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Holy paladin on Blackhand Heroic (Logs inside)

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Are you in the up group? It is a bit different if you're up than down, of course... Also, a lot of flashes of light. I'd go with more holy lights + exchanging your mark of shadowmoon for either crit or mastery weapon enchants. A lot of people value mastery much lower than they should.

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Just a few suggestions:

1)  There's one point (sometimes two?) where the dbm timers will show the marked for death and siegemaker coming out within seconds of each other in phase 2. Watch for it, eternal flame up the tanks and hand of sacrifice one and abandon them to get towards the siegemaker.  That's also usually when the stupid thing is the farthest away and you have to cram in by the wall.

2) Stay between boss and siege engine unless the siegemaker is going to pass between you and boss. Don't cut in front of the siegemaker unless you're right in front as it'll bounce you away and you'll take the hit plus the impaling throw. I try to stay even with the siegemaker and duck behind.

3) If you really can't make it, HOP yourself (it's physical damage) or divine shield yourself. It'll prevent your death although you'll still take the ticking damage. It takes 5 seconds before he casts the impaling throw from marked for death. This does mean that the siegemaker misses some damage though so a last resort.

4) Speed of light has a 45 second cooldown. Don't waste it too soon! If you can make it regular speed, do it. If you can't, then speed of light.  I think that long arm of the law is too gamey to work here. 

5) I would recommend more flash of light in phase 2. There's so little time to cast in phase 2 with all of the movement and on the tanks, it's still pretty mana efficient. As with my guide, I use my channeled mana pot when I land or after one cast to heal folks up as very little happens in the first 15 seconds or so. After that, it's just movement all the time. 

6) Ask for a fox with the marked for deaths that is right on top of the siegemakers coming out. It only last six seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown but what the heck right? :)


My biggest suggestion is watching the dbm timers. Not so much for siegemaker but for marked for death. Good luck!

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Lucky you, Molly. I'm always stuck going up. I would say enchanting with thunderlord is a big upgrade. 500 crit for 6s, and since you're nearly guaranteed to get a crit heal within those 6s, it extends the time for another 6s. However, if you agree with Mirsaal and decide to use more flashes of light (which I disagree with but I'm not down too often), then I'd stay with shadowmoon. I mean, in my opinion, it's all about sniping healing from other healers. If you can get your holy shock in early when someone takes damage (like someone getting hit by a tank, someone that pops a mine, etc.), your hps will go up as opposed to trying to cast flash of light on them as a rejuv or riptide will do the job. Realistically, it's how you feel about your pulls. I notice my heals are at their best in p1 and p3, and I snipe heals like no others in those. Being in the up group dampen my heals but they're still around 42k on a good pull. Holy radiance in p1 and p3 is a good spell to use, since there's more aoe than single-target but for the tanks, while in p2 it's just a bit too difficult to really give any specific pieces of advice. Snipe as best as you can and your numbers will increase, all I can say. 

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