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Patches Beyond 6.2 Confirmed; Flying Not Coming in Warlords or Beyond

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In an interview with Philip Kollar of Polygon, World of Warcraft lead designer Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas has confirmed that Blizzard is working on the next patch for Warlords of Draenor beyond Patch 6.2. The interview also confirms that flying is not on the table to return in Warlords or future expansions, among other details.


You can read the full interview on Polygon. Highlights are included below.


- Flying is not coming in Warlords, nor is it likely to return in the future:


"Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways," Hazzikostas explains. "While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what's in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there."


- The Adventure Guide, Timewalking, and other features will be the major focus of 6.2 alongside the new Hellfire Citadel raid and Tanaan Jungle zone.


- Patch 6.2 isn't the final update for Warlords of Draenor (emphasis added):


"We've got plenty of more story to be told after this," Hazzikostas says when asked whether patch 6.2 would be the last big content update for Warlords of Draenor.



That Burning Crusade feel, only now with even more Fel badness.


Do you have any thoughts on the permanent removal of flying, or predictions for the upcoming patch after 6.2? Let us know!


We now know authoritatively that there will be additional patches in Warlords of Draenor beyond 6.2, and the dev team has suggested flying is not only not returning in WoD, but may not return in any future WoW content.

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It means I'm not buying the next expansion or any future expansion. If WoD has been any indication, then my non-flight playing experience is going to suck for the foreseeable future of World of Warcraft. I have zero faith left in this company now. Blizzard blew most of it with Cataclysm (and Diablo 3), and Warlords of Draenor has finished the job. So disappointed, yet not really surprised - which makes my disappointment even greater.

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I don't believe they will remove flying entirely - they have too many flying mounts in the in game store to carry it through.  6.2 not the last patch but 6.2 the last tier?

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I think not allowing flying is a pretty big mistake. Making flying dangerous is a design challenge that could be overcome.


Here's some ways (imo) they could at least attempt to fix flying mounts:


  • Not allow flying to the top of the skybox: Part of the problem with making flying dangerous is you would need copious amounts of enemies/obstacles to account for the height you can fly. It's totally explainable from a lore and gameplay point of view that you would be unable to fly above certain heights due to a thinning atmosphere or lower temperatures. (being able to fly higher could also form part of a flying progression system throughout an expansion, could even provide part of a tiered flying "spec" choice, higher vs faster)
  • Flying mobs and combat: This is something they said they tried but couldn't get to work, but we never really got to see any of it. I still fail to see how flying combat couldn't work. It would allow the developers to introduce a whole new set of class (or mount, or even a combination of) specific abilities and even something to develop an entirley new type of encounter around. Bringing something entirely new and refreshing to not only WoW but the entire MMO space. The strength of flying mobs would alone provide the necessary challenge to areas they don't want to be accessible by air.
  • Flying progression throughout an expansion: Touched on this above, but flying could totally be a method of progression much as it was in BC if not more with some fleshing out. Starting with a slow speed, which increases as the player progresses through patches/quests with new training to increase speed/combat abiltities/how high they can fly. This could also serve as a major feature and part of a gold/time sink of an expansion.

It just seems to me they've dropped flying entirely without trying absolutely anything to fix it, at the very least nothing they've shown the public at all which seems crazy just to rely on their instincts/internal testing.


Flying units were always a part of the Warcraft universe and simply abandoning the concept entirely in WoW because they can't figure out how to design it to be an interesting challenge / feature rather than a design they haven't developed since its introduction is really sad.

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i think and feel this is complete and utter BS how they gonna say here we are going to make you pay for flying , now cold flying ,

better now fly like the wind! and have more flying mounts then ground mounts and then all because they can seem to get there head out the arse they make us suffer no flying after blizcon they said no flying till 100 then was changed to patch 6.2 now it is indefinitely going to be gone man i say how bout i shove this fishing pole up your arse and pull out a few murlocs! at least give us a refund for all the flying we had to pay we need to start the shove this pole up there arse movement here here:) 

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If flying isn't allowed. I will find a different game. I have 5 years in this game. I have numerous flying mounts. I personally think you should have flying and non flying servers. Some people like flying some don't. However, I am telling you right now. You will lose a LOT of players by doing that. This xpac has been craptastic, I have 13 90's and 4 100's. I barely login on to them because I don't raid and I have already did lore master twice (Horde and Aliance), and have the explorer for Drenor. Now I want to explore it a different way. 

