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Your World of Warcraft Noob Mistake!

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Oh man. Back in BC, I had no idea the proper way to gem and such. So I ran around with allllll kinds of jacked up gems for a while until a guildie of mine inspecting me one day and facepalm'd. He then helped me figure it all out and explained a bunch of stuff to me. :)

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Thought that Soulbound meant that I would have to wear that piece of armor for the length of my toons existence. Would only equip gear that dropped and said Bind on Equip.

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Many, many moons ago I was munched by the crocs outside Menethil Harbour (you can tell an old skool players but how the memory of the croc run to IF still makes them shudder) when I was invited to join some guildies in Southshore. So off I run and got right to the bridge by the Iron Dwarves before realising I had not rezzed yet.

Its not a massive noob mistake in the grand scheme of things but I could not stop laughing at my foolishness for ages.

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  On 1/5/2013 at 3:13 PM, 'Sliquelock said:

Not a huge noob mistake and shared by others im sure...Going into and instance or raid after fishing and still having the fishing pole equipped and wondering why your doing crap DPS...Hey like I said i aint the only one....LOL

....AND the chef's hat...happened both to me.

Can recall some noobish acts i did, but lately one happened to me, though must say i was not really paying attention, Anyway, I was flying back to the Shrine of Seven Stars, i fly in and was immediately getting killed,,,,,,,,,,was like wtf is going on??!! Realising then i landed in the Shrine of Two Moons......

Edited by Daowen
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Think the worst thing I've done recently came about whilst levelling 2 new toons, a warlock and a mistweaver monk. I was switching BoA gear back and fourth between the two. One day I decided to queue on my warlock, only to realize I had no weapon, trinkets or cape. I did hilariously bad that dungeon: P

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I played nearly six months as a warlock actually using my sword or other handheld weapon while occasionally casting a spell. I thought the spells were just a slight help. UGH!

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I queued up for a PvP match at level 10 while still in the Goblin starting area, and got the deserter debuff when I wasn't able to join. Didn't realize you had to finish the zone first.

I right-clicked on one of the NPC's with a red name in Booty Bay, since he looked like an innkeeper. Only made that mistake once.

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Not exactly a noob mistake, since I had been playing for a good while, but still pretty good.

We were pulling Algalon and I was tanking (Prot Warrior). As you know, he hits hard and very fast (dual-wielding). So, on one pull, I just die right away within a few seconds. We wipe. Confusion ensues as we run back; I'm asking the healers what happened, and they're asking me. I insist I just wasn't healed. They say they were healing. Someone suggests that perhaps I was in DPS gear or something silly. I check. Nope, Prot gear. We move on.

Next pull, Algalon activates. I accidentally flick my mouse wheel. I have my PvP gear set bound to my mouse wheel. Gear switches moments before combat. Instant death. Much yelling.

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Last Wednesday I queue for LFR while making my mount runs. Just finished looting Kael'thas (no Ashes) when LFR pops. Go in and do pretty unimpressive DPS on Iron Qon. Do some checking and ahh yes having a weapon equipped would help. Did a little better on Twin Consorts Posted Image

One of the friends I started playing WoW with (they don't play now) had a hunter. He was at level 40ish and couldn't figure out how I had caught up nor how I could damage things that fast. I asked him what weapon he was using and he replied "axes". So I clarified and asked what ranged weapon? His reply was that he wanted to be a melee hunter so he didn't use a ranged weapon. He stayed that way for 3 more levels till he realized how many abilities he could use with ranged weapons and how fast things could die.

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Hmmmm let's see. First I was trying to cook things on my hunter using my fire trap, and wondered why my camp fire looked so spikey! lol Also someone asked me to post my <chest>, meaning link my current chest piece, andI thought he wanted boob pics! HAHA :D

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Rocked a cloak with strength and intellect on my mage in Wrath Posted Image. Had no idea that although it had awesome intellect it was really bad for me. Worst part is, no one corrected me until I was about 70.

