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Hearthstone Warrior Aggro

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Guest kyle

I feel like there is way too much taunt in the meta right now for this deck to get you close to legendary.  Very very hard for me to win with it...and I think I was playing correctly.  But for an aggro deck seems like there are not enough card draws...I will keep playing with it though.


I agree with the swap on the Upgrade card, have not found much use for it.

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Hi there,

I believe there is some kind of misunderstanding. I assume Icy Veins were inspired by a deck similar to this: http://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/37t7ys/offmeta_decks_first_time_legend_with_face_warrior/

But as the author of the reddit-article himself clearly writes: This is actually no "good" deck, at least not the best aggressive one (that would be Hunter). Instead this deck surprises the enemy player who nowadays would assume you are playing Grim Patron or Control.

Additionally, he climbed at the end of the season, meaning he mainly queued against low-rank legendary players who might not want to climb to the top anymore but want to have fun not playing their strongest decks.

So the strength of this deck only was the factor of surprise. As soon as people adapt to the fact that there might be faster Warriors around, this deck should perform quite poorly on ladder.


At least that's what I think. ;)



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Hi there,

I believe there is some kind of misunderstanding. I assume Icy Veins were inspired by a deck similar to this: http://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/37t7ys/offmeta_decks_first_time_legend_with_face_warrior/

But as the author of the reddit-article himself clearly writes: This is actually no "good" deck, at least not the best aggressive one (that would be Hunter). Instead this deck surprises the enemy player who nowadays would assume you are playing Grim Patron or Control.

Additionally, he climbed at the end of the season, meaning he mainly queued against low-rank legendary players who might not want to climb to the top anymore but want to have fun not playing their strongest decks.

So the strength of this deck only was the factor of surprise. As soon as people adapt to the fact that there might be faster Warriors around, this deck should perform quite poorly on ladder.


At least that's what I think. wink.png



the "best" aggro deck is actually quite subjective.i tend to do a lot better with aggro paladin compared to all hunter decks(and i tryed them all),mostly from people not expecting you to play aggro as other classes as much.for example,if you play a juggler on turn 2(or turn one with the coin) with a hunter they are more than likely to have removal for it in hand,but against other classes,not so much(and this is probably more true for warrior than it is for paladin).also there is such a thing as playing a different deck just because,you know,you enjoy playing it more.



as for the matter of people "adapting" this is basicly irrelevant.no matter how popular the deck gets,patron and control warrior will always be more common,and this means no one in their right mind will mulligan for early removal against a warrior.people might get used to playing against the deck more,but once they mulliganed away their responses at the start of the game,this hardly even matters.



i will be trying out this deck soon,just need to craft upgrade and mortal strike.probably will do a few tweaks according to my taste,but i will base it off this list,as i usually do.aggro pala got me to rank 1 last season,lets see if i hit legend this time :P

Edited by batanete

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the "best" aggro deck is actually quite subjective.


also there is such a thing as playing a different deck just because,you know,you enjoy playing it more.


You got some valid points there. Of course, the fun one has playing a deck should be the main reason for playing it.

I just wondered, why this deck is being advertised as legend material, when Icy Veins do not recommend playing a similar deck from summer 2014 any more:



Hence my conclusion: surprise factor.

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Hi there,

I believe there is some kind of misunderstanding. I assume Icy Veins were inspired by a deck similar to this: http://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/37t7ys/offmeta_decks_first_time_legend_with_face_warrior/

But as the author of the reddit-article himself clearly writes: This is actually no "good" deck, at least not the best aggressive one (that would be Hunter). Instead this deck surprises the enemy player who nowadays would assume you are playing Grim Patron or Control.

Additionally, he climbed at the end of the season, meaning he mainly queued against low-rank legendary players who might not want to climb to the top anymore but want to have fun not playing their strongest decks.

So the strength of this deck only was the factor of surprise. As soon as people adapt to the fact that there might be faster Warriors around, this deck should perform quite poorly on ladder.


