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Your World of Warcraft Noob Mistake!

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I was very drunk the day I decided to pick up the game and my very first toon was a nelf hunter. From 1-60 I believed that autoshot was a button to spam to shoot, armor rating was the only number that was important on gear, and that steady shot was a waste because it had a cast time.

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When I first started I didn't know what instances or even elite mobs were so me and a friend tried to two man the Deadmines because we had a couple of quests in there that needed done.

Also just about the same time in Sentinel Hill there were a few Horde killing the NPC's, and a few Ally got one of the Horde down to about 2% HP so me being the noob that I was I figured one of my Warlock dot's would be able to kill it right? So I cast and see MISS on my screen and it flagged me and I was instantly killed.

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I started playing about two weeks before BC came out. I was leveling an Afflock and got to Outlands at 58. I went running out and was killing the crap out of the boars in the area when I saw my screen shake. I didn't know what did it so I targeted my next boar and ... there's that funny screen shake again ... well my void walker is tanking the boar and the screen shakes again and I hear what sounds like Godzilla so I look left ... nothing, I look right and nothing so I turn around and I'm looking up at the bottom of a fel reaver boot and then ... lights out.

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It was in BC and I was just getting to the Dire Maul area like level 30 something I think when a couple of level 60+ guildies came by and asked if I wanted to go base jumping. I said "sure", having no idea what the heck they were talking about. They made sure I got up the road without any difficulties and we talked to the NPC and away we went to the top of the mountain. I ran to the edge to look around (NO I didn't fall off.) and it was sure a long way up. They mounted up and started running off the edge so I ran behind and followed them over the edge. About half way down one of my guildies says "Hey don't forget to pull that parachute you bought." and I said "I was supposed to buy a parachute?"

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  On 12/21/2012 at 7:18 AM, 'Damien said:

Let's see if you guys have something funny to share about the mistakes you made when you first started playing WoW.

I'm usually a bit slow to pick things up in games, and in the same manner as it took me about a year of playing Counter-Strike (back in 2000) before noticing I could buy a second Flashbang, it took me about a year of end-game raiding to notice that Synapse Springs (the Engineering raiding perks) wasn't just another Hand enchant, but that it was something extra that you could apply to your Hand item, in addition to a more regular Hand enchant. So, for a year or so, I had no regular Hand enchant Posted Image

I didn't know you could use the mini map raid finder to teleport to instance, so I had to get a summon.. or fly to the instance.. a couple of times I was stranded and I asked the group to use the meeting stone, at that point someone said.. just teleport with the raid finder..

I was like WOW that's awesome.. This only happened when I died or was dead when the queue popped.. so if I didn't get when I was alive I thought I had to abandon and start over :)

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  On 5/10/2013 at 8:08 PM, 'Taldryx said:

OMG Noob mistakes! I probably have dozens! I played Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 but was very hesitant to get on and actually play with other people. I took the plunge in January '09. I had never played any online game or MMORPG, so I was as clueless as they come.

1) Leveled my Priest as Holy - took me 6 months to get to 80.

Um.. took me a year...lol, I didn't know we could "switch spec"

  On 5/10/2013 at 8:08 PM, 'Taldryx said:

2) Tried to raid the day I turned 80 - did ok for a bit until a RL started asking me questions about my "PoH and PoM and CoH" usage. I was like "my what?". He was actually very polite and just said they wouldn't be needing me.

Still have no idea what PoH, PoM, CoH is.. I am sure they are priest related, but I detest usage of acronyms.. because there are too many to remember

  On 5/10/2013 at 8:08 PM, 'Taldryx said:

6) When I joined my current guild, in our first raid, I kept asking for a Mage Table in chat - like 5 times. Then I got pissed and said "Ok - I have asked really politely for a Mage Table like 5 times! Give me one now!". Turns out, they had been putting them out the whole time but we were running so fast, and it was 25 man, that I hadn't seen any of them. So embarrassing! That one I didn't live down for like a year. It became a running joke because a guildie named Ent had shown me where the last one laid down was, so it was always "Uh-oh! Ent isn't here! Tal will never find the table!"

STILL do that.. they put a table or jeeves repair down in the middle of 25 people.. all dancing around, it's really hard to see! It should be a "high" table...

  On 5/10/2013 at 8:08 PM, 'Taldryx said:

7) Switched from Horde to Alliance, and kept dying when I tried to go to set my hearth - turns out that I was running to Two Moons instead of the Alliance one out of habit.

