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How should I spend my dust?

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Hello everyone! I've been playing hearthstone for a while now, really loving the druid class. I recently opened a GvG pack and got 2 useless legendaries which I disenchanted. I now have 400 dust, which I'm debating on what to do.

My druid deck is currently:

2 x Innervate

2 x Wild Growth

2 x Wrath

2 x Anodized Robo Cub

2 x Faerie Dragon (was thinking of switching to power of the wild)

2 x Harvest Golem

2 x Savage Roar

2 x Swipe

2 x Keeper of the Grove

2 x Piloted Shredder

1 x Azure Drake

2 x Druid of the Claw

1 x Force of Nature

2 x Boulderfist Ogre

1 x Sunwalker

2 x Ancient Of Lore

1 x Ironbark Protector

I was thinking of getting either 1 BGH and 1 ancient of war, or 2 ancient of wars. I would switch out the iron bark and sunwalker. Any ideas? If you guys have suggestions to my deck, I'd love to hear them as well.

Edited by ivDetox

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With Druid it's very hard to eliminate the big baddies. BGH is a must.


I don't see savage roar on your list, you'd definitely want to add that in to combo with your force of nature.

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  On 6/6/2015 at 3:34 PM, Skurvy87 said:

With Druid it's very hard to eliminate the big baddies. BGH is a must.


I don't see savage roar on your list, you'd definitely want to add that in to combo with your force of nature.

I do have savage roar, forgot to add that. Should i get an Ancient of War or piloted sky golem with the rest of my dust? I feel like my late game is weak. Ancient of lore is good for card draw, but if i dont have any big guys to draw into, should i get something like piloted sky golem? Ancient of war looks nice but i feel like ironbark is a good replacement for that.

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To be honest, you'd be better off saving your dust for a good legendary like Dr. Boom or Sylvannas. Sky Golem is a great card, but it will only make your deck marginally better. At least in my opinion.

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Get BGH, but don't switch out the Ironbark.  He's currently all the late game you have.  Ditch one of the Fairie Dragons instead.  


Personally, I'd ditch the second fairie dragon for a second azure drake.   That or a mechwarper - you do seem to have a lot of mechs there.  Mech druid is a bit off-meta though :)

Edited by Aposter

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  On 6/6/2015 at 3:44 PM, ivDetox said:

I do have savage roar, forgot to add that. Should i get an Ancient of War or piloted sky golem with the rest of my dust? I feel like my late game is weak. Ancient of lore is good for card draw, but if i dont have any big guys to draw into, should i get something like piloted sky golem? Ancient of war looks nice but i feel like ironbark is a good replacement for that.


The card draw provided by Ancient of Lore is perhaps most useful to help you get to your finishing combo, Force of Nature plus Savage Roar. It doesn't necessarily have to draw you big creatures. Also, I like your idea of adding Power of the Wild as it can give you the same stats as the Faerie Dragon, or it can also combo well with Force of Nature. Other potentially powerful combo cards for this deck would be Shade of Naxxramas and Emperor Thaurissan, if you have the Adventure sets.


I don't mind the idea of using the mechs here, as they provide sticky minions that could be pumped more easily with Savage Roar and Power of the Wild. Piloted Sky Golem can also be used in multiple classes/decks, so he may actually be the highest value card for you to craft. If you're set on sticking with Druid, however, then I think adding two Ancients of War to replace the Boulderfist Ogres would be a strong change. The versatility of Ancient of War can't be overlooked. While I think you will normally use him as a 5/10 with taunt, I have used him to win games as a 10/5 (use caution when doing this, of course, as a five-health minion is vulnerable to a lot!)


Good luck with your deck and have fun!

Edited by Darb

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