At least that's what I think. wink.png



Yes, this is based on Mr Yagut's Face Warrior build. The author of that Reddit post is not the creator of the deck, so his opinions are not exactly the defining factor on the deck. Mr Yagut himself climbed to Rank 2 or 3 Legend with this deck, any deck that is capable of that is worth including on the site, it's that simple.

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and which would you say is better between warrior and paladin aggro?i'm likely going to try both decks anyway,just wondering what other people think.

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and which would you say is better between warrior and paladin aggro?i'm likely going to try both decks anyway,just wondering what other people think.


Well I just put this deck together and have to say that it is absurdly strong. The burst is insane! Is it better that aggro pally? It definitely can be given the circumstances (e.g. great draw). The same can be said about the aggrodin though. Some key differences between the two are the hero powers which affects the play style. Warrior is more of a stall while Paladin gives you a token that you can trade or buff. I've caught some legendary decks off guard with my pally, but some strong AOE or taunts can really screw things up.


I still have some testing to do, but I'm currently 6-0 at rank 14 with this deck. We'll see how well it holds up in the later ranks.

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i think it's pretty obvious that the warrior hero power is pretty bad for this sort of deck lol.you probably want to use it ONLY if you have nothing else to do with your mana.

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Guest Maciek

Is there any viable substitute for Death's Bite? I know i'ts a stupid question, because weapons are essential in this deck, but maybe Arathi Weaponsmith could replace it?

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Is there any viable substitute for Death's Bite? I know i'ts a stupid question, because weapons are essential in this deck, but maybe Arathi Weaponsmith could replace it?

i actually find that having 2 death's bite can be a hinderance to the gameplan of the deck,as most of your creatures have 1 hp.it's true that the arathi will give you board presence,which this deck can really lack at times,but a 2/2 weapon on turn 4 sounds a bit underwhelming.i personally think that shredder could be a better replacement,but i will try both tomorrow and post results after i play a few games(currently at rank 6).

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Guest Dori

I tried this deck and it is not good at all. Every player with one or two minions with taunt can counter such warrior! Im not even telling you how easy is to be countered with some basic cards and no skill... True if you are using this deck for training maybe it will work vs expert training innkeeper or maybe easy inn keeper basic cards. But vs player you cant expect to go further in ranked than 21 rank ! Really low deck i dont know why you are lying that is for rank 3-legendary !

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Guest Guest

Really stupid deck !... 15 games and 15 losts i dont know how to describe my disappointment !

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Affordable option for casual/quest. I have zilch good warrior cards and was struggling to put something together before it. Still lack some cards (second arcane golem, couple more), but I went 5:5 and few lost games were extremely close (opponent winning with 1-3 health left).

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I tried this deck and it is not good at all. Every player with one or two minions with taunt can counter such warrior! Im not even telling you how easy is to be countered with some basic cards and no skill... True if you are using this deck for training maybe it will work vs expert training innkeeper or maybe easy inn keeper basic cards. But vs player you cant expect to go further in ranked than 21 rank ! Really low deck i dont know why you are lying that is for rank 3-legendary !

Read my last post in this thread, a player recently used this deck to hit top 10 Legend. So your entire point is invalid.

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Warrior quest again and few more games on top. Had a better feel for the deck now and went 8:1 in casual this time. The only lost game was Zoo bursting me down while having 1 life left.


I think the challenge is same as how people describe playing Face Hunter - it seems trivial, but in reality you need to have a very good feel for how much damage you can deal (and receive) couple turns ahead.


Also playing for burst is a little unusual after other decks, sometimes I overlook having lethal because I don't expect myself to have like 8+ extra damage on low mana in hand.

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Last night I was rank 9 and I felt that ever achieving rank 5 was a distant dream. (The best I'd done in the past was rank 6, and I hadn't been ranked that high in months.) This morning I took this deck for a spin. I am now rank 5. Thanks!!


This deck seems to be much less easy to progress with at rank 5 than at the lower ranks, though, or perhaps I simply got lucky when I was lower on the ladder. So I may have to switch to a different deck now. But at least it saved me a lot of time laddering up, and I will strongly consider laddering with it at the start of the next season.

