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[Archived] S20 Hearthstone Grinder/China Priest BrM

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Guest Thrackerzod

I only have one copy of both Lightbomb and Cabal Shadow Priest. Is an additional Shadow Madness plus a Mass Dispel an appropriate subsitution until I have the dust for them? I figured SM has a similar effect to CSP (and can even be better if you specifically want to control an enemy 3-cost minion), and Mass Dispel is obviously not a great sub but I figured it lets you potentially answer a lot of simultaneous problems like Lightbomb does.

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Second Shadow Madness is a reasonable sub, two Lightbombs are really important to this deck though.

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Because they're insurance policies for your Deathlords, the idea is to play Deathlord in situations where if they get a big minion from it, it just ends up being more value for your Lightbomb.

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I'm still trying to understand why this deck works, because it looked so weak to me at first glance.  AlI I saw were potential problems: no Vol'jin (works well with Gilblin), 1x Shrinkmeister (should be either 0x or 2x in my experience), ten 1x cards total (spoils consistency), 2x Thoughtsteal (sloooow), and no Dr. Balanced.


But dammit, it just delivers.  In this meta I haven't found anything else that lets me climb so fast and consistently.  And it just shits beautifully on and frustrates Face Hunter, say 75% of the time.


The only reservations I still hang onto are 1) it's vulnerable to bad draw, but that's true for most control decks, 2) still not sure about Hungry Dragon vs. Piloted Shredder, 3) I wonder if it could get away with -1 Cleric +1 Gilblin, because it fills the hand often.


Great job on this, anyway. I know it originates from that Chinese team, but this is the most effective variant I've tried.

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Yeah, i'm still not 100% sold on Dragon vs Shredder either, but it was working out fine for now, so I submitted the update, we may switch back at some point.

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Guest CDZ

Hey, I really like the idea for this deck, but I feel like you wind up with a lot of dead cards when playing freeze mage's and control warriors, ie lightbomb and sylvannas not having targets.  Even some midrange hunter and paladin matchups I struggle with.  I'm curious if you would recommend a kezan mystic and/or harrison jones and where you would stick them in this deck.  I've tried cutting a zombie chow for a kezan mystic and the hungry dragon for harrison jones.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks in advance.

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Guest Chrono

Great deck. First time I've played a priest deck. So far only deck I've played this season as far as ranked play and at rank 14. Will see how far I get with it.

Went to rank 6 with rush pally but the priest matches take nearly 2-3 times as long so it's a slow grind.

I am missing a cabal and light bomb

Sub a shadow madness and a loatheb. Loatheb was replaced with Nefarian just because I've been having so many games go to fatigue the extra spell cards have turned the tide and won probably 2 games with the late big body. Will still add the light bomb due to high mana cost of Nefarian.

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Hey, I really like the idea for this deck, but I feel like you wind up with a lot of dead cards when playing freeze mage's and control warriors, ie lightbomb and sylvannas not having targets.  Even some midrange hunter and paladin matchups I struggle with.  I'm curious if you would recommend a kezan mystic and/or harrison jones and where you would stick them in this deck.  I've tried cutting a zombie chow for a kezan mystic and the hungry dragon for harrison jones.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks in advance.

Sylvanas and Lightbomb are both insanely good against Control Warrior

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This deck is really good at higher ranks in the current meta.  Just hit rank 3 (for the first time, thanks Sottle), after a win streak all the way from rank 5.  When you draw a strong opening hand, you win 80% of the time.  


The synergies in this deck are very different than what you're used to with Control Priest.  Deathlords are the key to winning so many games.  They accomplish several things - first, an opponent often responds to it by throwing removal or small minions at it, sometimes inefficiently, thinking that the deathrattle will make up for it.  But you respond to that with a Lightbomb, and get insane value, clearing the board.  Secondly, since Deathlords ruin battlecries on what they pull out, they often completely break an opponent's win condition (i.e. it pulls an Alexstrasza, you do a little dance).  And finally, the Deathlord, Zombies, and Gilblin all make for absurd openings against aggro with Velen's.


Handlock is still tough, but not completely unwinnable.  I'm struggling a bit vs. new hybrid hunter, but that might just be me.  Mages get wrecked, Zoo loses most of the time, Paladin has almost no hope, Grim Patron matches are really fucking hilarious (but still losable), Control Warrior is about the same as standard Control Priest.  Rogues are still tough, but again, the Lightbombs, Deathlords, and ruined battlecries really help there.


So much fun.  I'm stopping at rank 3 because I'm getting an ulcer, but I'm sure this could ascend to legend and feast on the Grim Patrons there.


EDIT:  I did swap out Hungry Dragon for a Piloted Shredder, which is much better when you're behind.


EDIT 2:  Sylvannas is also a great companion for the Deathlord.  It really is an amazing card that requires experience to play well.

