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6.2 Rogue Spec Poll!

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Hey guys, I'm just curious as to what the most "popular" main spec is as of patch 6.2.
If you would, please follow the link (at the bottom, sorry the embed won't work on the forums for some reason) to the Straw Poll site and select your "main" spec and vote!

If you guys want, you can also submit your results here in this thread and explain why you each use the spec you do. Despite theory-crafting, we WoW players often have a wondrous variety of reasons for choosing their classes and specs, so I'm rather interested in the results!

Thanks ladies and gents!

6.2 Rogue Spec Poll Results


Edit: I've "closed" the poll. I address this in my latest/last post in the thread.

"I think the data is pretty solid at this point.

Assassination is ruling, with 50% of players maining sin/mut;
Combat is up next, with 27% of players loving AoE; and
Subtlety is last, with 23% of players wondering why Sub isn't better at single target lol (sorry guys, but it should be!)"

Thanks for all the votes guys. I truly appreciate everyone coming together here to help gather some interesting data.

Edited by Rivinhal

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As much as I hate it, I have to play Assassination cause it does the best damage

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As much as I hate it, I have to play Assassination cause it does the best damage

Why do you hate Assassin? Lol I actually prefer it so far!

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Too few buttons. Not complex enough for me, I get bored playing it

Really? What do you prefer then? If you say Combat, I'm going to be sad lol (because that's exactly how I feel about Combat, as the rotation is so simple.)

Sub is really cool imo, but I'm just not very good at it, and I just love the idea of being like a "poison master". Plus for me, it's like not too complex or too simple. It's just enough to keep me engaged at the moment (Combat can't boast that lol, and while I wouldn't call sub too complex, I just don't feel as effective wih it).


But I'm still leveling and whatnot, so I'm in a different situation than you are, newer to the class and everything...

Edited by Rivinhal

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Combat is -a bit- more than spam buttons, to be honest. Controlling insights and bursting gives -a bit- of insight for the class. And now that I stop to think, Mut is the same with Envenom windows.


I pick Sub because Sub4lyf, even if it becomes the underdog again. I feel like Mut is too letargic and Combat is way too frantic. Sub is just the right pace, not too zombie-slow neither too carpal-tunnel speed, and it is the one that has the biggest difficulty cap.


I like hard things. (doesn't mean I'm good at them, fml)


Edit: Where's the "specless" choice? I might be picking something else to play this season, if I play at all.

Edited by lipsinch

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Combat is -a bit- more than spam buttons, to be honest. Controlling insights and bursting gives -a bit- of insight for the class. And now that I stop to think, Mut is the same with Envenom windows.


I pick Sub because Sub4lyf, even if it becomes the underdog again. I feel like Mut is too letargic and Combat is way too frantic. Sub is just the right pace, not too zombie-slow neither too carpal-tunnel speed, and it is the one that has the biggest difficulty cap.


I like hard things. (doesn't mean I'm good at them, fml)


Edit: Where's the "specless" choice? I might be picking something else to play this season, if I play at all.

Lol, you sound like me to a degree. Mut/Sin feels slower, but it's rotation feels way better to me. Combat might be faster, but it's rotation is boring as hell imo. But I mean other than rotation complexity, when it comes down to controlling/managing elements, they're pretty similar, with Insights/Bursting feeling somewhat similar to Envenom/Bleeds/Poisons etc.


But then again I'm not playing at high level yet so my opinion could change. The way I've always looked at it (and I could TOTALLY be wrong so if I am, someone correct me), but I've always felt like Combat is more or less the AoE spec, Mut/Sin is a pseudo DoT spec, and Sub is the base single target spec.


I think I'd like sub more if I was better at it because tbh I also like complexity (as long as it's not mindbreaking lol) as I was a huge fan of Demo locks before the nerf, but that's just the way things go... But one reason I really love Sin/Mut is just because of the lore. Usu I don't let that influence my choices, but being a poison master, poisoning everything in sight and stuff? That seems so awesome to me haha.


As for a "specless" choice... Honestly.... I... Lol I've never known a single person to go "specless". Tbh I wasn't even aware that was a thing. If anything, I wish I had made two separate polls, one for main spec, the other for off spec, but I feel it's a bit late to introduce it now. That would have given a complete look at what people are playing.


Seriously though, is "specless" a thing? lol....

Edited by Rivinhal

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Yes, Combat=AOE, Sub=Single Target, and Assa/Mut= Single Target as well but should be "OK" on AOE situations.


IMO- Assassin should do as good if not better then combat on 2-3 target fights, keeping rupture going on everything. Which is why my gear choices will be made for playing Mut.


I am not a huge fan of Assa/Mut as a play style but if it does better damage then its a no brainer.

