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DPS issue with affliction

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So i was wondering if im doing something wrong with my rotation, here is my armory : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/nemesis/Edneia/advanced , there are many proc that i have to be aware of being proc, and i dont use a addon that helps me with the timing of the procs, the only thing i use to help is omnicc so i at least get the numbers showing in the dot, but still being many stuff to be aware of at same time and with difficult. i.e : procs , dot time and mecanics of bosses. Right now im dpsing around 65k to max of 80k(when im not in a stressful situation) so my question (sorry for the long text..) is : am i doing something wrong? im sitting at the 75k average dps with 484 ilvl. Its normal or i can improve without changing pieces of my set? (like addons for time monitoring of the procs)

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I can tell you that the difference between 60k and 100k in 476 gear is dot management and Haunt/MG uptime. There is not a more dangerous class in the game, nor is there a class more difficult to manage to reach those single target numbers.

Take a look at Zagam's tips and quirks post. You will learn everything there is to know about this spec. I know I went from 60K to 90K from that post alone.

A Sha touched weapon also does wonders for ones DPS. 8)

Edited by Kellhound99

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Intial reaction, you're sitting at (according to armory) 5845 haste. you should be either at 4717 or, if you're really crazy, 6400.

Anything in between is wasted.

So you could reforge some haste out and get closer to the hitcap. (i.e remove hit>haste reforges and/or pick up haste>hit reforges)

the added hit will help you not miss.

(caveat: I'm not usually a fan of hit capping, so it's odd i'm giving that advice)

Trying to find your world of logs was pointless because your guilds last entry was over a week ago, and your last entry was back in mid november, and even then you only did trash...no bosses.


so without being able to see a log, there's not a great way to help troubleshoot what can be done more than the haste issue you currently have.

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I always forget to /combatlog =/

As you can see i pretty much dumped all my hit into haste , i have great chances of miss but im aware of it , missing a aplication of a dot or re-ap sometimes cause me stress and im seriously thinking im far from the ideal.

But i just though if i swap hit for some haste maybe i could improve my dps or sth like that.

Funny is that i never missed a haunt.. the only thing that i miss is mg and sometimes UA, UA can delay me from cast mg and in the case of miss a mg i can re cast instantly..

Going reforje tonight when i arrive home..

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I'm not sure why people don't hit cap. I hit cap, hit the 6637 haste threshold, then dump stats into Mastery. I sit at like 47% mastery pre-buff then 62% in raid combat. I ranked #4 on Gara'jal last night and #8 on Feng at 494 ilvl. Hit capping and DoT management is completely where it's at. A wasted global because of a DoT miss is really horrible. For your logs compared to mine, see this from last night:


Look at my Gara'jal attempt specifically. No misses. 75% Haunt uptime. DoT uptimes all over 93% (I think UA was off at the very end.) What you don't see in these logs, however, is how I managed my buffs. You NEVER overwrite a DoT that is overcharged. You wait until the very last tick to overwrite that. However, if you get buffs that shove your spell power to 1.25 or higher times your original application value, stop what you're doing and beast that DoT up. The reason that Blizzard won't acknowledge Affliction being so overpowered is SOLELY because they NEVER intended for people to track exactly how powerful DoTs were. The reason Affliction dominates every other spec by a landslide is because of the snap-shotting feature of stats. Dark Soul lasts for 20 seconds, right? I take those 20 seconds and make it last 44 seconds with UA, 46 second with Corruption, and a mind boggling 59 seconds with Agony. With my 4 set bonus with Dark Soul being an 80 second CD, all of a sudden instead of a 25% uptime on Dark Soul, I'm looking at more like 60-75%! But ONLY IF YOU UNDERSTAND DOT MANAGEMENT!

I cannot stress this enough that secondary stats DO NOT MAKE OR BREAK YOUR PLAY. If you have some sort of mix of Haste and Mastery that you like, play with it because it's not going to make that much of a difference. I play with more Haste than Mastery which is taboo in the Warlock community, but because I understand how DoTs work and I make them last the duration when they are powered up, I gain more benefit from Haste than Simcraft could ever model or that other players understand. Your DPS is dependent on your understanding of the class, not your understanding of the secondary stats. Just don't reforge to Crit and you'll be fine. Don't think that dropping 500 haste rating and gaining 500 mastery rating is going to suddenly 'fix' your DPS. It won't. Get a DoT tracker like Affdots and THEN you'll see some major improvements.

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I'm not sure why people don't hit cap.

because for the first time in our lives, we didn't have to. And i know from a personal standpoint, it was a glorious feeling to not have to absolutely, positively have to be capped to perform.

but...as you'll see from my other posts around here (about hit gems and stats), i'm finally re-joining the hitcap mindset. but my change is not in an attempt to improve my numbers, but because i'm ridiculously lazy, and hate having to cast any more than i really need to. It is overly annoying to SB:SS and see one of the three not land. to hear the sound of a missed refresh.

also, i need a belt, and i wasn't going to regem/reforge until i got the belt. and that's been 3 weeks now. So i figure the best way to get my belt to drop tonight is to reforge and regem all my gear.


