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Help to improve my basic rogue deck

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Hi there, would appreciate if anyone could give advise to improve my deck, my deck is base on the rogue basic deck, but i can't climb above rank 19, stuck at rank 19 one star current level 42. My deck as below.


Backstab x 2

Deadly Poison x 2

Sap x 1

Shiv x 2

Acidic Swamp x 2

Faerie Dragon x 2

Kobold Geomancer x  1

Fan of Knives x 2

Headcrack x 1

Shattered Sun Cleric x 1

SI:7 Agent x 2

Chillwind Yeti x1

Gnomish Inventor x 2

Sen'jin Shieldmasta x 2

Assassin's Blade x 2

Assassinate x 2

Boulderfist Ogre x 1

Sprint x 1


I can be reached at [email protected]



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To me, this deck seems quite all right for a basis deck. The only card I would definitely change is headcrack. Even though the combo effect seems nice, the card is just very expensive for its effect. If you have access to sharpsword oil, that would be nice. Other than that, a simple novice engineer is also quit good, or a second Yeti. It depends a little, what cards you have available, maybe you can add a little comment on that.

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Thank you Horn,

I do not have that much GvG card nor any blackrock and naxx cards, mostly vanilla card, most of the card packs i purchase are the standard card pack

. I can craft the sharpswood oil as it cost 40 dust, i currently have 35 dust. Do u mean to replace headcrack with the sharpswood oil card?

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Pardon me for spamming,

As per the crafting guide, I do have the following cards

Eviscerate x 2

Bloodmage Thalnos x 1

Spiteful Smith x 2

Please advise, thanks

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If I'm counting correctly the list above only contains 29 cards. If you add a second Boulderfist Ogre and replace Headcrack with another Chillwind Yeti, then your list will be right in line with the Basic Rogue deck listed on this site. You've improved it a little by replacing the Bloodfen Raptors with Faerie Dragons and adding SI:7 Agent in place of a Shattered Sun Cleric and a Razorfen Hunter. Those are good changes, but the structure is still the same. As a basic deck, you can probably peak around rank 15 if you play well. I would expect most of your forward movement to be possible near the end of the season when the best decks/players are finally reaching lower ranks.


If you want to progress further then you can start to emulate the Cheap Rogue deck listed on this site, which is a faster, more aggressive version. It contains the Tinker's Sharpsword Oil mentioned above, as well as other cards that combo well with it, such as Southsea Deckhand, Wolfrider, and Goblin Auto-Barber. You'll notice that the more expensive cards in Assassinate, Boulderfist Ogre, and even Sprint are all gone as it is focusing on lower-mana cards. You could change your deck similarly by adding Eviscerates in place of the Assassinates and Spiteful Smiths instead of the Ogres. Even if you don't have some of the cards you can find some basic cards that, while perhaps not as strong, can provide similar effects. For example, you could use Bluegill Warrior instead of Southsea Deckhand. You definitely want to get two copies of the Sharpsword Oil though.


From a more long-term perspective, you might want to focus on building your card collection rather than ranking up. Arena play is a great way to earn additional gold and packs, although you need at least 3 wins to break even, and 4+ wins to see a net increase to your gold spent.

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Now we are talking. These 5 cards are almost a must include in your deck. Let me explain why.


The bloodmage is just a better version of the geomancer. While the stats are worse, you play these cards mostly for the additional spell damage. And the bloodmage cycles itself, so great.


Eviscarate is THE damage card for a rogue, so efficient if played as a combo.I would probably cut one shiv and one Assassinate for these two cards.


Finally, the Spiteful Smith is so good, as you can almost alwas use its enrage effect.I'd probably cut the ogre for one copy, and the other one is the card that is missing (Darb already said, there are only 29 cards in your deck so far).


You might also consider dropping one of the Sprints, so you can put in the Oil you craft.

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Thanks for your input, Horn. I also intended to talk about Bloodmage Thalnos but forgot to mention it. I strongly agree that he is a great replacement for the Kobold Geomancer. Neither has a great body for the mana cost, but the purpose is to give your spells the +1 buff. Bloodmage is superior in that he effectively replaces himself with the card draw when he dies.


