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How to counter those low level decks in ranked?

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So annoyed with these people who pick up all lvl 1 cards. Dats not my preferred deck or play style. I like being balanced but my AoE spells, on Mage, never seem to get drawn when I come across these opponents. Even if they do, by the time I have the mana to use them my Hero has no health left and theres 8 enemy minions on the deck most of them with a death rattle to summon a new minion. 


 Is this just how i have to play if I want to play ranked or are there decks to counter such players, who seem to mostly be mages warlocks and hunters. Hunters are the worst. They seem to kill me by the 5th turn. I have a variety of lvl 1 2 3 4 5 and legendary minions, but I can never keep up with these guys. 



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So it sounds like you're struggling with Aggro decks, the game has many, many cards in it to counter Aggro effectively. Add some of them to your deck. Zombie Chow, Deathlord, Antique Healbot, Haunted Creeper, Sludge Belcher etc.

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