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Guest slickeratus

I have to say this deck is a nice surprise, and totally owns! After an 8 loss streak with patron, i found myself rofling after 2x9 hits to the face with reaper+HS smile.png


Keep up the good work!

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so after playing this deck for a bit on legend ranks,i'd say it is in fact pretty good(the surprise factor is even greater at these ranks,since NO ONE expects aggro warrior).


overall though,aggro paladin still seems like the superior deck to me.both decks can get completely blowout wins with a good draw,but the main weaknesses this deck has is lack of card draw(paladin can just refill their hand with divine favor when needed) and ways to take back the board when you get outstarted by other aggro decks(sure,weapons help,but paladin has access to consecration,muster for battle,equality and avenging wrath on top of also having weapons).still a fun and effective deck overall though,and it is much cheaper to craft.


just my two cents on my experience with it so far.

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Guest Spyros

The deck relies on face damage as quickly as possible, so in my opinion even minion exchanges should be frequently overlooked in favour of face damage. I've managed to win by round 5, but it quickly runs out of steam if the opponent has many taunts and/or heals. Plus, it badly needs card draw because you're left with very few cards vs the opponent, who if he/she is not dead by turn 7 or so, he has most of the answers needed in his hand.


Honestly my impression so far is that it's a very one-sided deck lacking in many areas, solely relying on early aggression without any planning for other circumstances whatsoever. I'll see if I can improve it a bit. It might work nicely if an extra Mortal Strike is included, and if both are cast below 12 hp.

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Opened Captain Greenskin and tried it out for a bit. Don't feel it's good in this build. It's too expensive for early game and it's a bad topdeck later when you really want a burst to finish on the spot. Having a weapon AND greenskin AND enough mana to play it all is too conditional to come together reliably.

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It's not like you have to play it all on the same turn, you play a Weapon on one turn, and then Greenskin the turn after.

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Just my impressions. It's like Spellbreaker vs Owl — same effect, former comes with a better body, latter is much more flexible to fit into turn due to mana cost.


I saw builds with Greenskin around, just feeling this one is too low curve to run it.

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Guest Rage

So after a few weeks of playing with the deck I've found it to play exactly how a warrior deck should play- like a bare knuckle fight to the death where you will win with less than 5 health or at the very least death is assured your next turn 90% of the time.


If you don't have a warrior deck and saw that low cost- it's completely worth it. I've gone from 20 to 4 in a week just with this deck at the start of the month, so it has some serious teeth and a bit of a surprise factor when playing legendary control and other aggression decks.


That said I've also gone 12 loss streaks in a row, partly to my own ignorance of enemy decks and because this deck relies so heavily on a strong opener and good weapon/minion synergy... getting completely skunked with all/no weapons is a loss, no owls to answer taunts against any control deck by turn 5 (sludgebelcher with no answer completely loses any momentum you had and sets up their legendary/freeze/burst that clinches the game) is a loss, getting your hero frozen repeatedly or losing two weapons in a row is a loss, and not gimping the 1-trick ponies (light's defender/grimm patron/etc) with an appropriate minion within a turn is a loss...


Like any deck there's no sure-fire win against everything, but if you practice with it and learn what to clip with your minions and when it's okay to ignore and smash that hero- you'll find this is an easy to learn and use deck with a fairly high win rate for something so cheap. 


Sottle did good bringing this here, and a lot of the substitutions work well for their intented effect- I found Upgrade! and Execute have won and cost me matches the other would have won, and Leeroy is worth the Arcane Golem if you're lucky enough to have one but the Arcane Golem does just as well with the Cruel Taskmaster/Abusive Sergeant as an equivalent cost play-typicaly used as a finisher only.

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Guest idannaf

pleas post a video and explain how to use this deck better. and the first card chioses.  

i have 1 win and 1 lose over and over on lvl 16. im sure that im doing somthing wrong.

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