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  On 12/21/2012 at 7:18 AM, 'Damien said:

Let's see if you guys have something funny to share about the mistakes you made when you first started playing WoW.

I'm usually a bit slow to pick things up in games, and in the same manner as it took me about a year of playing Counter-Strike (back in 2000) before noticing I could buy a second Flashbang, it took me about a year of end-game raiding to notice that Synapse Springs (the Engineering raiding perks) wasn't just another Hand enchant, but that it was something extra that you could apply to your Hand item, in addition to a more regular Hand enchant. So, for a year or so, I had no regular Hand enchant Posted Image

I have a good noob mistake about Zagam. :) But i'll let him tell it!

Luckily, I had a lot of helpers when I first started. The only noob mistake I've ever made is changing my credit card number on the Blizzcon ticket page before changing the quantity of tickets. :) hahaha

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Today I wanted to sell a pet to someone and I let them bet on a price, (rare quality Zandalari pet) and I tried to mail it, said soulbound. I told my guild how awkward it was when I sold one of these pets to one of my friends and now I cant mail them. My guildy said; it can be boxed and caged. And I just told the person that it was soulbound but I eventually caged the pet and sold it. Lol

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I'd never played a game involving any sort of PvP before I played WoW, but I knew WoW had it. So I started my mage, did some lowbie mage quests and eventually ran into Silvermoon. Not knowing that other Horde players can't attack me, I basically ran around the outsides of the areas trying desperately to not be seen because there were level 80s there! I can't fight that! Shortly after that, a friend gave me 10g and I thought it was ALL the gold in the WORLD.

Then came the levelling. It never occurred to me that the zones wouldn't just linearly progress through levels. I finished every single quest in Ghostlands and then ran straight south. Obviously they wouldn't design a game where your next zone isn't anywhere near where you are, right? Riiiiiiiight? I died a lot. I thought I was just bad. Didn't think that Eastern Plaguelands was actually for level 50ish players instead of the level 20 I was.

Once I got to 80, I thought the game was done, so I stopped playing.

Once I came back, I thought pure-colored gems were the good ones and the hybrid colored ones were for scrubs. Had no clue what enchants were whatsoever.

Then I started tanking. Those were dark days... mostly for everyone else around me. The concept of moving out of the way of Ozruk's (Stonecore) two abilities blew my mind. Took me months before I ever got beyond that boss. thought it was just impossibly hard.

Tanked normal mode t11 fine, but then we tried heroic Magmaw. I charged in for the pull. I took a few steps forward. I splatted into the lava. I was shocked. I was dead certain that was impossible in normal mode and argued it fervently. We switched it to normal and I splatted into the lava. x.x

Took me six months to realize Warbringer in Cata allowed me to use both Charge AND Intercept. x.x

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On my very first raid ever, my first boss was Alysazor....

I have just seen a feather on the floor. Thought: "Yeaaayy flyiiing".

A hell no! Fire caw in yer face XDD

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In Vanilla WoW I was leveling my main, which is a warrior. I started tanking in the Scarlet Monestery and continued to do so until about level 50. I tanked with a two-handed axe, and just sunder armored and taunted XD.

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I didn't even know about tanks when I first started playing wow. Well I guess I knew they existed, but I didn't understand proper group comp when running dungeons. I ran dead mines a few times with 5 dps, or 3 dps + 2 healers. I remember doing Zul Farrak one time with 4 rogues and a priest.

I don't think I really learned how to put a proper group together until about half way through leveling in BC when higher levels friends couldn't tank with their hunter pet for me anymore (I started playing a few months before the xpac, and never hit max level in Vanilla)

Edited by Storm

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Back during vanilla we were doing MC. All the trash was starting to respawn. So I stealthed back upto the boss on my druid. Back then we didn't have anything but a battle rez. I accidently rezzed a rogue. Thus making my raid wait another 20mins.