There plenty of games that can offer as good or better experience than any thing Blizzard is offering. If there isn't 3 months worth of content at release your game is more expensive than a console game that takes a month to solve. 

Have a Nice Day and Best Wishes but you won't be getting my money anymore. 

Edited by SpakyTwo
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Only thing the end game blizzard wants IS raiding. If you don't raid or PvP... well yeah then the game isn;t for you and that's fine.

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I'm good with this. The lack of flight in Draenor hasn't been an issue for me and this means going forward I won't have to deal with bored jerks flying down and ganking like they do through all of the BC/Wrath/Cata/Mists zones.

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I am completely disappointed with Blizzard. I've been waiting to get flight back. We were originally told it would come after enough players hit level 100, then we were told it would come with patch 6.2, now we are being told never. If that is the case, why do they keep selling flying mounts. My druid loves using swift flight form and I want to be able to use it in WoD. If they are going to remove flight permanently from this expansion and future ones, then they need to remove the glyph making travel form 100% for druids and make it baseline. Depending on how things play out, I may seriously consider leaving the game before the end of WoD or once the next expansion dawns. Give those of us who don't (or can't) raid on a regular basis something fun to do. Exploring with flight was just as enjoyable as ground exploration and removed some of the aggravation of not being able to assess an area for those of us with limited time restraints. Stop catering to the young people who have all the time in the world and realize that half your player base has aged and now have other responsibilities in real life, or plan to lose a significant portion of your paying player base.

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The success of WoW is due to many reasons. One of them was the ability to not have to follow a strict pathway that opens up new areas (exceptions were raid zones like....back in Vanilla when you had to do quests to gain keys or access to raiding zones and currently you have to complete low end raids to enter higher end raids).


The loss of NEW future areas (they are not removing old flight areas) without flight is disappointing. We all enjoy flying and frankly WoW flying is quite smooth and fluid.

It is a shame that now after 10 years a guy in charge is forcing players to play how HE likes to play and removing choice from transportation.


Games like EQ2 had horrible and ugly flight system and for WoW to remove something that they did very well and players enjoy is a kick in the groin to a long term player base.


Lack of flight will not kill WoW but it does show how the powers that be are either skimping on programming or are being led by a person who does not love the game.

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Not flying while leveling and doing quests was fine since you will experience dialogues / cut-scenes while doing the quest. I got to say that I enjoyed exploring and experiencing the scenery of MoP and WoD while progressing through to max level/obaining Loremaster achievements. That was one of the reason why Blizzard didn't allow flying.


Now they are stating they want to remove flying so players may experience more combat. Source: "Flying trivializes Combat"



I totally sympathize with people's desire to do that, they want to be efficient and have it be their choice, but we have to balance our intent to create a game against creating a sandbox where anything goes. There's a happy medium there somewhere, but flying mounts in most cases just do too much to undermine too many of our core intentions with the game world, the basis of the game: combat, or guiding players through a game experience, and for those reasons we have continually chosen (when we could) to disallow flying mounts in the 'current' outdoor content. In the past that's meant only while leveling, but in our experiences with the Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle we feel like we can extend that for a bit longer in the new content, and have it be kind of a big deal again once you're able to earn flying in the first big content patch, and in the meantime putting focus on flight paths as well as having some more interesting travel options for players to use.


At some point during any expansion, players will have experienced all the scenery, done all the quests/treasures etc and will want to be able to fly. Maybe Blizzard could have made it so that if a player has done all the exploration achievements, they will be able to use flying. 

Also to discourage bored people that are just swooping in to kill players, remount and fly away, they can change it so people who are PvP flagged in the last 30 mins cannot fly.



I think not allowing flying is a pretty big mistake. Making flying dangerous is a design challenge that could be overcome.


