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I can't stop losing!! Please help with a Rogue deck :)

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Hey guys, I'm sure you're sick of this shit, but I've had the game for a little while now and I just can't seem to win anything. I'm always around the 18/17 rank and the chances of me winning two games in a row is smaller than jesus returning to Missouri tomorrow.


I've grinded enough to have a few decent cards, and I've tried a half decent miracle deck as well as carbon copied a GvG deck from Icy Veins. Neither one gets me anywhere so I've tried to build my own deck from everything I've learned/read. It's a great deck early game but past the 7/8th turn, if I'm not absolutely dominating by that point, I always end up losing. Again I'm sure these come up often and I apologize I'm new to this, but any help/tips would be greatly appreciated friends. Feel free to criticize if it's utter garbage. I'm aware I should probably focus on one thing, instead of having a lot of one off cards, but I just don't know what I should focus on.


Rogue cards:

  • 2x backstab
  • preparation
  • cold blood
  • conceal
  • 2x deadly poison
  • 2x blade flurry
  • 2x evicerate
  • shiv
  • defias ringleader
  • goblin auto-barber
  • 2x fan of knives
  • 2x SI:7 Agent
  • Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
  • Assassin's Blade
  • Assassinate
  • Sprint


  • southsea deckhand
  • kobold geomancer
  • micro machine (2nd Kobold)
  • jungle panther (Ogre Magi)
  • questing adventurer
  • Sen'jin
  • 2x Azure Drake

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Well, I am not an expert rogue player but I managed to get to level 9 with a variation of the cheap rogue deck available here, so let me try to give you my thoughts on your deck:


First of all, I think rogue is one of the more difficult classes to play. You have to be patient, pass quite a few times and build up your weapons, combos etc in order to win consistently.


That beeing said, its of course also important to have the right deck: Generally, your deck looks not too bad. However, I have to agree with you that I would put a few more double copies of certain cards in favor of so many singles.


- Preparation: I don't have this card myself but I have the feeling that you either put 2 or none of them in your deck. The reason is, that if you use this card, you want to be rather sure to have one when you need it (to activate your combo for the oil or to have a 4 mana sprint, for example).

- Conceal: Not needed in your deck I think as you do not have specific minions to protect

- 2 x Fan of Knives: Likely to be of limited use, here I would consider dropping 1 copy, but that's not important

- Sharpsword Oil: Put a second copy in your deck in my opinion. This card is so good and can help you in almost all situations

- Micro machine, jungle panther, adventurer: I would consider dropping these cards, especially the micro machine as you do not have any mech synergies. The other two cards are ok, but there are quite some better cards for this type of deck I would think

Piloted Shredder is a good replacement for the panther, it just provides more value. Novice Engineer or Gnomish Inventor are other good subs as they replace themselves (the engineer has the additional benefit of beeing a cheap activator for your combos).


One additional advice: I would try one particular deck for more than a couple of games. That way you a) learn how to play with that deck and b ) see situations where you realize what kind of card would have been very helpful to have in several situations and what other cards seem to be dead cards very often.


I hope this helps, maybe the experts can add their thoughts ( I would also appreciate any comment on my suggestions).

Edited by Horn
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Wow this is amazing, thanks so much! Yeah I guess I should've phrased my question a little better. I have played with this deck for quite a while, and at the lower ranks did enjoy some success. What I want to know is how to take my deck to the next level, I have quite a bit of dust and a legendary I'm considering selling (Harrison Jones) so I will definitely start with a piloted Shredder, and I've been thinking Violet Teacher, Earthen Ring Farseer and Sludge Belcher.. what I need is some strength for mid/late game. 

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You should reconsider the idea of your deck.


I see no point of having cards like panther, micromachines and ringleader in your deck. You should change them with something more useful.


I would change deck to this


Rogue cards:

  • 2x backstab
  • preparation
  • 2x deadly poison
  • 2x blade flurry
  • 2x evicerate
  • 2x fan of knives
  • 2x SI:7 Agent
  • 2x Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
  • Assassin's Blade
  • 2x Sap
  • 2x Sprint


  • southsea deckhand
  • 2x kobold geomancer
  • questing adventurer
  • 2x Sen'jin
  • 2x Azure Drake
  • 2x Earthring farseer



Well, Kobolds, not having 2nd prep and Sen'Jins are weak points of the deck.

I would change Kobold with Thalnos and Sen'Jins with Sludge Belcher.


Good luck in ladder.

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