Edited by Rabb

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My very first wow day (not long ago) I died to a beasty tiger in the undead starting area and as everyone knows it's debuff free to speak to a spirit guardian thing and resurrect yourself if you are under level 10 (since there's a massive message on screen that tells you this). Well, what it didn't tell you was.. where this spirit guardian person is (was right in front of my face but with no nameplate as far as I remember) and as a noob I ran around in this wonderful spirit world looking for my corpse or an npc that was named spirit something (I can't remember the name). An hour later I got extremely frustrated and uninstalled wow :D. Luckily though a friend reinvited me and showed me how to resurrect properly few moons later, since then my corpse run has not reached that 1 hour mark yet fingers crossed.

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i decided i wanted to level a shadow priest, so i went to the character creation screen, spent about 10 mins setting up my features and name etc, get into game, spend another 10 mins setting up my UI and addons, do the first couple of quests on my way to the mailbox, log out, mail heirlooms, log back in, and then it dawns on me i had rolled a mage........my guild made shadowmage jokes for about 3 months...i just saw cloth on the character screen and forgot to check

Edited by Tielo
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I made a few mistakes while levelling for the first time.

I remember being around lvl 45 when some one I had grouped with said "lets mount up and go to X". I said I could't as I couldn't learn riding as I had filled my two profession slots already. I thought riding was a profession because when I tried learning it at around level 10-15 (already having two professions) it said I couldn't.

Also, I had been playing for about 7-8 months (a few weeks into Cata so I was lvl 85) before I realised I could sell stuff to vendors. Before then I had been deleting unwanted items or storing them in my bank. As soon as I realised I could do sell crap and get some gold, I went and cleared my bank of all my old soulbound gear. :-)

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Trying to heal in a dungeon as resto shaman in full agility gear and no mouse over macros.

Took me about 2 years to get over the fail shame and try healing again!

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During Vanilla I remember spending tons of time surfing the auction house for that ONE particular robe that looked gorgeous on my Night Elf Druid - regardless of stats. After I took a break and came back when BC came out to find my Druid wearing miscellaneous agility, intellect, strength stats, I won't lie it made me facepalm a little bit.

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OMG Noob mistakes! I probably have dozens! I played Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 but was very hesitant to get on and actually play with other people. I took the plunge in January '09. I had never played any online game or MMORPG, so I was as clueless as they come.

1) Leveled my Priest as Holy - took me 6 months to get to 80.

2) Tried to raid the day I turned 80 - did ok for a bit until a RL started asking me questions about my "PoH and PoM and CoH" usage. I was like "my what?". He was actually very polite and just said they wouldn't be needing me.

3) Ate food that was a quest item.

4) Ran in from a wipe in ToC - we were on the part when there are a gazillion Hordies opposite us and you fight them all - and I thought they were my guild and happily ran directly into them, of course pulling them. I didn't hear the end of that for a long time.

5) My friend told me to ask in trade for a port. I had never taken a port and didn't know what it meant, but I did what he said. Someone answered, I paid him and then just stood there. Didn't even see the portal let alone know I should click on it. He called me a retard and logged out. Unbelievably, I was truly offended!

6) When I joined my current guild, in our first raid, I kept asking for a Mage Table in chat - like 5 times. Then I got pissed and said "Ok - I have asked really politely for a Mage Table like 5 times! Give me one now!". Turns out, they had been putting them out the whole time but we were running so fast, and it was 25 man, that I hadn't seen any of them. So embarrassing! That one I didn't live down for like a year. It became a running joke because a guildie named Ent had shown me where the last one laid down was, so it was always "Uh-oh! Ent isn't here! Tal will never find the table!"

7) Switched from Horde to Alliance, and kept dying when I tried to go to set my hearth - turns out that I was running to Two Moons instead of the Alliance one out of habit.

Anyways, I did find many wonderful people eventually who schooled me and helped me on my way. I am forever greatful to them and am always trying to pay it forward Posted Image

Edited by Taldryx
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