Edited by MehYam

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Guest Tictac

I like this deck more than the recent legendary priest deck, it feels a lot more consistent, I have a piloted shredder but that's my only real difference

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Guest Tictac

I also reverted to Piloted Shredder, it's just a great card, I don't doubt the dragon is useful, I am just a shredder fanboy I guess. I actually like this deck more than the newer legendary priest put up, I think it's got a great tempo and suffers less from a series of bad draws, just my opinion though, thanks Sottle! 

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I've also tried swapping out Thauri for a Vol'jin. Adds just a bit more removal power, although Thaurissan feels better for aggro.

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Guest Creamy

Since I didn't have a second Cabal Shadow Priest nor Sylvannas, I replaced them with x1 Holy Fire and x1 Piloted Sky Golem.


This deck works so well, I'm quite astonished!  It absolutely wrecks any kind of aggro deck, and even holds its own against control decks too.  I think it's really creative to have so many (x1) copies of cards, it's not something I really would have thought of due to consistency.  But because this deck generally plays almost all or all of its cards, there are no consistency issues.


I'm really happy to have a Priest deck again that I can play successfully (given the cards available to me).  Climbed from Rank 9 to 6 pretty easily.  I think the surprise factor of it is really confusing for other players as well.


Thanks Sottle!  Big fan of this site smile.png

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Guest Björn

I have played a similar deck for quite a while now and wanted to share some thoughts on it:


- I prefer a second Sludge Belcher instead of Healbot. Often the only thing the Healbot accomplished in my games was to delay a defeat for one or two turns. The 3-3 body of the Healbot is useless most of the time, for example in a match against hunter. Sludge Belcher helps much more to come back into a game. Another in my opinion superior alternative for Healbot is Holy Fire.


- I swapped one Power Word Shield for a Shadow Word Pain. SWP is just such a powerful tool, for example against Sludge Belcher, Deathlord, Water Elemental, Knife Juggler, and other annoying minions that are hidden behind taunts. This deck does not need two Power Word Shield, in particular due to the two Velens Chosen.


- I swapped a Zombie Chow for a second Giblin Stalker. This makes it more likely to have a target for Velens Chosen. Secondly, stealth allows for some fun tactics. Giblins Stalker can't be attacked by grim patrons while stealthed, cannot be removed by spells, cannot be stolen by Cabal Shadow Priest. Also Giblins Stalker works great together with Voljin.


- I think Emperor Taurissan is not that good in this deck because this deck does not rely on combos. Instead I use Voljin. Voljin is great because with this deck it is likely to have board presense. So for example the Giblin Stalker can kill the enemy minion after the health swapping. Also the combination with Holy Nova works quite well.

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Changes are all reasonable, hope they work out for you.

The idea that Belcher is better against Hunter than Healbot is just outright wrong though. Belcher is vulnerable to Owl, and doesn't protect you at all from the Hero Power, Quickshot, Kill Command etc. Against Midrange, Belcher can have some benefit to fight for the board, but overall Antique Healbot is the card Hunters fear.

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Guest enoch

As much as I love my typical Control/Auchenai deck, I find this deck awesome too. It certainly is a grinder deck; these are the longest matches I've ever played, and they all went down to the last few cards for both players. I've only played a few matches in the lower ranks, but it has been successful so far. The two losses I had were because of mistakes I had made.


I also switched out one zombie chow for another gilblin. I found that most of the time I mulliganed one zombie, and got the second one much later in the game.



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Guest jay

cut x1 zombie for x1recombulator,

x1 thouthsteal for vol'jin (2thoutsteals soooo slow).

works fine so far 

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I'll come right out and say it - this deck (with Thaurissan swapped out for Vol'Jin) is an underrated meta breaker right now.  And it's damn fun to play.  I'm at rank 5 this season after very few games, shooting for legend, peaking at rank 2 last season.  The Vol'Jin really is important though, it synergizes well with the Deathlords, and helps mitigate the deathrattle.


The only time it feels weak is when it draws badly vs. aggro, so zoo hurts sometimes, and handlock is a tryhard matchup.

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Guest px

Hi Sottle,

I always seem to bump into Freeze Mage. How should I play against this match-up?


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Freeze Mage is just an unfavoured matchup, you're going to give them too much time to setup their combos. You have to be as aggressive as possible early on to try and set up a rush win with Velen's Chosen, and if this fails, you have to fall back to aiming to fatigue them out. Fatigue kills the Mage through Ice Block, so you can skip activating the two secrets completely if you just let them run out of cards.

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I love this deck! It is so versatile, and can be played in so many ways.


I swapped 1 Zombie Chow for 1 Echoing Ooze. Not sure if it I will stick to this swap, but if the Ooze is played together with Velens Chosen, it gives You 2 x 3/6 minions - and I like that :)

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Guest GreiToN

This deck is awesome, what i did:

+Kezan Mystic

-Zombie Chow


Kezan is such a good card against Hunters and Mages ... Everytime i play this card against Huntard-> instant concede


#24 i like echo + velen, it is so strong. ^^

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