I switched from Alliance to horde recently.. and I uh.. ok no comment :)

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  On 5/10/2013 at 10:36 AM, 'nicarlitos said:

Trying to heal in a dungeon as resto shaman in full agility gear and no mouse over macros.

Took me about 2 years to get over the fail shame and try healing again!

OMG, this happens to me ALL the time, I have 4 spec gear, one for elemental, one for enhanced, and pvp for each.. don't want to admit how many times I have changed to Resto, forgot to check my gear and found that I was using my enhanced pvp gear, or ele pvp gear, or run BG with pve gear..

Don't feel bad, if you have 8 or 9 toons, all with gear for different instance and tank, dps, heals.. it's REALY hard to keep up.. Then I found elvui will actually save the instance with gear for you! Awesome, now I don't do it.. as much :)

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When I first started playing I always worried about repairing my gear and making sure it was always repaired. One point of durability gone and I had to repair ASAP. The reason being is I felt that if I didn't repair and just left it my gear would disintegrate (due to being broken) and I'd have to find (or buy) new gear all over again.

Edited by Sajakain

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Back when I first started playing I was tanking on my warrior, and I was convinced to the bone that Armor was the best tanking stat ever. So if a piece had more armor on it than what I was currently wearing, no matter the other stats it was an upgrade for me.

I have many other noob stories but I'll keep them for another time :)

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Was leveling a mage back in WotLK, and he was right about 50ish. I had run the whole time assuming that armor and weapon power respectively were best for their gear...running around with a 1h agi sword all the way to 60. Hell yes.

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My little brother got me into this game around the middle of BC (during ZA and SSC). He just said come make a character on Eredar and I'll help you. HA! I made a druid and had no freaking idea what I was doing, I asked him about my talent points after I hit level 10 and he suggested I put them in the feral tree. I, however, did not like playing a bear, nor did I like being so up close and personal with things that were trying to bash my face in. So I decided to go boomkin instead. Needless to say, I had points in all 3 trees, picking what I thought was cool from each one so I was horrible in all specs. By level 40 when I could barely kill anything in my cute little nightelf form without having to eat after I finally decided to demand my brother to help me and soon found out that I needed to stick to one tree and that I had a trainer and spells up the ass to learn! I finally went full boomkin and became a space chicken soon after and things were dying left and right without me having to stop and all was well in my little world.

When DKs came out I decided I would give one a try and I fell in love with unholy. Back then you could actually tank in every spec. When I finally had enough tanking gear, and the courage to do it, I decided to tank Nexus for my boyfriend and some of his friends >.< When we came to the first boss there are 4 or 5 mobs that you have to pull BEFORE you pull her. Well I deathgripped one to me and moved outside the dome to line of sight the rest, unfortunately, my pet had other ideas... He jumped in there and pulled the boss which wasn't too horrible until she started doing gravity well and our entire group was getting pulled into the air and banged against the walls outside of her room repeatedly which in turn pulled more mobs and of course we wiped. I quickly got into the habit of dismissing my pet before every boss fight. However, my boyfriend will never let me live my failed tanking attempts down lol.

I took a long break when Pandaria came out, so I've been having to play catch-up. My first toon to hit 90 was my undead spriest, then I decided I would go for the achievement and level my nightelf druid. When I could finally drag her into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, I went straight for the Shrine of Two Moons and wondered if maybe I had to acquire some reputation to be able to go in the city >.< I had to look it up, only to realize that this expansion didn't have a neutral city /facepalm

I've been playing since 2006 and still make noob mistakes from time to time...

Edited by Rhyannon

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I have started playing wow less than a year ago. I still do a lot of mistakes but the biggest one was after i reached 90. I was going on my tank dk with a friend(warlock) through old heroic instances for transmog gear. After a while seeing that i pass on everything he asked "you don't need anything? this sword glows nice in blue" and i was like "how do you know that?". Then i found out that you can actually see how gear looks on you. I was looking at the small image on item (*facepalm*) .

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Just got our first Sha of Fear HC kill last week, after we finally downed it, as you would expect from a team halfway through HC ToT in an old tier raid, we all got ranked. And by "we" I mean of course everyone except me. I just could not understand what had happened, I've done my rotation, passed the light properly, DPS'd the adds, the whole lot. Then one of the healers asked me if I wanted to set a challenge to myself. I did not understand what he meant, until he said "Try DPSing with something other than Safari Hat equipped".

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My most memorable early mistake was my low level troll shaman landing in stranglethorn and then trying to travel overland on foot to the undercity. lots of corpse runs.