Here's some ways (imo) they could at least attempt to fix flying mounts:


  • Not allow flying to the top of the skybox: Part of the problem with making flying dangerous is you would need copious amounts of enemies/obstacles to account for the height you can fly. It's totally explainable from a lore and gameplay point of view that you would be unable to fly above certain heights due to a thinning atmosphere or lower temperatures. (being able to fly higher could also form part of a flying progression system throughout an expansion, could even provide part of a tiered flying "spec" choice, higher vs faster)
  • Flying mobs and combat: This is something they said they tried but couldn't get to work, but we never really got to see any of it. I still fail to see how flying combat couldn't work. It would allow the developers to introduce a whole new set of class (or mount, or even a combination of) specific abilities and even something to develop an entirley new type of encounter around. Bringing something entirely new and refreshing to not only WoW but the entire MMO space. The strength of flying mobs would alone provide the necessary challenge to areas they don't want to be accessible by air.
  • Flying progression throughout an expansion: Touched on this above, but flying could totally be a method of progression much as it was in BC if not more with some fleshing out. Starting with a slow speed, which increases as the player progresses through patches/quests with new training to increase speed/combat abiltities/how high they can fly. This could also serve as a major feature and part of a gold/time sink of an expansion.

It just seems to me they've dropped flying entirely without trying absolutely anything to fix it, at the very least nothing they've shown the public at all which seems crazy just to rely on their instincts/internal testing.


Flying units were always a part of the Warcraft universe and simply abandoning the concept entirely in WoW because they can't figure out how to design it to be an interesting challenge / feature rather than a design they haven't developed since its introduction is really sad.


I totally agree with skipgamer, instead of just angry.png THROWING IT AWAYangry.png  they simply have to cool.png FIX ITcool.png .



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I feel like this was justified on blizzards part. It is their game after all, whether or not they need the player base to keep the game alive. From my perspective I found flying to be a nuisance rather than a benefit. I'm not a mount guy, so I don't feel cheated, but imo the pros for flying did not out weigh the cons. The only thing I will miss about flying is how slow archaeology is without it. I can still see the scenery with my gliders and feather, and I am rarely annoyed that either of them is on cooldown, and even so it just encourages me to spend 5-8 mins wherever I am before I use it again. Either mining her bing killing mobs exploring , whatever. I enjoy leveling, and there is nothing more detrimental to my process than getting dive bombed by Max lvl toons, and if they can't fly at least they would have to find me on foot. Which I feel like is a reason I don't get ganked quite as much leveling in wod. I'm on a horde server soff places like Nagrand I try and stay away from until 100 anyways. But in other eyes this is a pro, the people who enjoy ganking lowbees as fast as possible, I don't know anyone who finds that fun, but I'm sure they're out there. This reason has made me hate Outland with a passion. All the time spent corpse walking and logging to get my main. That continent was pretty cool, but I hate it because of the bad experiences I had there I dislike it. I know this post is mostly opinionated nonsense that 99.9% of people who read it will disagree with, but I figured I would put my 2 cents in. Because I have been hoping since launch that they would not add flying again, and I am happy to see they arent. I've been playing since mid vanilla and wod is by far my favorite expac. I know, I know, I must be a "kiddie" gamer, who has no idea what he's talking about.

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I seem to be in the minority of people, considering I don't mind flying not being around in WoD. On that note though, I do think throwing flying out as a mechanic in all future expansions to be a little ridiculous. They could miss out on a lot of cool idea with the absence of flying.


There are things I will miss, and things I will not. The constant ganks from max levels while I'm leveling an alt will definitely be something I won't miss, but exploring the new areas from a multitude of perspectives is something I will.


The game is evolving, and for good or bad I know I'm one that will be sticking around until the end.


And for those claiming it will ruin the game and that they're going to quit, that's fine. The multitude of people seem to claim Vanilla was the best part of WoW... and I would like to remind you that flying wasn't around then.

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I think not allowing flying is a pretty big mistake. Making flying dangerous is a design challenge that could be overcome.


Here's some ways (imo) they could at least attempt to fix flying mounts:


  • Not allow flying to the top of the skybox: Part of the problem with making flying dangerous is you would need copious amounts of enemies/obstacles to account for the height you can fly. It's totally explainable from a lore and gameplay point of view that you would be unable to fly above certain heights due to a thinning atmosphere or lower temperatures. (being able to fly higher could also form part of a flying progression system throughout an expansion, could even provide part of a tiered flying "spec" choice, higher vs faster)
  • Flying mobs and combat: This is something they said they tried but couldn't get to work, but we never really got to see any of it. I still fail to see how flying combat couldn't work. It would allow the developers to introduce a whole new set of class (or mount, or even a combination of) specific abilities and even something to develop an entirley new type of encounter around. Bringing something entirely new and refreshing to not only WoW but the entire MMO space. The strength of flying mobs would alone provide the necessary challenge to areas they don't want to be accessible by air.
  • Flying progression throughout an expansion: Touched on this above, but flying could totally be a method of progression much as it was in BC if not more with some fleshing out. Starting with a slow speed, which increases as the player progresses through patches/quests with new training to increase speed/combat abiltities/how high they can fly. This could also serve as a major feature and part of a gold/time sink of an expansion.

