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Heroes of the Storm Sylvanas

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Guest SerbComando

Hi, i think windrunner is much more than "mobility overkill". This talent is not about escaping "overkill" in my opinion.

If you have healer and good team composition, this talent makes sylvanas very agresive hero - a lot of times I use that talent for fast reloading (have 3 burst damage instead of 1!). Whith that talent she can do merc alone very fast, kill boss and imortal very fast, use her burst damage 3 times instead of one, even chase running heroes (you can tell one teleport is enough, but again it is not all about reaching hero, its about fast reload).

I dont say it is recomened talent, but definitly situatiinal - that talent makes sylvanas power "limitless", and her plays "sick", but you need skill to use maximum of that talent, and of course - it is situational.

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Guest Guest




Lastly, I can see your reasons for lvl 13 talent choices.. Though I personally still would much rather Will of the Forsaken with mind control to try to stop a potential stun or even outplay an Illidan hunt.




Will of the Forsaken is terrible in my opinion. A 60-second cooldown on a talent that has virtually no use while out of team fight. Will of the Forsaken is an escape-overkill, as one Haunting Wave should be enough to get you to safety. Furthermore, careful positioning before casting Mind Control makes Will of the Forsaken redundant. 


Last but not least, Overwhelming Affliction is fantastic if used with Mind Control. If the mind-controlled survives the duration of Mind Control, you can immediately slow it tremendously while it is still surround by your allies. 



Hi Kendric!


I must say, great guide, and overall I really like your review of the revamped Sylvanas talents! The only thing I would like to add is on 13) Windrunner. I think you fail to realize the burst potential you get with the refill on Withering Fire. Especially with Withering Barrage at lvl 4. The synergy with other Withering Fire talents and/or Black Arrow talents (Unstable Poison, Remorseless and what not) you can do some crazy damage. 


Also in terms of mobility I think you give it too little credit, as you stated on the ability description of Haunting Wave, one of it's downsides is it's long cooldown, with that you can kinda view Windrunner as a 5 second cooldown reduction on Haunting Wave, considering that it's cooldown starts ticking regardless of the second cast or not down to 6 from 11 seconds.


I guess what I'm saying is, don't underrestimate overkill mobility, Windrunner is alot better than it was pre-patch! smile.png


Thanks for the guide!

Regards, legobil

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Thanks a lot for your input, legobil! 


I will observe the pro teams and experiment with Windrunner myself a bit. Who knows, maybe we'll change our mind. smile.png


Stay awesome! 

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Guest Kallest

The reason i personally pick up Paralsis is too stun both towers or the base and the tower, so my team can take bases without minions to soak the damage.

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On 12/18/2016 at 11:17 PM, Guest Kallest said:

The reason i personally pick up Paralsis is too stun both towers or the base and the tower, so my team can take bases without minions to soak the damage.

I do that too, actually.

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Not sure where I read this, but ParalysisParalysis is going to be removed in coming patches, replaced by a 7 second stun on Haunting WaveHaunting Wave for minions and mercs. Just a heads up!

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7 hours ago, Niteshadow said:

Not sure where I read this, but ParalysisParalysis is going to be removed in coming patches, replaced by a 7 second stun on Haunting WaveHaunting Wave for minions and mercs. Just a heads up!

I'm updating her later today. Big guide rehaul, including new recommendations. Stay tuned.

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Guest SgtBaker

I get you don't need the second cast of Haunting Wave, but what about the refill of Withering Fire? How can you go past 15 shots instead of five? Doesn't that drastically reduce your damage output? What am I missing?

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On 1/6/2017 at 10:32 PM, Guest SgtBaker said:

I get you don't need the second cast of Haunting Wave, but what about the refill of Withering Fire? How can you go past 15 shots instead of five? Doesn't that drastically reduce your damage output? What am I missing?

The updated version of the guide recommends Windrunner. I'm not sure why Srey didn't, to be quite honest.

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56 minutes ago, Constantine said:

The old builds prior to yesterday were better than this new build.

Better, worse, good, bad, love, hate. These are empty suggestive words I cannot use as legitimate criticism because you omitted, willingly or not, to provide a useful context. The talent section of the guide provides situational alternatives to this build anyway, which more or less moots your statement.

What is objectively true, however, is that some of the talents that were listed yesterday don't even exist anymore. Let that sink in for a moment and try and understand how that might affect your perspective.

Another objective fact: the suggested build is relatively well supported by data as a factor of effectiveness and popularity. Unfortunately, Sylvanas is currently a bit out of meta, making it difficult to obtain a reasonable sample size - hence my use of "relatively well supported". We also haven't even had a week to get data for the newer talents. Fortunately for you, Icy Veins generally hires strong players with strong ties to professional players, for discussion purposes, to take some of the guesswork out of this equation.

