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[US-Emerald Dream][H] <Reality Escape> BRF: 5/10 HC ; DPS & Healers

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Do you believe raiding is about the people you're with? Do you enjoy raiding but RL prevents you from being hardcore? Are you willing to grow from the ground up and form meaningful friendships with new guild mates instead of trying to fit in with an already established guild? Do you enjoy playing late night (9pm PST or later), and raiding twice a week? If you answered yes to the above, keep reading...

Reality Escape is a casual raiding guild on the Emerald Dream server, Horde side. It consists of those of us who are too busy with RL to be hardcore. Those of us who see WoW as an ""escape"" from the ""reality"" and busyness of everyday life. One where we're on a first-name basis and value the other members as friends, not just as people we raid with. Where we hang out on vent a lot, including non-raid days, and enjoy helping each other with achievements, pvp, farming mounts, or just shooting the breeze. Even eventual RL meetup events!

Raid times: Tuesdays, 9pm PST (11pm server) Thursdays, 9:30pm PST (11:30pm server) *raids are about 2.5 hours each.

We're currently 7/7 Normal HM, 2/7 Heroic HM, 10/10 Normal BRF and 4/10 Heroic BRF

We have a solid core group of around 7 players and are looking for dedicated raiders to join our ranks

If this sounds like something you MAY be interested in, add the following battletags and shoot one of our officers a message:

MightyBeast#16317, Vyrial#1252, superkwazie#1746
Come escape reality with us!


Edited by Oltier

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