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[Feral] How do I read the logs to determine what I've done correctly or incorrectly?
matrixsage, in Druid
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By Jonesy0000
Hi Team
I am recently returning from a few years away from the game and I have decided to go back to my much loved main throughout wrath, the feral druid. I have always been a cut above the rest and managed to be top dps all through wrath.
I was reading your guide and noticed in the talents you don't take savage roar. Can you explain the match behind this as to me it seems like the more viable option.
By Cybark
Any opinion on the Azerite gear with "Flesh rending"?
I tried it and although it makes you add "Thrash" to your rotation, all your shreds now deal 926 more dmg, which brings Shred from 2090 dmg (2508 on bleeding targets) to 3016 (+20% on bleeding targets). My dps went up quite a lot since I took this Azerite talent.
Although it is mentionned in the Icy Veins "Azerite Traits" page on the Feral DPS section, it does not appear on the Azerite Trait Chart, showing how much % it brings to you dps compared to other traits. I haven't seen any Youtube Feral Player mention it in their video either.
I wonder if it would be worth it to change some feral talents for something that allows to cast more shreds (like Moment of clarity, etc..
Try it. It's worth it. It might be our savior.
Any opinion on this?
By Casdon
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By Duvessa
Hi all :)
I would like some help with my feral dps please. My dps is WAY behind the rest of my guild. I haven't done progression raiding for the past couple of expansions, and I'm more used to tanking.
Here is my armory:
Here is the log:
I have read the rotation suggestions on Icy-Veins and I've been looking through the additional resources on the Discord Dreamgrove channel.
I did use Simcraft and Pawn to try and optimize my gear. The other legendaries I have available are Ekowraith, Elize's Everlasting Encasement, Prydaz, and the Insignia of the Grand Army.
I think the problem is my rotation though, not so much the gear. I downloaded DotFocus to try and help me figure out when it's ok to overwrite existing bleeds, but I don't think I'm using that properly.
In last night's raid, I did an OK job of using Ashamane's Frenzy on cooldown, but a horrible job of remembering to use Incarnation. I always seemed to have a ton of energy, so I also didn't use Tiger's Fury that often. I think I did a decent, but not awesome, job of maintaining Rake and Rip. I always seemed to have a full 5 combo points, so I used Ferocious Bite more than I probably should have. I'm basing the above on what I remember from the raid, not on the shenanigans that actually showed up on the combat log. Clearly something got lost between what I read and what I typed.
Hope someone can help!
By Wolfieee
I was wondering how I could improve my damage to log higher as a feral! My armory:ólfíé
and all of my logs:ólfíé
I usually maintain bleeds 95+% of the time and don't waste combo points, I cast tigers fury and open with rake, ashmane's then shred and rip (I skip the extra shred if I get 2 combo points from rake) then I just shred and fbite spam (and making sure to use trinkets on cd) What should I change to log 95+?
I have legendary gloves and wrists for feral if I should change legendaries.
thanks in advance!