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Guest Push with immortal?

Hello, I was wondering on Battlefield of Eternity if its better to push with the immortal or split push. I can see pros and cons of doing either but would like to get some expert advice. Thanks in advance. 

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On 2/25/2017 at 5:04 AM, Guest Push with immortal? said:

Hello, I was wondering on Battlefield of Eternity if its better to push with the immortal or split push. I can see pros and cons of doing either but would like to get some expert advice. Thanks in advance. 

I am not a pro player, by far, but answering your question: it always depends on the specific circumstances. You should be quick to judge the current situation regarding split pushing or not:

- Pay attention to the mini-map. If you can spot the entire enemy team trying to contain your team's Immortal, it might be good to split push instead so you can soak some extra XP and tower damage without being harassed. But make sure you retreat if you notice some unusual movement in the enemy team, because if they see you by yourself taking a tower they WILL retaliate.

- Split pushing alone while your team is going with the Immortal can easily result in overextending if you're careless. Make sure that you got it covered in case there are fast Assassins in opposing team that can take you down.

- I say that if the situation is favorable (I.e. half of the opposing team is dead), than the best thing to do is split push, having a team of 3 going with the Immortal and 2 in the other lane (those two being Sylvanas and someone else). Coordination is key.

- You can also bait the enemy team into chasing you split pushing since you will have no extra damage from the Immortal. If you're smart and fast enough you can force the enemy team into desperately going to the lane you are, making them waste time.

Edited by Valhalen
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Guest ShimmyJimmy

Hey, though I am not a pro-player, Sylvanas is my most played Specialist (most of my main Heroes are specialists, though I do all 4 roles) and I wanted to share some input with you guys on a couple of un-recommended talents.

At Lvl 4, With the Wind can make Sylvanas so much harder to kill and allows her to poke Heroes from a considerable distance. Against Tracer I think this talent is absolutely mandatory, as it allows Sylvanas to bring Tracer's health to half from a safe distance just by pressing Q. This makes Sylvanas a Raynor to Tracer, forcing Tracer to keep her distance from your entire team (after a few failed dive-ins). The damage you sacrifice by not taking Lost Soul is significant, but if the enemy team knows how to avoid spreading Shadow Dagger (difficult to tell by LvL 4, no major team-fights yet) then With the Wind is a safer choice. Later in the game at lvl 16, this will greatly increase Sylvanas' survivability by applying the slow or speed buff from a longer distance.

At LvL 7, though I prefer Barbed Shot 90% of the time, Possession does have it's uses, especially when paired with lane pushers such as Asmodan who benefit greatly from large minion waves. But what I find the most egregious is the fact that this guide does not mention that Possession can take control of enemy catapults (can be a game saver if you turn 3 catapults at once near your core)! I know this would not warrant taking the talent on its own, but you should mention it at least so that people can make an educated choice.

Lvl 16 Look, I know writing articles takes up time and money, but I think the plethora of game-changing talents Sylvanas gets at lvl 16 should not be reduced to a discussion about Cold Embrace. Bot Overwhelming Affliction and Evasive Fire can turn the game around - suddenly Sylvanas can no longer be chased, and if the enemy team got in the habit of doing so until lvl 16 they are in for a surprise, especially when paired with With the Wind at lvl 4. I am aware that Cold Embrace helps your entire team more and this is a team game etc. etc., but the other two talents are definitely worth discussing. Remorseless can do wonders on Battlefield of Eternity, but it is a very situational talent.

Also, as a general side note, Sylvanas is a horrible Mercenary Camper. She can clear enemy Mercs in lane or help your own Mercs pushing, but before lvl 13 it takes ages for Sylvanas to take a Merc camp (even with Barbed Shot). Even if she will emerge with full HP after taking the camp, the time she spends taking the camp would be better used sieging enemy fortifications or clearing lanes. Every allied minion is a mercenary when enemy towers are stunned by Black Arrow. She is the same as Xul in that regard.

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31 minutes ago, Guest best sylvanas eune said:

This guide is -

Edited your comment since the profanity wasn't necessary and the rest of the comment wasn't in English. Feel free to add some proper feedback rather than just saying something is bad with nothing else to back it up.

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Guest Axolot

I just found what seems to be an error. In the guide it says in the level 13 : https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/sylvanas-talents#level-13


Will of the Forsaken Icon Will of the Forsaken is essentially a better self-Cleanse Icon Cleanse with twice the Cooldown and some built-in mobility. 

Both actually have the same cooldown. Will of the forsaken duration is 3 time higher but cooldown is the same

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3 hours ago, Guest Axolot said:

I just found what seems to be an error. In the guide it says in the level 13 : https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/sylvanas-talents#level-13

Both actually have the same cooldown. Will of the forsaken duration is 3 time higher but cooldown is the same

Thanks for pointing this out. We are trying to get a new system of error-checking to work, but it will take some time, so until then, sorry for the discrepancies in guides, and thanks again for pointing those out!