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I remember back in the vanilla days when I started. Gods How awsome was I. I made a night elf, since they were non-human (which is ofc too normal) and the female counterparts were slightly doable, even with the graphics in those days. So I am running around with my lvl 2 night elf, when suddenly I fall off the island and die by landing on a huge branch of a tree. So I look around a bit, amazed by the awsome spirit healer in all its epicness. When I continue to walk to my corpse, I jump off, miss the branch and cannot ress. I am now on the bottom of the isle, and have no idea how to get back up. When I finally did, I jumped again, and missed again, but this time I managed to ress in mid-air. therefore falling to my death again. This cycle continues like that for a while.

Finally I decided to delete the elf, and make a human (suddenly normal seemed more attractive). Took me about 4 months to figure out I could also just revive @ the spirit healer, especially when Im still under lvl 10. (Turns out I have to RIGHT click it, How was I supposed to know.) and I continue to facewall myself several times over.


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WoW was my very first MMO and I started just before Wrath release... so there are MANY noob mistakes to be had by me :)

- First toon was a NE hunter that had strength, dodge, Int gear.

- Bought a throwing weapon from the AH on said hunter because of the Avg DPS it did was so much better than my bow... found out real quick that was a mistake...an expensive one at that!

- I didn't know you could eat AND drink at the same time until I saw the "tip" on the loading screen...about a year and half after I started playing.

- I got excited when I could buy a brand new "white" weapon from the vendor in Darnassus.

- I didn't pick up loot because my bags were full and didn't know how to empty them.

- I avoided the Guild Bank area because I saw a bunch of players standing around it and thought they were laugh at me for being so low level.

- When I finally got my head into the game, I had a resto druid main and while raiding ICC one night, my heals were doing NOTHING. Turns out I forgot to put all my gear back on after I did a naked dance during a break. One of the drawbacks of tree form! haha.

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I started in Vanilla just as a casual. Human rogue. I had no idea of raids, and only a vague notion that I could not do dungeons alone.

So I only did quest grinding until I stopped playing in BC.

I came back around the end of Wrath, (where I reached level cap for the first time ever) and kept playing into Cata where I got into my first raid.

Knowing I needed some weapon enchants, before the raid I got an enchenter to enchant my gear wiuthout any knowledge they had upgraded the enchants since Vanilla.

I had the enchanter put Mongoose on both my daggers, along with some other very old enchants on the rest of my gear.

The raid leader didn't know what to do with me.

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I started WoW in early 2005. I levelled all the way to about 52 before I realized you can buy new ranks of spells. It took me FOREVERRRR on those last 2 or 3 levels. SSSOOOO NEWB! I ended up grinding 58 to 60 in Western plaguelands at the last farm area's where ghosts spawn.

PFFT youngins' these days!!! Don't know how easy they got it!

Edited by Watermasta

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You know you're noob when reading this thread makes you feel like you just spoke to the gods of Enlightenment. .. and with that... off to go fix a lot...

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I had another one a while back. Its raid night..invites are going out and i alt tab out to log into vent..once i hit connect i tab back into wow. So im sitting there like 5 minutes talking shit to everyone and im not getting any replies back...i'm like ok,,,screw y'all don't talk then. Now im getting pissed...alt tab back to vent(hate the overlay cuz its clunky) and now i can see everyone speakers flashing green...im like WTF???angry.png  Next im am running thru the control panel and mic/sound options trying everything...still nothing cant hear dick. I got 2 gamestops across the street from each other(5 minutes away) and im like gimme 10 while y'all kill trash imma run and get a new headset(typed this in g chat)...ive killed a few pair. So as i reached for my keys on the desk i brush the windows key by accident and wow minimized to vent,and there i saw it .......all i could say was......FML im sooooo RE RE!!!!!!


Whole guild was like..So...like yeah NOOB...check ya shiat!!!!

cool.png cool.png cool.png cool.png cool.png






Edited by Sliquelock

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Always funny running around an instance or even the odd scenario with your fishing rod out wondering why your DPS is 'a little low' lol. Even funnier when you see someone in LFR beating seven shades out of a boss with one :)

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When I had first started playing in late vanilla I never understood the concept of stats. I had geared my lock with anything that looked cool, or had more armor.

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Been playing for several years, with many alts... and a Pally main since midway through Cata, offspec Ret.  To this day it never ceases to amaze me when I switch specs just before raid and forget to cast Righteous Fury.  Then spend the first ten minutes wondering why I can't keep threat.  Very embarrassing...

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