It just seems to me they've dropped flying entirely without trying absolutely anything to fix it, at the very least nothing they've shown the public at all which seems crazy just to rely on their instincts/internal testing.


Flying units were always a part of the Warcraft universe and simply abandoning the concept entirely in WoW because they can't figure out how to design it to be an interesting challenge / feature rather than a design they haven't developed since its introduction is really sad.


I find it funny that they say flying combat wouldn't work. Look at Vashj'ir and entire underwater zone with associated combat. It works fine, a little wonky here and there for melee but overall it is fine. When you use a transformation mount and quickly start to fly sometimes the model doesn't load and you literally see your character swimming through the air. Using the same mechanics but in the sky seems reasonable and very doable. How different would the whole skyreach experience had been if you could do combat while flying (oh wait you sorta do already, point proven further).


As far as not flying though I don't care too much. As long as there are plentiful flight points that work well its gold. Most of the time when flying somewhere, I just pick my trajectory, hit auto run, and zone out for a bit. 

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I understand where Blizz is coming from with the flight restriction as it affects game play. Not being able to fly forces you to experience content the way they intend it to be played and provide better continuity to the story. I personally took advantage of the boost to create a new monk (a class I've never played) and learn how to use him as I explored the world. Not being able to fly, quite simply, helped me avoid getting lost and allowed me to learn how to use the new class grinding through Draenor. I liked it.

I do have to say, however, now that I have finished the content it would be nice to fly through the new world looking for items and Rares that I haven't seen yet.

Allowing flight through areas that you've completed enough quests in seems like a way they could protect their content and please us flyers. Or even open it up after Nagrand as a reward for completing everything (something a-la "The furies feel you could better help restore balance to draenor if you can travel more quickly." <Insert flying mount questline here> And then some Fury dailies from the garrison to make it flow).

But I also can't help but think that the flight restriction is also a way to protect new 90s from suffering insta-ganks from maxed out 100s though. And for that I respect the decision also.

Has there ever been discussion of placing a level cap on PvP combat? Levels seems doable, item level might be more appropriate. It would allow dedicated (and talented) PvP players to have a fun challenge against equal peers, and would eliminate cheap Honour farmers. Just a thought.

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Not flying while leveling and doing quests was fine since you will experience dialogues / cut-scenes while doing the quest. I got to say that I enjoyed exploring and experiencing the scenery of MoP and WoD while progressing through to max level/obaining Loremaster achievements. That was one of the reason why Blizzard didn't allow flying.


Now they are stating they want to remove flying so players may experience more combat. Source: "Flying trivializes Combat"



At some point during any expansion, players will have experienced all the scenery, done all the quests/treasures etc and will want to be able to fly. Maybe Blizzard could have made it so that if a player has done all the exploration achievements, they will be able to use flying. 

Also to discourage bored people that are just swooping in to kill players, remount and fly away, they can change it so people who are PvP flagged in the last 30 mins cannot fly.




I totally agree with skipgamer, instead of just angry.png THROWING IT AWAYangry.png  they simply have to cool.png FIX ITcool.png .


Makes me wonder what they are really talking about when they say "trivializes content" because, what content in the leveling zones is really trivialized when you are at max level?? I did (and do) understand not allowing flying in Zones like Isle of Thunder/Isle of Giants/Timeless Isle/Tanaan Jungle, but I don't get their reasoning for not allowing flying at max level when (in theory) while questing we would/should have already done the content they speak of from a grounded position.


It just seems like they are making this decision based on a very limited amount of content that would be skipped if flying was allowed at max level, and it doesn't really make sense to divide the community and piss off a lot of your player base just because Blizzard has this "vision" for how people are supposed to play (after several years of flying allowed at max level). If anything, I don't explore right now (and haven't) simply because flying isn't allowed. Flight points and ground based exploration just really hold no appeal to me - not after years of being able to fly.


