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Need some help to make a better build for Paladin

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Hi there,


This is my first topic and i do play Hearthstone for a while now, and i do like the Paladin.

But i'm stuck around 14/15 rank and can't really get higher.


Here is my current build, please let me know what i could do to make it better.


1x 1* Blessing Wisdom

2x 1* Clockwork Gnome


2x 2* Seal of Light

2x 2* Annoy-o-Tron

2x 2* Mechwarper

2x 2* Shieldedminibot


2x 3* Tinkertown Technican


2x 4* Truesilver Champion

2x 4* Consecration

2x 4* Hammer of Wraith

1x 4* Baron  Rivendare (Legend)

2x 4* Pilot Shredder


1x 5* Feugen (Legend)

1x 5* Loatheb (Legend)

1x 5* Stalagg (Legend)


1x 6* Emperor Thaurissan (Legend)

1x 6* Gazlowe (Legend)


1x 8* Tirion Fordring (Legend)


1x 9* Majordomo Executus (Legend)

1x 9* Mekgineer Thermaplugg (Legend)

1x 9* Ysera (Legend)


Especially the hunters that only focus me are a pain.

Some decent mages and paladins are hard to counter aswell for me.


Please let me know what to chance.


Best Regards,


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Lol, you think every Legend you own is auto-include only because its a Legend? If you had 15 Legends half of your deck would be Legends? Mekgineer, Gazlowe, Feugen, Stalagg, Rivendare (WTF, have you even read it?) and Majordomo all suck. Seal of Light and Blessing of Wisdom suck as well (if you need heals in mid-range Pally Healbot and LoH are cards to include, not Seal).


Also, this is a mech deck, so it's naturally a worse variant of Paladin. You have most of the cards to build yourself classic mid-range, which is way better. You have Tirion, Ysera and Loatheb, Belchers, Chows and Shredders. All you really need now is 1-2x Equality, 2x Muster, 2x Juggler and you have a very solid deck. When you save some dust you can craft yourself Quatermaster and Lay on Hands (and sylvanas which is great in almost every deck) and deck is ready.

Edited by Geoff

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Lol, you think every Legend you own is auto-include only because its a Legend? If you had 15 Legends half of your deck would be Legends? Mekgineer, Gazlowe, Feugen, Stalagg, Rivendare (WTF, have you even read it?) and Majordomo all suck. Seal of Light and Blessing of Wisdom suck as well (if you need heals in mid-range Pally Healbot and LoH are cards to include, not Seal).


Also, this is a mech deck, so it's naturally a worse variant of Paladin. You have most of the cards to build yourself classic mid-range, which is way better. You have Tirion, Ysera and Loatheb, Belchers, Chows and Shredders. All you really need now is 1-2x Equality, 2x Muster, 2x Juggler and you have a very solid deck. When you save some dust you can craft yourself Quatermaster and Lay on Hands (and sylvanas which is great in almost every deck) and deck is ready.

While most of your points might be right, I would like to ask you not to be rude towards other posters.

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Sorry mate, I really don't know what you consider rude in my post. I indeed find it somehow funny that new players tend to put every legend their own into their decks without even caring if they are good or not, but I didn't write anything rude. I've "loled" to myself, because of funny trend and because I easily remember my newbie thoughts, definitely not at him. My only intention was to be helpful and to make him realize what is wrong with his, understandable for a new player, insight.

Edited by Geoff
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