I play with more Haste than Mastery which is taboo in the Warlock community,

Don't think that dropping 500 haste rating and gaining 500 mastery rating is going to suddenly 'fix' your DPS.

lets be fair here. your high haste is still in line within a threshold. it's barely over the 9th tick of UA.

Saying that the OP isn't going to gain anything by dropping 500 haste (or in actuality, closer to 1k) and putting it into another stat is a little wrong, don't you think?

They gain nothing from being between caps. And since it's clear they can put it into hit instead, that would be a gain.

Edited by Gravyspasm

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They will gain MAYBE 200-300 DPS from that simple reforge. The DPS loss from not monitoring DoTs could be as much as 10k-15k improvement.

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I guess im going to reforje a bit to hit, i think im wasting time sometimes when i miss some dots .. even with the instant cast .. that time casting again a dot could be used for mg uptime instead.. realized now.. going to try hit more instead of dump it to haster and mastery all

Thanks for the reply everyone !

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Is downgrading my gear to get the 4 piece a huge DPS gain for me?


I am just not able to compete with another warlock in my guild and the only difference I can see is the 4 piece set. I compare our DoT uptimes and they are almost identical, and oddly mine even tick more than his does but his DPS and damage out weigh mine.

Still curious as to what I'm missing or doing wrong not to be maintaining 100k+ on average at my gear level.

I'm competing with warlock named "Simplexity" in my guild and I'm "Viti" of course if anyone cared to take a jab at what he is doing better than me other than the 4 piece set. (I don't even have the 2 piece.)


Is the set bonus really going to separate me upwards of 10k-15k+ DPS no matter what I do?!

I can reach the 6400 haste cap but then it drops my mastery to the high 5700-5900's. I figured a minimum 6000 mastery is due at my gear level.

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Is downgrading my gear to get the 4 piece a huge DPS gain for me?


I am just not able to compete with another warlock in my guild and the only difference I can see is the 4 piece set. I compare our DoT uptimes and they are almost identical, and oddly mine even tick more than his does but his DPS and damage out weigh mine.

Still curious as to what I'm missing or doing wrong not to be maintaining 100k+ on average at my gear level.

I'm competing with warlock named "Simplexity" in my guild and I'm "Viti" of course if anyone cared to take a jab at what he is doing better than me other than the 4 piece set. (I don't even have the 2 piece.)


Is the set bonus really going to separate me upwards of 10k-15k+ DPS no matter what I do?!

I can reach the 6400 haste cap but then it drops my mastery to the high 5700-5900's. I figured a minimum 6000 mastery is due at my gear level.

just looked at your elegon log and noticed you had 211 soulburns...... why?

Dont refresh your dots using soul burn. Hard cast them. Your shards are much better used for haunt. By using so many soulburns, you effectively lost over a minute of Haunt uptime

Also, when the Energy Charges come on elegon, Soulburn > Seed of corruption, and then spam seed of corruption. You should get 5 seeds off there per wave. As an aff lock, you shouldnt really be single target DPSing the charges. You are much more valuable keeping on elegon and AoEing all Energy Charges (use Mannoroths Fury for this fight to enable all Energy Charges to be hit). Our last Elegon HC kill, I did 25% of the damage to the energy charges.

And yes. Downgrading to get the set bonus will be an upgrade ;)

Edited by Boradan

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just looked at your elegon log and noticed you had 211 soulburns...... why?

Dont refresh your dots using soul burn. Hard cast them. Your shards are much better used for haunt. By using so many soulburns, you effectively lost over a minute of Haunt uptime

Also, when the Energy Charges come on elegon, Soulburn > Seed of corruption, and then spam seed of corruption. You should get 5 seeds off there per wave. As an aff lock, you shouldnt really be single target DPSing the charges. You are much more valuable keeping on elegon and AoEing all Energy Charges (use Mannoroths Fury for this fight to enable all Energy Charges to be hit). Our last Elegon HC kill, I did 25% of the damage to the energy charges.

And yes. Downgrading to get the set bonus will be an upgrade Posted Image

You scared me. I saw 211 and said WTF? I see you meant 21. I think I was single target SB>SS the adds. I'll try to SoC method next week. Just gotta learn to time it right. Any other recommendations based on another fight? Although great advice, it really doesn't lead me to an answer as to why even on a single target fight my DPS might be so much lower. Thanks for taking the time to look into that one. Now I have to start figuring out how to get my 4 piece back. Didn't ever save that gear because I ended up with higher ilvl gear for those slots. /sigh

Edited by Merq

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