No sir... I don't like it!

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For me this basicaly means that i'm going to buy every expansion that disallows flying. As mentioned above, I hate being ganked while leveling an alt, the world seemed so unimpressive. I just mount up, hit auto run and tab out. In WoD i experienced the feeling i had back in the days when i needed to walk through zones, it made the whole world seem bigger. While many players might leave (or like always, say they leave but then come back) many others will be pleased with this and stay. New people will come so whatever..

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I was like most players who did not mind the no flying until patch 6.X hit.

Then when I read this news I was up in arms as was most of the playerbase.

That was until I was watching one of Panzer's videos where she was talking about this and she pointed out two things.

One- Blizzard was careful to say 'probably' no more flying in new content. Probably being their way out. This was a trial balloon- just like politicians use when they want to release a controversial idea onto the voters.

Two- they used the word NEW content. Draenor as of now, is no longer new. I actually have zero issue of never flying during new content. There is no reason to do so.

But there comes a time when flying should be implemented. Trying to do archaeology alone is a PITA.

I know that flying can really make a virtual world feel a lot smaller, but as of now, Draenor feels really small. Why? Because there are no tall peaks that make me wonder- what is up there? I have pretty much covered every square inch of the place.

I have been sharing recently, that all of Blizzard's bad news concerning new decisions they have made  have two things in common-


The art in 6.2 looks incredible and the Tanaan Jungle is very immersive. BUT. There is hardly any story to it.

Blizzard has been on this roll the past year or so in cutting back on quest lines involving mini stories.

This is an MMO. If you think class questing, zone questing, etc are too much of a burden, then you just changed your MMO into a giant COOP game.

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This makes me sad, I was so looking forward to this expansion and it has been very disappointing.  I know I'm not alone in this since 90% of my friend list is never online any more, most of my guilds are dead, it's tragic. There's so much grinding and so little payoff for me.  

The lack of flight, not gonna lie, is a big problem for me.  I understand the reasoning behind wanting people to explore and figure out jump puzzles and such, but why not stick to the MoP system where you are forced to do that as you're leveling and get flight at max.  It's not even about accessibility and stuff for me, it's about expedience.  Every time I have to get somewhere I have to fly to some distant flight point, then fight through a ton of mobs just to get there ... good luck getting a friend or guildmate to wait 15 minutes for you trying to get to them on the other end of the continent that way .. that is if you can find a guildmate or friend playing these days.

Secondly, this makes some sense if you have one or two characters ... but when you have a bunch of alts (I have 15 across three servers) it gets incredibly tedious not only leveling through the same level-restricted areas but then being stuck fighting through the same crap every time you need to get somewhere once you are leveled. (I wont even get into how alt-unfriendly this xpac is compared to MoP with everything being BoP rather than BoA or BoE -- including crafting materials *insert ragey face*)  Additionally, there are only so many times you can explore the same places or try to figure out how to get to a treasure before you want to jump off a cliff.


Thirdly, I understand that flight is a problem on PvP servers .. I did play on one for a while, and it is a pain in the arse with idiots ganking you (largely why I left) .. but there seems to be a simple and obvious solution for that ... don't allow flying on PvP servers or if you are PvP flagged, it's that simple.  Personally, I think there should be a negative buff applied to a player that kills another player who is grey to them ... I find it just unsportsmanlike, but I know I tend to get butthurt over PvP so you know ;P


Lastly, I have no objection to not being able to fly in patch zones .. the way you can't fly in Tol Barad or the isles in MoP, I just object to not being able to get places quickly and efficiently over an entire content, especially once you've followed all the paths in terms of quests and exploration on 10 characters already =_=


I hope that this idea is just a "probably" to see how people react, but I don't think it is.  It feels like we are getting less and less bang for our buck and I don't see that reverting (I really hope I'm wrong).  I'll be honest, I probably won't quit playing .. I'd like to say I will, but I probably won't, I do love this world.  That said, I have to be honest that my enjoyment of the game, at least as far as the new expansion and patches, has declined sharply (which is sad).  And the fact that most of the people I play with have quit or reduced their play time significantly hasn't helped with that.  I don't think I'm alone in this, I'm not on a very popular server, but even so, I very rarely see people even trying the world bosses.  In MoP, those bosses were always being killed. People seem to just log in to queue up their Garrisons or to raid.  I myself only do LFR (I currently lack the technical ability to raid due to living rural and having sub-par Internet speed), so for me, there's not all that much to do (that's fun).  Just please realize that not all your players PvP or raid and give us something other than mindless grinding for materials or reputation.


