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[Archived] S20 Hearthstone Grinder/China Priest BrM

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  On 9/14/2015 at 7:30 PM, Boddhisattva said:

I get screwed by card draw with this deck more often then not. There are many better Priest decks than this one


You're losing because of your draws and you're blaming the deck? Doesn't seem too logical.

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  On 9/12/2015 at 2:34 PM, Kobal said:

How viable is this priest variant compared to the popular dragon priest decks, or rather where lie the relative strengths and weaknesses?


I'm at rank 3 again - running 55% win rate, about the same as Kolento's Dragon deck during my climb.  This deck is also decent vs. the dragon priest, if you're running Vol'jin.  It's enjoyable when you stomp the new priest with Thoughtsteals, MC's, Deathlords, zombies, etc.


This deck is also more enjoyable to play compared to Dragon, because: 1) there's a resurgence of control warrior and Druid, and this deck rolls over both,  2) it befuddles secrets pally, as long as you have an opener, and 3) it's less punished by bad opening hands.


The worst matchups right now are Handlock (as always), control Hunter, and Justicar Pally.  I don't think I've beaten Justicar Pally in like 20 tries.

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Guest jay

I don't have the 2nd lightbomb.

Can i reasonably sub it wth BGH?

Thanks in advance.

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How is this decks Matchup against Patron Warrior? My initial guess looking at the deck list would be 'not so good' since I do not see much that can keep the warrior from assembling the perfect combo hand and comboing you from 30 to 0 in one turn with a pair of very angry frothing berserkers. Control Warrior can armor up beyond 30, which sadly this deck can not - unless it steals/thoughtsteals an armor smith or shield block. The deck also plays only three taunts.


Or maybe I am completely wrong in my assessment. 

Edited by Kobal
  • Confused 1

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Guest Greenie

This deck is waaaay to slow. 


0% chance against mages, for example. Unless you get exactly the right cards at the right moment and he doesnt.

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Guest RDH

This deck seems to be very, very depended on early card draws. If you don't get the right cards, you're screwed.

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Hey guys, is this viable ? I am at rank 10 and I was wondering could I improve to atleast to rank 5.I am really liking this deck and I would spend all my dust for this. Dragon priest is too expensive

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Guest Kobolt

Hopeless deck.




Usually you are dead before turn 7, unless you draw exactly what you need.

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Guest Luís Guilherme

I was amazed with this deck since the time I've read it first.

I've swapped chows for Gadgetzan Jousters for some reasons:

If the opponent is aggro, it will turn out to be 2/3 most of the time. It does not become a dead card in your hand in the mid game (you don't want to heal your dying opponent). It shows you a card from your opponent's deck, which helps your strategy. (Saved me from dropping an early deathlord against a dragon paladin I thought was aggro). A 1/2 minion is easily ignored (poor trade with a 2/1, which will prefer go face, too risky for a 3/2, etc) which will improve the chances of buffing it with a Velen's (3/6 spell dmg+1 on turn 2 with the coin. Not bad).

Since I don't have lightbomb neither the dust to craft them, I tucked in a BGH and a Mind Control Tech. It's not the same thing, though, and as soon as I get the dust, I'll improve the deck.

Another change was Fjola as the 3/4 minion instead of Dark Cultist. Fjola is so powerful in this deck, that it has already won games to me singlehandedly.

Great win ratio. Most of losses due to sheer stupidity (last one was not healing myself when 9 life left against an empty tabled tempo mage in kill range next turn. I was published with a week deserved Pyroblast)

Most of my struggles are against warlock, be it aggro or handlock. Against handlock, lightbomb would have saved me most of the time)

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To the people that are saying the deck is too slow, you're mistaken. By "too slow" I presume you mean "losing to aggro" in which case, I really don't know what to tell you, this deck destroys Aggro, you're probably mulliganing poorly, or making ineffecient decisions in the early game.


If the opponent is aggro, it will turn out to be 2/3 most of the time. It does not become a dead card in your hand in the mid game (you don't want to heal your dying opponent). It shows you a card from your opponent's deck, which helps your strategy. (Saved me from dropping an early deathlord against a dragon paladin I thought was aggro). A 1/2 minion is easily ignored (poor trade with a 2/1, which will prefer go face, too risky for a 3/2, etc) which will improve the chances of buffing it with a Velen's (3/6 spell dmg+1 on turn 2 with the coin. Not bad).


This just isn't the case unfortunately. The maths has been done and it shows that even with a midrangey deck like this against an aggro deck, you're only 40-60% likely to win the Joust depending on exact builds. It's just not worth the risk, this deck really doesn't care too much about killing the opponent so the Chow drawback is rarely a drawback. Jouster is just a bad card.

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Guest Kyusskid

Hey Sottle


I see in a previous post you said this deck is favoured against secret pally but I have a terrible win rate against them. Can you give any tips on how to play this deck against them as the ladder seems to be full of secrets pallys at the moment.


Many thanks

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Guest Tusy

HI sottle,

great deck and guide! Im above 60% winrate at rank 10 atm. 

Unfortunately i dont have sylvanaas, which i assume powers up the deck significantly. I replaced her with another mind control. It helps a lot against in controlly games. It there a more sufficient replacement?


Also i switched out the shadow madness for another shrinkmaister, for the cabal combo. However i figured out that shrink works really good with shadowmadness too. What should i replace with it?


Thanks for the answer.

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Double Mind Control is pretty clunky, replacing Sylvanas probably comes down to Justicar or another tech card, you can even replace it directly with the second Shrinkmeister you asked about.

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Hi, the description speaks about using a Hungry Dragon instead of Piloted Shredder. However, you removed the Hungry Dragon in the may update. It isn't really important, it just triggers me :D

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Guest Tusy

Yeah. Kinda figured it out biggrin.png 
Put back the shadowmadness instead of the extra MC. Works like a charm. Thanks! smile.png

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Guest Lilith

Just wanted to say: awesome deck!


Absolutely the most entertaining deck Ive done so far. Handlock is quite hard, if the lock has the right answers (which are abundant...) Ive found this quite hard to win. Secret pala I somehow find quite hard aswell, but with LB in hand and atleast 1 minion on board turn 6 its managable.


I dont have Sylvanas and a second Cabal, Instead Im using Kel'thuzad and Faceless (some insta conceids this way biggrin.png).


Also running double Shadow madness instead of double Thoughtsteal... Ive found most steals to be inadequate to deal with problems that I encounter, the second SM helps me clear the board/keep the board clear much easier. As many others have said, also running 2 Gilbils instead of 2 chows for obvious reasons.


Thanks again, Ive always wanted to play a priest control deck, but didnt like the Wild pyro and dont like (or have dust for) dragon priest. I had made my own deck first (which was somewhat similar) but I couldnt get passed rank 14, just now Ive hit rank 9 with just this deck, awesome!

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Guest z0rg

Such an amazing deck!! I've lost almost 12 games in a row, then after 1 win I lost another 3. I got from rate 14 to rate 18 in less than a day!! This is astonishing!

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