian

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Hi there,


since I am not able to build the decks you suggest for Nefarian, I looked for another tip and found this Warroir deck on Hearthpwn working quite well:


I also lack some cards of that list, so I replaced:

1x Bouncing Blade with 1x Doomsayer,

1x Brawl with 1x Sylvanas (highly recommended!),

1x Gorehowl with a second Arcanite Reaper

and 2x Crush with 2x Inner Rage as an activator for Execute.

The strategy with this deck is not to actively mill Nefarian, but to do it passively: The majority of Warrior's spells influence the board. So, if you do not play any minions, the copied spells will stack in Nefarian’s hand and eventually he will mill himself. You just have to try and deal with the few minions he plays using your large arsenal of removal spells and a few weapons. As his hand grows he will put out less and less minions each turn, while you build up armor and prepare a devastating Brawl. Prepare Nefarian’s Fatigue by hitting his face with your weapons in order to reduce his big armour advantage.

It took 4 tries for me to beat Nefarian with this strategy. :)


Good luck!


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Guest monkey4hire

Bob21117 has the right idea.  I tried a ton of times with Druid decks and at least ten of those where with the Damien build.

I tried twice with the Warrior deck:http://www.hearthpwn...rius-consistent and it was good to go!  In fact once I figured out the point was to kill everything in sight and shield up.... it was simple.  Got to the end and for the last 8 draws the boss could play nothing.  I was one card behind him so when we went into deck burn mode I wondered how it would work.  Simple math. Even if you are below him a bit (I had 7 life and 35 shield and he had like 30 life and 15 shield or something close) don't worry because you can add 2 shield each time which he cannot.  Math is like BOOM BOSS MAN! smile.png


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Guest Ayo

Excellent!! I won the first time with this deck after trying dozens of times with a druid deck. Thank you!

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This is the cheapest deck I beat Heroic Lord Victor Nefarius with.

Nefarius has a huge mana advantage and can constantly pressure you and your board with spells he copies from your class.
Still, his Hero Power can be abused: Nefarius will keep damage spells in his hand and only use them to remove minions or if he has lethal. So, if you never have minions on the board, the cards will stack and Nefarius will eventually overdraw and burn his entire deck.
You have to deal with the minions and the few spells Nefarius will play nevertheless and keep yourself alive. This way you have a chance even with a basic deck.

F2P Warrior (0 Dust)
Difficulty: easy (may take up to 5 tries)
Inspiration: http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=106434/0-cost-hr-nefarius-destroyer

2x Execute
2x Whirlwind
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Cleave
2x Fiery Waraxe
2x Heroic Strike
2x Revenge
2x Charge
2x Magma Rager
2x Shield Block
2x Wolfrider
2x Kor'kron Elite
2x Stormwind Knight
2x Arcanite Reaper
2x Reckless Rocketeer

To minimize the usable spells Nefarius can steal you should stick to the following rules:
- Try to never have a (damaged) minion on your side of the board by suiciding your chargers to avoid Execute and Mortal Strike.
- If you have to let a minion of yours live, never play a second one to avoid Cleave, Whirlwind, Revenge, Brawl and Bouncing Blade.
- Try not to leave Nefarius' injured minions on the board to avoid Rampage and Battle Rage.
Always combine Magma Rager with Charge to run it into Drakonid Crusher or Twilight Drake.



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Guest trying

Just to say, the original thread deck is working well ( https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/basic-lord-victor-nefarius-nefarian-mage-deck-normal-mode) with only common cards. After a lot of tries with different decks this one worked on the first try, i just swiped the bloodfen Raptors and the River Crocolisks with similar cost/ratio cards having an ability (amani berserk and sorcerer apprentice). Amani worked quite well but wasn't necessary to win this, the apprentices were OS on cast (taking out some of nefarian's spells). 

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Guest Heafstaag

Absolutely not worked for deux entire hours. Still trying but I have no hope in this.

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Guest George Tomlinson
  On 7/29/2015 at 2:13 PM, Heafstaag said:

Absolutely not worked for deux entire hours. Still trying but I have no hope in this.

Yeah I lost like 5 or more with the useless mage deck then beat him 1st time with the Warrior deck shared by Bob2117.  Thanks a bunch Bob.

