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So what should I include to counter aggro decks?

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Esp. as a Priest. What are - in general - good cards to counter aggression and letting me survive? I included moar taunters for quite some time, but IV has most of them rated kinda low.


I actually included the explo sheep in my priest deck, but it really slows me down as well.

So which

So which cards should I include aside of shieldmaster's and healbots?

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Zombie Chow and Antique Healbot if you don't run them already. Senjin works nice in Priest as well, especially with Velen's Chosen, it's very solid pick in cotnrol Priest.

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Deathlord is a popular choice in priest afaik.


Bear in mind I main druid and my only real priest experience is to play against them.  

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As Aposter says Deathlord is a really good option for Priest, especially vs Face Hunter. If you play it early and they can't silence or kill command it can virtually seal you the game. Light of the Naaru is also strong for healing self or taunters while giving another minion to trade with their small ones (or doing crazy dmg sometimes if ignored by opponent and combined with a circle of healing or Holy Nova). Personally i often sub in a Kezan Mystic too due to the number of Mech Mages and Face Hunters at my rank in the meta (around 7-10) but obviously it's useless against things like zoo.



The standard control cards i would drop for these would be Mind Control, Thoughtsteals, maybe Dark Cultists. Obviously it depends how much you are willing to sacrifice vs Control.


p.s i haven't tried Explosive Sheep but i'd expect taunters and heals are better for Priest.

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I don't have any solo adventure cards yet, unfortunally. So Deathlord and Cho are out of it.


I think I never ran Thoughtsteal at all. Quite a huge risk of not getting any useful or sometimes not even playable cards, and the Northshire cleric provides card draw anyways.


But thanks for the suggestions. I probably will run around with shieldmasters or sth. Healbot seems to be pretty solid, too. What about frostwolf grunt? Sure, it dies to 1 mana minions, but these aren't that common imho, and is able to trade vs most 2 mana ones.


Sorry for the late reply here.

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