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[US-Misha/Rexxar][A]<Steel Dawn> HFC: 6/13N, 5/13H, all raiders

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Who We Are:

<Steel Dawn> is one of the oldest guilds on Misha. Formed in 2007, <Steel Dawn> was originally a casual social guild. Halfway through Wrath of the Lich King, after absorbing another casual social guild, a raiding group began to appear which killed raid bosses at a casual pace. Towards the end of Cataclysm, this pace picked up, however with the launch of Mists of Pandaria, many of our core left the game. With the launch of Warlords of Draenor, <Steel Dawn> has come back with a vengeance! While all of the previous Heroic content this expansion has been cleared, pushing the group to Mythic has been tough as our roots have been primarily 10 player based. We are recruiting to make this final push and have a stead Mythic group that can handle Hellfire Citadel.


Current content:

5/13 Heroic Hellfire Citadel

Server First Heroic Hellfire Assault, Iron Reaver, Kormrok, & Hellfire High Council

6/13 Normal Hellfire Citadel


Previous tiers:

Warlords of Draenor:

1/7 Mythic Highmaul

10/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry



5/8 Heroic Dragon Soul

7/7 Normal Firelands

2/2 Normal Throne of the Four Winds

4/4 Normal The Bastion of Twilight

3/6 Normal Blackwing Descent


Wrath of the Lich King:

5/12 Normal Icecrown Citadel (25 Player)

1/12 Heroic Icecrown Citadel (10 Player)

10/12 Normal Icecrown Citadel (10 Player)

5/5 Trial of the Crusader (25 Player)

1/1 Onyxia's Lair (25 Player)

5/5 Trial of the Crusader (10 Player)

1/1 Onyxia's Lair (10 Player)


What we're looking for:

We're seeking mature dedicated semi-hardcore raiders with good senses of humour, who take their role on the raid team seriously, and want to be part of a successful raiding guild. Experience in previous expansions raid content is always an asset, but we are most certainly willing to help players who show promise and dedication despite experience. A good attitude will garner a lot of support from the guild.


What we offer:

<Steel Dawn> now considers itself a progression raiding guild, and in that respect we offer a focused and coordinated environment during raids where you will get the opportunity to experience the latest PvE content as it's deployed.  We provide full repairs, pots, flasks, gems & enchants for our raiders to help ease the cost and time-sink of raiding keeping the focus on the fun. Outside of raiding we welcome alts and guests, and have fun-runs for old PvE content and achievements that any member can set up.


Recruitment Needs:

Please check table above as our recruitment needs are in flux as we trial new additions to our team.


Everyone that makes the raiding roster will be equitably rotated with the exception of any rare progression encounters that may call for a specific comp. Please see above for specific class/role needs.


A note on gear levels: We are far more interested in people with the right attitude and skill versus high levels of gear. We've had some great success stories with players joining us with little gear who flourish into great raiders, and on the flip-side we've had more than a few with great gear but sadly little else to offer. Don't let your worries about inexperience or low gear hold you back!


We are now accepting new members to expand our ranks with Warlord of Draenor Mythic raiding in mind. If you're looking for a new raiding home, now is the perfect time to apply!



Wednesday - 7:00-11:00pm CST

Thursday - 7:00-11:00pm CST

Friday - 7:00-11:00pm CST


Other expectations:

- Willing to be in an equitable raid rotation

- Have all consumables or help farm on occasion to sustain guild stocks

- Prompt assembly for raids

- Mumble



Guild Master: Gentonord-Misha

Raid Leader: Astéroth-Misha

Officers: Despotik-Misha, Griv-Misha, Kynariel-Rexxar, Belldandy-Rexxar

Edited by Pandacho
The thread title was updated according to the Section posting rules. Please do not bump the thread more than once a week.

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      Spelers met een hoop zin in Battle for Azeroth.
      Spelers met een sociale en vriendschappelijke ingesteldheid.
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      <PartyCrashers> bestaat uit een kern raiders die samen doorheen MoP, WoD en Legion steeds de eigen grenzen wist te verleggen! Ook voor BfA is dit het plan. Elke nieuwe raid kan van ons team een Full HC clear tot farm-status verwachten. Zonder een elitist hardcore mentaliteit en een gigantische Epeen trotseren we samen mythic encounters ( zo gingen meest recent 5/9 ToS bosses down als een een natte schotelvod) en trachten we de prestigieuze normal / hc raider achievements te behalen. Yes,... we like mounts :v
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      Interesse? Super! Voeg een van onderstaande toe op battle.net voor meer info!
      Lucky7#2164 (Recruitment Officer)
      Hoddie#2313 (Guild Master / Raidleader)
      Koyulm#2180 (Raidleader)
      See you in Azeroth!
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