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To BbqNow,


You're welcome. Well 12 seconds without DoTs is a very long time in my opinion but my point more was that you used no ability at all. Not Drain Soul, a defensive cooldown or even a healthstone etc. Perhaps you were running from something but then you can still cast (might take some practice to learn that if you do not yet).


I will let one of the more experienced locks say how long something needs to live to be worth applying DoTs (anyone have some insight?). I tried calculating it once using one of my logs but it's a bit more complicated with Affliction as you have to take into account 3 DoTs, Drain Soul, partial ticks, how often they tick, tier sets and the like. Unstable Affliction only lasts 14 seconds though (without the class trinket) so to me that says it should be definitely up for those 12 seconds.


For Agony the ticks hit pretty hard at max stacks so I estimated that even 2 ticks was worth it which is only about 4 seconds. Corruption it's a bit weaker so I thought more like 3 ticks which is about 5 seconds. Take all these numbers with a huge pile of salt (and add some time) as I may have miscalculated/not taken something into account but 12 seconds is an eternity to be dotless in my opinion. Though actually it's not actually 12 seconds dotless, it's more 12 seconds that you did not reapply them in and being honest I'm too lazy to check how long the DoTs were off before she went up. Anyhow, it's something to be aware of.


Like I said it is possible that a pet may give you more damage but since the big Affliction buffs in theory GoSac is better. Anyhow, good luck and I will be interested in how things go. Some gameplay changes take longer than other to improve but keep at it and we are here. 

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To TheGlyphstone,


Thanks for getting back to us. I think that you probably had some old fights in your combat log and hence it confused the site. Archive them/delete before your next logging. 


At your gear level with 4 set GoSac-CR should bring you the best results always so if it is not then something is going wrong. I am assuming you want to be the best you can be so for the new logs please stay GoSac-CR (at least for farm) and with your ember details in there too it should be easier to find the issues. Let's see if we can find out some issues now. 


Looking at your Iron Reaver log (I know you were more interested in other fights but will look at them next time. For now lets sort out the basics):


Opener very low in burst so check out a guide. Firstly, with DSI (and probably later the ring) I would definitely suggest to go to a 20 second DS. The key to a good opener is getting out as many CBs as you can while your best procs are up. You also forgot Doomguard here (as there was BL/Hero)


Immolate fell off the boss many times during the ground stage and for quite a while before she went flying


Though I can't really see your embers your CB use looks a little off. You want to be staying at around 3 ember and 3.5 embers max. If you reach this dump only one CB (or 2 if you get the 4 set thing) and not all CBs every time. When you get DSI/go into DS you can now dump all, build again and then dump (assuming you are not saving for a nuke phase coming up soon). Basically my point is more CBs in DSI first and then other procs. CBs in DS look good actually but unglyph it!


Each bomb phase is different but be on the look out for any Havoc opportunities and for SB sniping (and in all fights for adds. Do you have obvious nameplates and mouseover macros? Not essential but they really will boost you)


Quite a few gaps in casting so be aware of this. Do you bank Conflags for movement (say if you don't know what I mean). Are you standing quite close to the boss? Then you have to move less for mechanics


Sync second potion with DS (which you should in an ideal world also sync with ring and/or DSI)


Anyhow hopefully this will give you some hints for the weekend. If no one does before will have another look at the other logs and also your Affliction if wanted.


For Gorefiend double 20 DS in the feast with Hero/BL Doomy and your potion. Go into feasts with high embers. Havoc more SBs>CBs onto boss from adds


For Kormrok: DS on hand phases, go in with high embers and open with a F&B CB. Snipe SBs with pre-casted Havoc onto boss (or just go Affliction if hands die too quick)


For Kilrogg: Havoc and SBs are your friend

Edited by spikeysquad

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Hey everyone,


Back again, still trying to improve. I actually ranked 95% on Iron Reaver this week and I am curious where I can find that other 5%. I appreciate any feedback someone can give. Thank you!


Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/icecrown/Lewstelamon/advanced


Warcraft logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/wXT9WA8fF3t4CjZP#type=damage-done&source=1

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Congrats and from RNG is the simple answer. A slightly more in depth one seems to be your cooldown/proc stacking.


Sync DS: M with the ring. Sync potion with the ring and DS: M


Don't be capped on shards for so long (assuming the graph is correct, sometimes it isn't)

Edited by spikeysquad

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Hi Spikey, we downed a couple bosses last night and I can show you my logs. Before I link them I just want to say that the other lock in our group suggested I use my doom lord pet until I got my 4 set. I used my soul burn haunt on Iskar and my doom lord on Zakuun and Xhul'horac. Here are the links:


Iskar https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/LfR3ag9V6X8hrpCW#fight=7&type=damage-done&source=93I didn't use cataclysm like I normally do and I did 7k less than last time


Zakuun https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/g2yprFRGAvTbwNVd#fight=41&type=damage-done&source=5I used the pet this fight. Having so many shards was stumping me since I mostly use soulburn haunt and it shows.


Xhul'horac https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/g2yprFRGAvTbwNVd#type=damage-done&source=5again, so many adds and dot applying that my drain soul barely saw any action compared to other fights.


I have become aware of my haunt time and that is always kept up if I get the chance. Also, I got my last tier piece to make the 4 set, so maybe that'll help out? Thank you so very much to all of you that help here. I look forward to reading any replies this gets :).

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To Bbqnow,


That's fair enough about the Doomlord but I don't think there is any point in analysing logs without SB: Haunt as you probably will be using that from now on (or should be if you want the highest DPS). 


I've actually never played Affliction on Iskar so I have no clue which is the strongest talent, maybe it is Cata but can't say I have ever used that with Affliction! It seems from the top rankings that they are quite similar with more people not taking Cata. However, a 7k difference can easily be explained by just RNG and mechanics. Perhaps though you will keep seeing Cata do better


So general issues with your logs:


On 2 put of those 3 fights no DS: M in opener. You are missing a lot of burst here as a result. Your opener could be a little tidier


Not reapplying Haunting Spirits in time even though you seem to have 2+ shards. The buff is also effected by pandemic so you can go up to 9 seconds early (though you need to watch where your regular Haunt is at)


Lack of DS: M for fight length (this was really bad on Zakuun)


Lack of DS: M during BL/Hero and with your potion/Doomy


Dot uptime poor on Iskar for example (and with taking into account when you have adds)


Hope this helps

Edited by spikeysquad

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If you want to maximise overall damage then Cataclysm is your friend, same as on Kormrok for the hands.


However you really shouldn't be AoEing on Iskar until the high priority targets are dead. Destruction performs much better at both aspects in this regard but if it's comfortable farm and everyone is whoring then by all means go Cataclysm Affliction.

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Alright, I'm back and I brought an Advanced log with me this time. I stuck with Destro the entire fight for consistency and easier analysis.




Known goofs:

1) I forgot about Doomlord on Hellfire and Iron Reaver.

2) I went into the first Gorefiend Feast with only one DS charge up.

3) Eyeballing my own log real fast, I definitely need to get better with ember management, I'm spending a lot of time at 4 Embers.


I did get a mouseover macro for my Havoc this week - was an adjustment instead of my targetoftarget switching.

Edited by TheGlyphstone

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Guest 2nihon

Thank you everyone for your advice so far.


One more question: looking for trinkets from BRF as per Liquidsteel's recommendations:


Your trinkets are pretty bad though. PoF is yucky to use and on multi target requires quick reactions to swap to the affected target. UGoS is better but still not great. If you have trinkets from last tier they're still pretty good, especially GSR paired with DSI. If your guild can go and faceroll Beastlord Darmac / Oregorger it's well worth it. My DUT (socketed) and GSR (socket and warforged) are still being used now.



Going to be spending the rest of the day looking for BRF pugs, but in the meantime, I got Blackiron Micro Crucible today for a mission reward  - is that any better than Unblinking Gaze of Sethe or Prophecy of Fear? Just looking for any gear advantage against H Archimonde.



