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Heroic Gothik (low crafting cost to none)

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Hi guys,


I just wanted to show my deck that I just made for killing Gothik in heroic mode.

I did on my first try and think that it really doesn't need skill or luck. The strategy is to use spells like Frostbolt or Flamecannon in the beggining and then when he starts to flud the board you can use Frostnova or Cone of cold. You should only use Weeping Soul when your board is full with his minions and then you can taunt them up with the Defender of Argus.If you can, use the hero-ability to ping off his minions that damage you. Everything else comes by itself :).


1x Mirror Image

2x Flamecannon

2x Frostbolt

2x Sorcerer's Apprentice

2x Arcane Intellect

2x Frostnova

2x Earthen Ring Farseer

2x Deathlord

2x Fireball

2x Cone of Cold

2x Polymorph

2x Weeping Soul

1x Defender of Argus

2x Antique Healbot

2x Sludgebelcher

2x Flamestrike



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