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Hellfire Citadel Priest Style - Normal and Heroic

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A collaboration of Priest tips, tricks and strategies you may have going into the 6.2 raid tier, Hellfire Citadel.


All information here is assumed Normal or heroic

Disc notes added

Hellfire Assault

Ensure you are using your EAA PoH to help with slow kills on the Metamorphed Felcasters that may pop together or are not killed fast, namely when a cannon and 2 felcasters hit meta all at once.


Help by using PW:S and Body and soul to help the DPS moving the bombs


Dispel the root/stun asap

Iron Reaver

Beware of barrage - Note it works from her front foot direction not from the centre of the boss model.


WoM helps with the bads who get the immolate dots and blitzed.

This fight reminds me of a junior rugby match where everyone chases the person with the ball and disregards any strategy...


I chose CoW over WoM to keep some heals on the tanks with stacking debuff. Personal preference will depend on raid comp.


Save EAA PoH and Cascade for the Pounds.

Hellfire High Council

Keep PW:S on the targets with the dispellable buff to push it as long as possible.


LOL easymode was this even a boss(Heroic and normal)?


Body and Soul helps the slow learners run out for Reap.


Used CoW to pad tank damage meters.

Kilrogg Deadeye

I did not get the luxury of being sent into the alternate realm (gg).

Took CoW to help on tanks.

EAA PoH + Cascade on cd/heavy damage

Body and Soul heartseeker targets to get extra range for the globules.


WoM > CoW

Body and Soul to help Touch of Doom targets to get to edges


Can use Leap of faith to pull a target to you for the Shared Fate if you are the rooted target.

Save barrier and PI for the feast of souls AOE. It hits quite hard. Your 3 min cds will be up for each phase.


Shadow-Lord Iskar


Keep PW:S on the tank and the current holder of the Eye of Anzu.


Body and sould/lifegrip is great for helping slow passes in the wind phase


This addon has a healbot style approach to passing the eye



My raid had a few issues where the Fel bomb went out whilst the eye was on a tank/dps and even after passing it to a healer the bomb was unable to be dispelled.


Disc can hold the Eye and interrupt the caster at the same time to allow for less passing


EAA PoH, PI and Cascade saved for add phases and the Focused Blast


Fel Lord Zakuun


EAA PoH and Cascade on CD if its used on CD it should be up for the Disarmed phase when the damage is high. PI could also be saved here for PW:S spam.


I ensured that the melee and tanks were in their own group. This allowed the tank in the shadow realm to be healed with PoH.


Throw PW:S on the raiders soaking the fissures.


Body and Soul can help the seeds of corruption targets to move to the edges of the room faster.

In the disarm phase the tanks get wrecked! i saves Pain supp and used Barrier on them in this phase. As the raid is usually spread for soaking and avoiding barrier is useless for the raid.

Socrethar the Eternal

I used CoW as we had no pally and i used it to spam heal the targets of the Gift of the Man'ari (iceblock clears it)

Barrier for apocalypse

help to dps and silence the casters and destroyer, every bit of dps counts and healing is fairly quiet at this point

EAA PoH and bubble the soak groups for the Reverberating Blow


I used CoW on our kill but WoM would be fine if you have a paladin.

Body and Soul to help the targets dropping the fire and void fire.

Keep a good blanket of bubbles in the later phase to keep a buffer for any unplanned explosions

Tyrant Velhari


Shields are very useful in P2 when there is reduced HP.

If you have the 2 set use your penance to dump into the Touch of Harm Debuff.

Bubble can be used to cover the raid, tanks and group with Font of corruption as this is the point in the fight where there is minimal movement and you can be stacked.


CoW - If your tanks require the extra absorbs to deal with the glaive toss combo's.

Body and Soul for the Shadowforce targets

Everyman works to remove Mannoroths gaze earlier however the damage still applies.


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