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Yes, Combat=AOE, Sub=Single Target, and Assa/Mut= Single Target as well but should be "OK" on AOE situations.


IMO- Assassin should do as good if not better then combat on 2-3 target fights, keeping rupture going on everything. Which is why my gear choices will be made for playing Mut.


I am not a huge fan of Assa/Mut as a play style but if it does better damage then its a no brainer.


Assassination's 2 target cleave is as good as Combat's, but any more than that and Combat pulls way ahead

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Just fooling around with specless, lol.

Oh lord, thanks. Tbh I'm new, back from Cata, and I got the feeling I was missing something massive here rofl, like they'd added in the ability to not choose any spec and gain significant bonuses to/altered forms of core abilties or something. I was so confused!!! I just kept thinking, why have I never heard of this?!

Edited by Rivinhal

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Yes, Combat=AOE, Sub=Single Target, and Assa/Mut= Single Target as well but should be "OK" on AOE situations.


IMO- Assassin should do as good if not better then combat on 2-3 target fights, keeping rupture going on everything. Which is why my gear choices will be made for playing Mut.


I am not a huge fan of Assa/Mut as a play style but if it does better damage then its a no brainer.

Sorry to doublepost, but I messed up my last one and can't include another quote reply for some reason, so I had to make a new post =(


But thanks. I guess my only question is this: Is there really any truth to Sin/Mut being labeled as like a pseudo-DoT spec (by me lol)?


I always kind of considered it that because of the way it uses envenom (which can usually apply a DoT poison effect from Deadly Poison if you're using it) and rupture so predominantly (along with rupture's interaction with Venomous Wounds, and thus, your poisons. Also while these skills aren't strictly Sin/Mut, Garrote is great opener imo, so that's more DoTs, and Crimson Tempest is more DoT action.


Basically, it just seemed like Sin/Mut had the most DoT action, and therefore became the "DoT spec" but I don't really know if that makes sense anymore rofl. Is it literally just the midway between Combat and Sub now?


Sub has some decent DoT now too, as it has Hemorrhage (which is a main skill), Sanguinary Vein, and Rupture as well, so I guess both are kind of minor DoT specs in a way... Hell, Sub might even be better tbh. If so, that really would make Sin/Mut the midway between Sub and Combat..... Wow.


I don't even know what the hell I'm talking about any more. Someone just tell me to shut up. I apologize guys, I realize this probably makes no sense whatsoever (I've been up for like 30 hours so Idk, I'm foggy). I'm kind of second guessing even posting this now rofl...

Edited by Rivinhal

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Assassination has always been my favorite. It's been dumbed down a bit over time but I still enjoy it. Even when it was deemed the lowest of all DPS specs at the start of WoD, I still rocked it and was able to pull comparable numbers next to other "top" DPS classes. But when I started to get a decent amount of haste gear, I went to combat and was heart broken at the single target DPS gap between the two; Combat was way higher. I played Combat through most of BRF and then dropped Sin for Sub since I got a good bit of multistrike gear as well. I hated Sub so much (still do; just doesn't flow right to me and felt crippling with the slightest mistake to the rotation) but it was optimal. 6.2 has rolled around and 695 baleful gear all started rolling with crit/mastery. I took it as a sign and took the plunge dropping sub and re-enchanting/gemming all my gear appropriately. After this first week of raiding in HFC, I am extremely satisfied with that decision numbers wise and am only that much more excited fo when I get my 4pc. It's good to be home! =D

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Hemo isn't a main skill anymore on Sub's toolset. The damage is negligent currently. Still, on other hand, got a powerful pack-a-punch bleed which is the main source of damage for Sub. Actually, they made the spec revolve partially around it - and eventual Eviscerates with no-def debuffs.


And I think you're correct on saying that Mut is the middle ground between the specs. At least I believe that Sub still king on single target (although it has some good spot on semi-cleave with Enhanced FoK), Mut is a decent cleave with the best downtime (due to DoTs tearing apart while at it) and Cbt is the go-for AoE spec.

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Sin does suffer the least from losing uptime on the bosses, so I guess in that regard it is a DoT class. It's also the only one where you should actually swap targets at least every 12s to maintain Deadly Poison on more than 1 target. 


Sub is also sort of a DoT spec since Rupture does a huge amount of damage, although it's not as powerful as it was because of the set bonuses


At this time, Sin is also the best Single Target spec. The gap has been closed a lot from what it was on the PTR, but it's still a bit ahead of Sub.

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Hemo isn't a main skill anymore on Sub's toolset. The damage is negligent currently. Still, on other hand, got a powerful pack-a-punch bleed which is the main source of damage for Sub. Actually, they made the spec revolve partially around it - and eventual Eviscerates with no-def debuffs.


