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    • By Alrighthun
      So i swapped to sub rogue at 7.2.5 and i've read multiple guides but i sim way higher than what i do can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
      Using DFA build
      Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dDC4KfzyRhcmawJp#fight=2&type=damage-done&source=9
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    • By Novax73
      recently back to WOW, used my lvl 100 boost on my Combat rogue and my DPS is half of what it should be. My Item lvl is about 670. My single target is about 16K and my multi is around 21K. the DMG calculators say it should be between 29K-36K single and 34K-50K multi. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. i use instant poison and Toggle Blade Flurry when its a multi target event and of when single. I Use Anticipation over mark of death as i find it easier.
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