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Macro to help keep trinkets used in battle

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So anyway I always find that when a trinket has an "on use" increase that if I have to remember to click a button I always forget but the annoying sounds when it's put into a macro and the text on screen popping up saying an item is not ready yet is a pain. Here is a solution I use for most of my characters, I just use a spell or ability that I spam as often as possible.

#ShowToolTip <SpellName>

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/use 13

/use 14

/cast <Spell CoolDown>

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()

/cast <SpellName>

So to break this down a bit /use 13 and /use 14 activates the trinkets as they are slots 13 and 14 on the paper doll frame in the character screen. On my warrior I also macro in the buffs that do not require a global cooldown like Berserker Rage and if you have a herbalist you can throw lifeblood in for a minor haste increase as well.

The /script sections remove the annoying on screen messages and if I remember right the little sound that indicates an ability is not ready. If you have a toon that says "I can't use that yet" that setting is in the sounds section under error emote speech.

You can also wrap any spell in this macro to remove the on screen messages by doing this:

#ShowToolTip <SpellName>

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/cast <SpellName>

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()

Useful for the button that has the number wore off cause you are pressing it nearly 100 times per minute.

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  On 12/21/2012 at 7:14 AM, 'Damien said:

You can also add /use 10, for Synapse Springs Posted Image

I always use the actual item name (so everytime I upgrade I have to re-type the item in my macro).

I didnt even know /use 10 etc existed Posted Image

EDIT: This totally doesnt count as a noob mistake - right? :P

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LOL, well I got tired of retyping the item names in BC and started trolling to find something to change that. The macro I use now is basically my bread and butter almost every toon uses it in some shape or form.

Never had an engineer high enough to use synapse springs but useful idea to use /10 but basically anything that has an on use activation could be added by slot number.

I have another one that is useful for a holy pally or at least in my case. I use healbot but often times have the main tank selected so to cast judgement on the boss or a mob you have to change targets somehow, this one fixes that.

#showtooltip Judgment

/cast [no help][@targettarget,no help] Judgment

If you target something directly that is unfriendly it will cast judgement and if you have a friendly player targeted and they have an unfriendly target it will cast judgement on their target. Kinda nice Eh?

As far as a noob mistake. . . well no at least you are using the trinkets, lol. Though it's a lot easier my way.

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Hmmm maybe I should have just thrown up a my macro's thread. . . lol.

Anyway pulling another one out of my hat!

#showtooltip Polymorph

/clearfocus [modifier:shift]

/focus [@focus,noexists]

/clearfocus [@focus,help][@focus,noharm]


/stopmacro [@target,noharm]

/cast [@focus,exists,harm][@target] Polymorph

Nice one for a ranged cast CC ability but workable with any CC though if it's one that requires specific targeting or mele range it will be tougher to use.

Basically select the target and hit polymorph or repentance if on a pally. It will set a focus and CC them. If the CC breaks you don't have to change targets, just hit your macro again and it will automatically recast the CC. Should you need to change your target you hold shift and hit the macro to clear the focus and then acquire the new target, use the macro and continue on. I use RSA so casts and breaks are announced to the group which reminds you to recast as well.

A useful one for an Unholy DK is this

#showtooltip Death Coil

/cast [target=Pet] Death Coil

Simple heal for your pet without targeting them, click and they get healed. No need to change target and little wasted time.

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Couple other ones that will be useful for a warrior but can be modified for other things pretty easily.

#showtooltip Vigilance

/cast [help][@targettarget,help] Vigilance

This casts Vigilance on a friendly target or if you are targeting an unfriendly target it will cast Vigilance on the friendly target you are targeting. I use this as most of the time I am targeting a boss and there are times where the tank is taking a large amount of damage and the healers are letting them get low and likely falling a bit behind. I can sap some of the damage taken by the tank to myself and it allows the healers to get the tank topped off easier. Often when I use this an AOE heal is placed on or near me so the damage I take is pretty much covered by that and it helps keep the tanks going where they would often end up dieing.

Another one that I had but didn't fix till today is this


/cast [mod:ctrl]Commanding Shout;Battle Shout

It's a simple modifier macro. It casts Battle shout by default and commanding shout if Control is pressed when cast. I did not put a name after #showtooltip as if you press control it will show the graphic and tooltip for commanding shout and without pressing control it will show the tooltip and graphic for battle shout. This is of course only true if the red "?" is selected as the icon, otherwise the #showtooltip will only change the actual tooltip and not the graphic.

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Ok, so been working a warlock and being that I have a multi button mouse I keep a few spots in an action bar set to specific mouse buttons so that should I need to say have the extra action button on a fast click without looking for it I can move the macro I use for mounting from it's spot and drop the macro for the extra action button in it's place and so forth.

So I setup this one so that I can use control for a quick modifier to drop a demonic circle and cast the teleport when no modifier is pressed.



/cast [modifier:ctrl] Demonic Circle: Summon; Demonic Circle: Teleport

Haven't used it much as of yet but I like the way it should function as it will allow me to keep a demonic circle up and teleport to it quickly should I need to.

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Rather than visiting the control panel to turn off the audio error, then to turn it back on, I also wrap this in:

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0


/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

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Very nice. I mainly turn off error emote speech, nothing worse than a toon back talking ya. The minor sound that is made otherwise I barely even notice especially since the mouse and keyboard clicks are louder for my equipment. I hate the onscreen messages stacked three high though which is why I choose to remove them.

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  On 2/5/2013 at 1:33 PM, 'BrightBrown said:

Rather than visiting the control panel to turn off the audio error, then to turn it back on, I also wrap this in:

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0


/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Thanks for the tip. This is going to make for very verbose macros :P

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Indeed, for me to cast a simple Pyroblast, it does go through a bunch of lines... OTOH, I USED to also include some /say statements... along the "take that you maggot" line. Those did not last too long!

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LOL, yeah some of those Macro's with the /say and /yell comments get annoying very quickly when they are commonly used. When I solo or my wife run together we use speakinspell to break the boredom plus it's nice when combined with slashin and the statements for congratulating guild members for achievements are modified to take a second or two until they activate. Plus speakinspell can easily be turned of for dungeons and raids so you do not annoy everyone else though some people actually have some fun with it. You just modify the timing so that it a minimum time has to pass or so that a particular spell has a 10% chance to activate.

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