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I tried the basic mage deck, simply because I'm not lucky enough with opening packs, and don't want to sink money in the game, anwyay, no luck, not even close to defeating Nefarian. 


Which doesn't surprise me. A mage has such powerfull spells, not just for clearing the board, but also for killing you. I really find it strange that someone who knows how to build decks would choose mage against a foe that gets unlimited spells from that same class. But then again, I'm a noob when it comes to deckbuiling. However, I chose to build a paladin deck against Nefarian with anything I had, based on exchanging his expensive minions cheaply and building a resonably strong board:


2x Avenge

2x Blessing of might

1X Blessing of wisdom

1X Eye for an eye

2X Hand of protection

2X Humility

1X Redemption

2X Holy Light

1X Seal of light

1X Echoing Ooze

1X Frostwolf grunt

2X Shielded minibot

1X Sword of Justice

1X Ironfur Grizzly

1X Mind control tech

2X Truesilver champion

2X Blessing of kings

2X Hammer of wrath

1X Chillwind yeti

1X Quartermaster

1X Guardian of kings


I defeated him in the first go, with lots of health left. I have no idea how it worked, but it did.

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Guest Nobelaner

apparently he got astral communion from hero power when he had full hand, in his opinion it was the best play T_T

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Guest ShopChop

Nefarian got astral communion first turn on my first try, feels dirty but I easily won.

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Warrior vs Heroic Nefarian- won on 2nd attempt...




...but it took me 27 total attempts, using 7 other decks, 5 other classes. I've done all of Heroic Naxx and all BRM heroic bosses leading up to Nefarian, and I do believe he has proven most difficult for me. After 15 failed attempts with my own decks, I gave the featured paladin and druid decks a try. After five attempts with each of them, I turned to the alternative warrior strategy mentioned by Bob on this forum. This playstyle was new to me (even just warrior as a class is my least played of all), so I sort of fumbled my way through it, but IT WORKS! You guys should add a warrior decklist to the site for those struggling with the druid and paladin. ;)

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Normal mode - Used my Paly-Murloc deck, got him on first try


2X Murloc Tinyfin

2X Blessing of Might

2X Humility

2X Grimscale Oracle

2X Murloc Raider

2X Bilefin Tidehunter

2X Bluegill Warrior

2X Murloc Tidehunter

1X Aldor Peacekeeper

1X Coldlight Oracle

2X Truesilver Champion

2X Blessing of Kings

2X Consecration

2X Hammer of Wrath

2X Murloc Knight

2X Anyfin Can Happen

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I've been trying to beat him with the paladin deck but I get destroyed every time.

it says his minions are the biggest threat but I find them to be easily taken out. The real problem is that the boss himself does up to 8 damage each turn and this deck has no way to mitigate any of it.

i know this fight is old, so I don't know if they changed the mechanics but I don't know if this deck is still viable 

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  On 8/12/2016 at 7:58 AM, Abelcain said:

I've been trying to beat him with the paladin deck but I get destroyed every time.

it says his minions are the biggest threat but I find them to be easily taken out. The real problem is that the boss himself does up to 8 damage each turn and this deck has no way to mitigate any of it.

i know this fight is old, so I don't know if they changed the mechanics but I don't know if this deck is still viable 


11 damage from the boss in turn 2. I don't know how anybody can deal with that

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Guest Tantroo

A good idea would be to replace the Yeti x2 with Hungry Dragon x2.

You earned Hungry Dragon from earlier in Blackrock Campaign, and it is a powerful card that works well with the control aspects of this deck. Having him have a random 1 cost card is not helpful to Nefarius.

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  On 11/27/2016 at 5:57 PM, Guest Tantroo said:

A good idea would be to replace the Yeti x2 with Hungry Dragon x2.

You earned Hungry Dragon from earlier in Blackrock Campaign, and it is a powerful card that works well with the control aspects of this deck. Having him have a random 1 cost card is not helpful to Nefarius.


I think the deck is intended to allow anyone to complete the fight, so they might not be completing the full run in the same order. I believe, if you buy it as 1 set, you can start wherever you wish. Correct me if I'm wrong!

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