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Guest Sylv enthusiatic

When I decide to quit HoTs, i will make a guide which will make sylvanas S+ Tier :)

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I must say that I particularly loved the rework they did on Sylvanas. Since they are eliminating the Specialist role very soon, making her into a full-Assassin is the way to go. I am particularly fond of the Shadow Dagger build, which is brutally powerful in the endgame if played correctly.

Here is my talent-per-talent dissection:



Level 1: Unfurling ShadowsUnfurling Shadows

This is the core of her entire build. While 0.5% damage increase may seem low, it is incredibly easy to stack, as you'll gain stacks per tick of her Shadow DaggerShadow Dagger damage-over-time. In the endgame she can reach almost Lunara-levels of damage-over-time. This talent has NO CAP (I've managed to stack over 300 in a single match).

The general idea is to hit an enemy three times with Basic Attacks and then latch the dagger on them for easy stacks.

Focus your stacking on whatever Hero is closer, so mostly tanks. The idea is to always stack this quest whenever you can.


Level 4: Unstable PoisonUnstable Poison

This talent increases her general waveclear power as it procs from basic attacks, allowing you to save your Shadow DaggerShadow Dagger for enemy Heroes and get stacks for Unfurling ShadowsUnfurling Shadows.


Level 7: Lost SoulLost Soul 

This one has fantastic synergy with Unfurling ShadowsUnfurling Shadows, as you'll be focusing a target with basic attacks to keep those 3 Stacks of Banshee Curse so you can generate more stacks of Unfurling Shadows, and by attacking this very same target you'll be reducing the cooldown of your Shadow DaggerShadow Dagger to get even more stacks of Unfurling Shad- you see where I'm getting at here?


Level 10: Any

Either Heroic works fine. Doesn't really matter. Mind ControlMind Control is harder to land now, and not as powerful as before, although it has a much lower cooldown. I personally prefer Wailing ArrowWailing Arrow due its range and silence effect.


Level 13: RemorselessRemorseless

You might think "Why didn't you pick Cold EmbraceCold Embrace instead to synergize with her other Shadow DaggerShadow Dagger talents?", and the answer is that the extra range on her basic attacks plus untalented Withering FireWithering Fire will greatly aid her DPS, as well help maintain the the Banshee Curse debuff. So more basic attacks equals to more Unfurling ShadowsUnfurling Shadows stacks, which equals to more damage.


Level 16: Life DrainLife Drain

Oh boy, this is where Sylvanas becomes completely broken, with a self-sustain that can put Mal'ganis and Illidan to shame. This talent affects ALL of her damage, meaning she will get heals from:

  • Basic Attacks, and remember she deals more damage thanks to Banshee's Curse;
  • All the arrows from Withering FireWithering Fire (including the free shot from RemorselessRemorseless);
  • The damage-over-time from Shadow DaggerShadow Dagger (which by the time you get this talent you should have at least 150 stacks);
  • Haunting WaveHaunting Wave;
  • Wailing ArrowWailing Arrow.

Oh, and did I say this self-heals procs from anything? Minions, mercenaries, structures. And doubled on Heroes. It is ridiculous.


Level 20: Withering BarrageWithering Barrage

Pretty self-explanatory. More barrages equals to more damage!

However, if you don't feel confidend enough or is facing a dive-oriented composition, then Bolt of the StormBolt of the Storm, I guess.


Have fun until she is nerfed!

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Guest No Update

The frontpage says that Sylvanas and Stitches have new guides for their reworks but this is still the old one.

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1 hour ago, Brutalis said:

Her new playstyle is insanely dull.

Wel... Her old playstyle was way more dull. All you had to to was sit on lanes and Basic Attack the Structures.

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12 hours ago, Valhalen said:

Wel... Her old playstyle was way more dull. All you had to to was sit on lanes and Basic Attack the Structures.

Respectfully, I disagree. Personally I really enjoy the PvE heroes in mobas. Splitpushing is one of my favourite things to do and there are so many nuances to it, more so in HOTS than other mobas because of the different maps. Knowing when to take mercs to set up a push while you push elsewhere or join the team for a fight takes a lot of knowledge and experience. Choosing when to show up at an objective or to push, knowing when to split rather than pushing as 5 etc etc.

The whole “sit in one lane doing nothing but pushing mindlessly” thing people always did with Sylv was the wrong way to play her. And now she’s just a generic ranged assassin that can help your team push after winning an objective or fight.