Alrighty, thanks for letting me whine :)  I still love the game, I'm just a little dissatisfied with some of the more recent choices made.

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I was like most players who did not mind the no flying until patch 6.X hit.

Then when I read this news I was up in arms as was most of the playerbase.

That was until I was watching one of Panzer's videos where she was talking about this and she pointed out two things.

One- Blizzard was careful to say 'probably' no more flying in new content. Probably being their way out. This was a trial balloon- just like politicians use when they want to release a controversial idea onto the voters.

Two- they used the word NEW content. Draenor as of now, is no longer new. I actually have zero issue of never flying during new content. There is no reason to do so.

But there comes a time when flying should be implemented. Trying to do archaeology alone is a PITA.

I know that flying can really make a virtual world feel a lot smaller, but as of now, Draenor feels really small. Why? Because there are no tall peaks that make me wonder- what is up there? I have pretty much covered every square inch of the place.

I have been sharing recently, that all of Blizzard's bad news concerning new decisions they have made  have two things in common-


The art in 6.2 looks incredible and the Tanaan Jungle is very immersive. BUT. There is hardly any story to it.

Blizzard has been on this roll the past year or so in cutting back on quest lines involving mini stories.

This is an MMO. If you think class questing, zone questing, etc are too much of a burden, then you just changed your MMO into a giant COOP game.




^ exactly this.


no flying reeks of more blizzard content-rushing & cutbacks.


one word sums it up really easily actually.



Edited by falconarc

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After reading this, I've come to the conclusion the only way to express my displeasure is to cancel my two subscriptions.  Some of the most epic moments involved flying. For example, The whole Ice Crown area required flying.  You were leading an army into the heart of the enemy territory.  Even today, I'm probably leveling my 20th character in Ice Crown and, although I have flying, there's a certain epic feel to it.  I have relived this story line so many times.  Doing a "/played", I've literally invested almost a year of my life playing this game.  


It saddens me to see the direction the game is going.  Those epic moments are no longer there.  After the second or third time though, WoD content gets boring.  There is no variety.  


So, I have decided to send a message to Blizzard by the only way I think it'll get to those who count. I hope by pulling my financial support, my message is loud and clear.  I'm not happy with this new direction.  I ask that you bring professions back, always allow flying once you've reached level cap.  My prayer is that you become again the story tellers you once were.  


Getting people to return is going to be much harder than keeping the people you currently have.  My subscription runs out in August.  You have until then to rethink your decision or to change my mind. We'll see how 6.2 goes, at this point, after one time though it, I don't see myself wanting to repeat it.  At least for now.



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Well as we all know blizzard many times changes things when no one beleive will do and vice versa.

I beleive eventualy will allow flying in WOD BUT i am very dissapointed for now because i have many flying mounts i love to fly and now i have to go only with ground mounts.

I think the decesion for now is ok espessialy for ppl that are in pvp servers (they can fix this not to be able to attack for 10 minutes after dismount or something like this) but they are many out there did all the exploration and now all they want is flying....

Well lets be patient and wait for things to change and not be so negative and after all canceling subscription (if a had a nickel every time someone says or thinks (including me that its going to cancel sub)  its just a click away so no worries.

After 10 years in the game i still want to login hopping things will be better patch after patch but i get dissapoinment every time.... :/ so blizzard should think a bit about old players and not only the new ones....


Something offtopic i want to say is that last night i just hit 100 on my 10th alliance char and joined LFR , well staff didnt dropped for my mage 3 times in a row with coins and i got so dissapointed but after remembering the vanilla days that i had 6 months raiding to get my first loot i realised that blizzard changed things from black to white...well there is a gray too and the solution is not making all of us loot whores but who am i to judge things..so i beleive there is a more important problem from flying, the speeding up things like loot and gearing up an 100 char in one day and trying next day normal mode , BUT when someone can play so fast and gear so fast why not flying blizzard, come on -:)

 (Sorry for my bad english though)


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If flight isn't going to be part of any future expansions or patches then sadly I am going quit playing.


They have since reversed this decision. Flying will be re-enabled in a post-6.2 patch.

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