And I think you're correct on saying that Mut is the middle ground between the specs. At least I believe that Sub still king on single target (although it has some good spot on semi-cleave with Enhanced FoK), Mut is a decent cleave with the best downtime (due to DoTs tearing apart while at it) and Cbt is the go-for AoE spec.

Oh really? Lol well... Suddenly everyone knows that I have no clue what I'm talking about when it comes to Sub rofl. Tbh I just kind of assumed it would be a main skill just because of it's SS replacement status and dat bleed, but I guess I don't really truly know sub's rotation or anything rofl. Sub is one of those specs I'm just not very good at, because I've never put any time into it to try and learn it... Plus you talk about Hemo as if it's been nerfed, which is something I didn't figure they'd do, but nothing surprises me anymore after seeing the poor demo locks...



Sin does suffer the least from losing uptime on the bosses, so I guess in that regard it is a DoT class. It's also the only one where you should actually swap targets at least every 12s to maintain Deadly Poison on more than 1 target. 


Sub is also sort of a DoT spec since Rupture does a huge amount of damage, although it's not as powerful as it was because of the set bonuses


At this time, Sin is also the best Single Target spec. The gap has been closed a lot from what it was on the PTR, but it's still a bit ahead of Sub.


Well this makes feel a little less stupid. So my final conclusion that they're both kind of minor DoT specs is right, but it's not like it means anything rofl.


Tbh I just really remember back in before like Cata the Rogue feeling like it was a much more based on instant damage, and iirc the only skills that even did DoT stuff are the same rofl, Garrote, Rupture, and Deadly Poison. Everything else was pretty much instant damage (even Hemo, iirc, just increased damage against the target). I mean it's always been about debuffs and stuff too, but now it feels like DoTs are much more prominent (especially in Sin/Mut, as in Cata the Glyphed hemo was about the same I think).


Lol Idk, I'm rambling again. I just feel like the class has changed slightly so I always kinda tried to make it make sense in my mind by labeling the specs by function. But I'm not sure if my previous labels make sense anymore.


So now it's more like Combat = AoE, Sin/Mut= Single Target and minor DoTs, and poor Sub = idk. Single Target and Minor DoTs, but not as good apparantly? lol. The more I think about this, the more I think something is wrong with our specs/balancing lol. :p

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So now it's more like Combat = AoE, Sin/Mut= Single Target and minor DoTs, and poor Sub = idk. Single Target and Minor DoTs, but not as good apparantly? lol. The more I think about this, the more I think something is wrong with our specs/balancing lol. tongue.png


Yeah you can't really label them like that anymore. Combat certainly is for AoE, but the other two are more differentiated by their playstyle.


Sin is a simple spec. all about poisons and can 2-target cleave very well, whereas Sub is almost exclusively single target and revolves around Shadow Dance, openers, and one of the most complicated DPS rotations in the game.


I would have thought that Sub's difficulty would mean that it would do more damage when played to its fullest, as it was in the past, but that's sadly not the case right now. It's still a very fun and dynamic rotation that I really enjoy playing, but I can't justify it for progression.


There are a couple fights that I can see Sub being really good for in terms of farm content and ranking, but it gets punished too heavily when it doesn't have 100% uptime on the boss and is difficult to both play the spec and learn Mythic encounters. 

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Very good point to mention, Carrn. Sub and Mut are pretty close on single target but that only holds true on encounters you know inside and out. You can mess up your rotation with Mut and not suffer on the meters as much. I raid about 6 hours a week so in no way shape or form am I pushing mythic progression but this idea would be correct regardless what raid difficulty you are progressing on. On a side note I'm following you on twitch, Carrn. Have not been able to catch you streaming yet though. GL

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Hey thanks! I'll be live tonight again for Heroic, I think we're on Tyrant. Wasn't around for the end of the night last night so I don't know where they ended up

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Hey guys.

With the achievement of over 600 votes, I'm considering the poll closed. I can't actually delete the poll or actually close it, but really any more votes aren't necessary, so I'll probably be editing the link to forward directly to the results page instead...

I think the data is pretty solid at this point.

Assassination is ruling, with 50% of players maining sin/mut;
Combat is up next, with 27% of players loving AoE; and
Subtlety is last, with 23% of players wondering why Sub isn't better at single target lol (sorry guys, but it should be!)

But thanks for all the info guys! It's crazy to think 600+ people came out to vote in a poll like this in a week.
But it's really cool we got to look into the community for a minute and really see what people are playing. It's good to see people maining Combat and Sub despite Assassination's current strengths, simply because it shows that people care about those specs and aren't just hopping around to what is best at the moment. I don't know why, but I think that's pretty cool.

Thanks again guys! Have fun gankin'!

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