I also agree that one of the Sprints can be cut. Ending up with two in your hand in the early game would be really detrimental (drawing one in the early game is bad enough as you want to see this late game when you're running out of cards).


Good luck with your deck, ghostjon. I hope you see some success and that you keep having fun! biggrin.png

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Thank u guys,


Darb-i miss out an Boulderfist Ogre. Now i understand why i can't move beyond rank 19, i have to play much more near the end of the season.


I sucks at playing arena, the only time when i manage my maximum victory of 3 wins was when i was using rogue and one of the match my opponent surrendered....


I been having fun till the obsession of getting the golden classic hero distract me to seek better deck...

Now back to more quest and more casual win to pile up the gold for my classic card pack


Backstab x 2
Deadly Poison x 2
Sap x 1
Shiv x 2 (Replace one with Eviscarate)
Acidic Swamp x 2
Faerie Dragon x 2
Kobold Geomancer x  1 (Replace with Bloodmage)
Fan of Knives x 2
Headcrack x 1 (Replace with yeti?)
Shattered Sun Cleric x 1
SI:7 Agent x 2
Chillwind Yeti x1
Gnomish Inventor x 2
Sen'jin Shieldmasta x 2
Assassin's Blade x 2
Assassinate x 2 (Replace one with Eviscarate)
Boulderfist Ogre x 2 (Replace both with Spiteful Smith)
Sprint x 1 (Replace with Sharpwords oil)
Is the above the revise deck as advised?

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Dear Darb and Horn,


I currently have 35 dust


s per Darb advice on Cheap rogue deck i am still missing 1 Goblin Auto-Barber, 2x Tinker's Sharpsword Oil, 1x Piloted Shredder from the GvG pack and they cost 40 each to craft. I would go ahead and craft one sharpswood oil first


I do not have blade flurry and azure drake yet..


So perhaps let me work toward the revise deck on the previous post first.


Once again thanks!!!

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ghostjon, I would say yes, go ahead and craft one Tinker's Sharpsword Oil first. If you plan to stick to Rogue, then this is a great card that you need to have. And yes, the changes you show above could be good changes. I'm not sure if they will dramatically change your win percentage, but I think it would be worth your time to experiment with them.


Also, since it appears you are only missing a few cards for the Cheap Rogue deck, I definitely think crafting the missing cards would be a very good goal for you. This is a quick and cohesive deck that should do well when played correctly.


Good luck! And keep having fun. biggrin.png

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Hi all,


It's been a while since i upgraded my deck, win rate have been good, but it's still hard to get up to rank 17...



Does having legendary card in my deck make the system generate opponents with legendary card for me to compete against? I have a bloodmage in my deck, and it's seems when i playing the casual mode i face off with more players having legendary card than before.


I believe after the cheap rogue deck, i should be looking at the tempo mech rogue deck. What i would like to ask is whether would i have a go at Naxx & BrM using the cheap rogue deck? I will be farming gold for the entrance to Naxx & BrM. Is the 2 storyline worth it for rogue?


I'm currently at level 51, any advise for me to continue playing. It's seem only getting the golden classic hero have make me continue playing.


Update, i have got a blade flurry from a expert pack, inching closer to the cheap rogue deck..



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hi there,


there is no such thing that you face more legendary cards if you have them yourself (except that you may reach higher ladder positions or that you reach different / later stages of the game where you opponent comes to use its legendary cards.


The class specific cards of BrM are of little use for rogue (unless you want to play Mill rogue, than Gang up is essential). The dark iron Skulker is nice, but more a Arena card (or a card that needs a different type of setup than the usual rogue decks).


In a combo oriented, miracle rogue, the Emperor is quite important, howeve, you need only the first wing of BrM to get this card.


Naxx has some cards that can be of high value for rogue, such as Sludge Belcher or Shade of Naxxramas. However, I would say there are good replacements for these cards.

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