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How do I actually recognize bad cards (general tier list)?

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Sure, I got some exp and read some articles.


But is there somewhere an article or tierlist for constructed? Playing arena and studying tier lists for it helped me a bit, but...well.


Of course a lot of cards are situationally useful, but a lot of them are just....bad. (Shieldbearer?)

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No, I don't think such a list exists and if it did then it wouldn't make much sense. Some very 'poor' cards seem to find their way into specialized decks anyway and even play a prominent role in them like Majordomo in Majordomo mage and Ancient watcher in Handlock. Even Shieldbearer had a place in old zoo. There are a handful of cards that seem to find their way in pretty much all of their class decks like fireball, fiery war axe and truesilver champion. But after that it gets murky very quickly as even top tier cards like Dr. Boom, hex and polymorph are not auto-includes.

Unlike Arena where you have a choice from a limited set of cards that will always result in a pretty generic deck, in constructed you are completely free to choose your cards aimed at a very specific strategy. So unless a card is a direct upgrade (Dr. Boom > War Golem) such a list would be meaningless.

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The reason such lists don't exist for constructed is that it's impossible to define. In Arena, you don't get to pick your deck, so the value of each card can be assessed in isolation, but in constructed, even bad cards can be used successfully in a deck that is designed to use them correctly. Even cards that seem simply terrible are designed by Blizzard with some sort of purpose in mind, so if the right deck can be found to exploit that purpose, then they become good cards. With experience, you can generally tell that a card like Emperor Thaurissan is going to be insanely good purely by looking at it before release, but ruling cards out as bad is much harder.

Most pros thought that Grim Patron wouldn't work when it was revealed.

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