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[US -Sen'Jin] [A] <Phantom>10/10H: Mythic and Heroic Recruiting

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Hey Everyone,


We're a fun adult casual raiding guild with 2 teams: West coast team (10/10H) raids Wednesday and Monday 8:30PM -11:30AM PST and East Coast (8/10H) team raids Thursday and Sunday 7:45PM-10:45PM EST. West coast team is looking for 2 strong healers: preferably a druid and a Monk; but all classes welcome. Also looking for 3 rdps preferably boomkins (highest priority), mages, and/or locks (Though any rdps besides hunters are welcome). East coast team looking for 3 healers, 2 mdps of any class, and 3 rdps of any class. 

A good bit of the guild has raided together for many years, some as far back as BC. A lot of us are RL friends, and meet when we travel etc. We're older, but not ageist. Our guild culture is very important. Knowing each other in RL we treat everyone well: no sexists, racists, and/or douche bags welcome :-).  We're all about fun while progressing. We only raid 2 nights a week for 3 hours each night. As such we're also not interested in flakes or hot heads regardless of ability. 


We're also always happy to have social players; who just want to level alts, pet battle, and run dungeons.

Feel free to real ID friend me (progeny#1851), or visit our web site (phantom-sj.guildlaunch.com) for any questions. 


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