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New Hearthstone Heroes

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I just saw the trailer for a new Hearthstone hero, Magni Bronzebeard. Wow!!! At first thought this meant new hero abilities and new cards, but after reading more carefully I saw that these are just new portraits and emotes. Magni, it appears, can replace Gromash as the Warrior hero. So it's not as exciting as I first thought but it's still interesting. It costs real money to purchase and I don't know if there is an option to buy them with gold. 


What do you all think of this news? Are you excited or indifferent? I'm not willing to spend money on a character portrait when I would rather spend any extra cash I have on new cards. Even then, I like to purchase packs exclusively with in-game gold, not real money. So I'm not sure how to feel...

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While I won't be getting each new Hero as they are released, I am definitely interested in seeing what the alternate Heroes are, and will most likely grab a few of them.  Especially Magni as I'm not a huge fan of Garrosh xD Means I can play Warrior without secretly being happy each time someone kicks the crap out of Hellscream xD

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