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      Bestow Hope [Trait] Increased the amount of energy stored from 60% to 80% of damage to Heroes. Increased the amount of energy stored from 20% to 50% of damage to non-Heroes. Talents
      Level 1 Searing Light Now only deals damage to enemy Heroes. Level 7 Energized Cord Now increases Basic Attack range by 1.1. Level 10 Resurrect Delay before resurrection reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Quest bonus reduced from 75 to 55. Wrath of Heaven Armor reduction increased from 10 to 20. Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Chromie
      Level 1 Timewalker's Pursuit Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Level 5 Mobius Loop Slow reduced from 60% to 40%. Level 18 Unravelling Lingering Slowing Sands no longer consume Energy. Now also increases Slowing Sands cast range by 50%. Johanna
      Shield Glare [E] Mana cost increased from 45 to 55. Talents
      Level 1 Divine Fortress Health bonus starting value increased from 20% to 25%. Zealous Glare Damage bonus reduced from 75% to 70%. Level 7 Steed Charge Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Blessed Hammer Damage reduced from 74 to 65. Level 16 Holy Renewal Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Shrinking Vacuum Damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%. Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Slow increased from 25% to 30%. Tracer
      Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Healing from Regen Globes increased from 10% to 15% of maximum Health. Pulse Generator Healing reduced from 18% to 12%. Level 13 Jumper Cooldown refresh reduced from 150% to 100%. Shield reduced from 6.5% to 6%. Zul'jin
      You Want Axe? [Trait] Basic Attack damage increased from 94 to 96. Now has a limit of 50 stacks. Bonus from quest completion reduced from 1 to .25. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%. Level 10 Guillotine Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60. Taz'dingo! Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds. Mana cost increased from 75 to 80. Level 16 Let the Killing Begin Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Level 20 Buzzsaw Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Wandering Keg Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to occasionally not be cast. Wandering Keg now acts like other instant Abilities and will cast as soon as possible. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Level 13 Face Smelt Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Imperius Level 20 Unrelenting Descent Fixed an issue that caused Unrelenting Descent's Heal to be delayed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kel'Thuzad Level 4 Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad Announcements for Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad will now use team colors. Kerrigan Level 7 Boundless Fury Fixed an issue that caused Boundless Fury to refund charges against a target already marked. Kharazim Level 4 Spirit Ally Fixed an issue that caused Spirit Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lt. Morales Level 10 Medivac Dropship Announcements for Medivac Dropship will now use team colors. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Malthael Level 20 No One Can Stop Death Announcements for No One Can Stop Death will now use team colors. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Zuljin General Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attack damage in Zul'jin's Target Info Panel to not increase while Berserker is active. Base You Want Axe? [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused You Want Axe to gain progress while at maximum Basic Attack bonus. Level 16 Wrong Place Wrong Time Fixed an issue that caused Wrong Place Wrong Time to not respect the stack cap of You Want Axe?. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      A new Heroes of the Storm patch is now available for playtesting on the PTR with many Hero changes and bug fixes. Check out the official PTR notes for more details!
      We expect the patch to be available for testing for one week before it goes live.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Balance Update Bug Fixes General
      Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. NEW: Brawl Mode added! Brawls will rotate on the 1st and 15th of every month. Return to Top
      Balance Update
      Level 1 Searing Light Now only deals damage to enemy Heroes. Level 7 Energized Cord Now increases Basic Attack range by 1.1. Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Quest bonus reduced from 75 to 55. Wrath of Heaven Armor reduction increased from 10 to 20. Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Chromie
      Level 1 Timewalker's Pursuit Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Level 7 Mobius Loop Slow reduced from 60% to 40%. Level 20 Unravelling Lingering Slowing Sands no longer consume Energy. Now also increases Slowing Sands cast range by 50%. Johanna
      Shield Glare [E] Mana cost increased from 45 to 55. Talents
      Level 1 Divine Fortress Health bonus starting value increased from 20% to 25%. Zealous Glare Damage bonus reduced from 75% to 70%. Level 7 Steed Charge Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Blessed Hammer Damage reduced from 74 to 65. Level 16 Holy Renewal Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Shrinking Vacuum Damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%. Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Slow increased from 25% to 30%. Tracer
      Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Healing from Regen Globes increased from 10% to 15% of maximum Health. Pulse Generator Healing reduced from 18% to 12%. Level 13 Jumper Cooldown refresh reduced from 150% to 100%. Shield reduced from 6.5% to 6%. Zul'jin
      You Want Axe? [Trait] Basic Attack damage increased from 94 to 118. Bonus from quest completion reduced from 1 to .25. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%. Level 10 Guillotine Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60. Taz'dingo! Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds. Mana cost increased from 75 to 80. Level 16 Let the Killing Begin Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Level 20 Buzzsaw Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Base Face Smelt [W] Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kharazim Level 4 Air Ally Fixed an issue that caused Air Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Return to Top
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