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Hunter deck help

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I've just gotten into actually making strategic decks with in the past week. Before I would just throw together what ever seemed good. This is the best deck I've had success with but have only gotten too rank 16. I want to find a strategic way to edit/fix this deck or renovate it all around my savannah highmanes or gharzilla. Any advicd you have wI'll be helpful. My strategy has been to overwhelm them with bigger minions.

Here's the deck:

Explosive trap Ironbeak owl

Scavenging hyena Nerubian egg

Animal companion x2 Ironfur grizzly

Deadly shot Questing adventurer

Kill command x2 Chillwind yeti

Unleash the hounds Defender of argus x2

Houndmaster Lost Tallstrider

Tundra rhino Antique healbot x2

Savannah highmane x2 Piloted shredder

Gharzilla Senjin shieldmaster


Stormwind champion

Sea giant x2

Molten giant

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You may want to have fewer solo copies of cards to give your deck more consistency. I would also consider replacing Questing Adventurer and Stormwind Champion as I feel both cards are better used in zoo-type decks where you look to flood the board with minions. The same could be said for the Sea Giants, although you could potentially pull off a combo with Unleash the Hounds to play a Sea Giant for very little mana. Nerubian Egg also seems out of place as Defender of Argus is your only way to activate him yourself without relying on your opponent's AOE clear (assuming the Stormwind Champion is removed).


If you want to make Gahz'rilla a more reliable finisher here are some fun combo cards:

- Wild Pyromancer

- Arcane Shot

- Steamwheedle Sniper 


If Gahz'rilla is able to survive long enough to attack you can potentially kill your opponent with one attack. Play the Pyromancer first then shoot Gahz'rilla with your Arcane Shot. Just like that Gahz'rilla will have an attack of 24. Deadly Shot can be used for the same purpose but will deal 5 damage to Gahz'rilla so make sure you will win that turn. Steamwheedle Sniper can also be used to target Gahz'rilla and double his attack.


If you add Pyromancer then Acolyte of Pain is another great addition as it can combo with it to draw you multiple cards. You can also add Hunter's Mark to enable the Pyromancer to take out practically any minion.

Edited by Darb

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