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I got a heroic PoF out of a cache a while back and thought as a 715 it had to be better than my 700 GSR. It really wasn't though yes perhaps my switching was a little slow (annoying trinket). So yeah definitely recommend the above set up (DSI+GSR). Just for your information 2nihon are you aware that PoF does not trigger from DoTs? Not sure if you play Affliction but it is useless for that. 


For TheGlyphstone,


Glad that you gave CR Destro a good go and it's great being aware of some of your issues. Now we have more to work with. Let's get to it.


Hellfire Assault:


Very low opening burst. No DS in opener. As you have the ring and DSI I really would suggest going unglyphed DS. Like you said you forgot your Doomy which would have helped a lot


11 Havoc uses though you pretty much can use it on cooldown on this fight (so over double what you did)


With those 11 Havocs you only copied 3 CBs and 2 SBs so you used say 4 of them fully so are you tracking your Havoc buff stacks? Are you aware that SB>CB for copying? Though ideally you want 2+ SBs each time.


Again a shout out for nameplates and mouseover macro for SB as you should be able to get a lot more SB kills than you did=more CBs. Glad you are using a macro for Havoc now, it may take some adjustment time but it should noticeably help in the end


May depend on your tanks (and how scared you are of triggering Gorefiends and scary Raid Leaders) but on your kill you got 4 F&B CBs out and the majority of top parses for your kill time will have that as their highest damage done and usually 30+ casts


Immolate uptime only 16% but from some random logs it should be at least 30% (my last kill I got 49% but I might have used it too much). If you look at the average damage done for each spell you will notice that Immolate (look at the lower one in the list) hits harder than Incinerate and Conflag! Hence it's important to get good uptime (and it gives more shards too if the target is alive a while) if the target will take at least one tick


Your syncing of DS with the ring buff is almost non-existant. CBs in ring buff poor. Are you tracking it? 


It's ok as you are using a short DS at the moment but usually you want your potion right before for full coverage. Unglyph it!


Using DS with DSI good


Shard management looks pretty good on the whole. Avoid staying capped. Good number of CBs in DS


Iron Reaver:


A lot of the above applies again


Just to be aware for here you did 3 CBs that never hit the target (it either died or went out of range) so you lost those embers


Immolate fell off the boss way too much during the ground phase (sometimes it will when she goes Bltizing though). So going to ask you to have a good objective look at your UI. Is it fit for purpose? Is all the information you need like DoTs, Havoc timers, HP of target, DS, buffs, embers and the like easy to see near your character's feet? If so then it's more a case of training yourself to check these things much more often until it becomes second nature


Other than that nothing new pops out but the same issues as above




Opening burst much better


When you do a 20 second DS dump like you did but then you need to build up and dump again before it wears off


Same advice as my previous post pretty much: DS on hand phases, go in with high embers and open with a F&B CB. Snipe SBs with pre-casted Havoc onto boss. You could probably get more DPS from Affliction if the hands die too quick and then be sniping them for shards


When doing F&B assuming you are hitting enough targets you should be able to CB/Immolate-Conflag/Incinerate-CB/Immolate-Conflag/Incinerate rather than have more fillers each time. Avoid CBing and using Immolate under 2.5-3 embers (find the number that works for you)


Your second hand phase was much better but the lack of DS here and SBs with Havoc still kept it lower than it could be


Need a break now. The main others you wanted looking at was Kilrogg and Gore right?


I can tell you already though the main "secret" will be Havoc and SB. Kilrogg of course is gimmicky depending on if you get sent in or not. Of course the issues above will keep showing on every fight until you change them


Hope this helps.

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That all sounds like great help, thanks.


HFA in particular is definitely problematic, but as I've mentioned in my first post, it's a peculiarity of the raid leader's policies. Our raid is on the edge where accidentally triggering multiple Gorebound Terrors makes it very interesting for our healers even if our DPS/tanks can handle it, so there is a flat ban on any active AoE or cleaves; no Hunter Barrages, no Rogue Blade Flurry, etc, no F&B CB's, etc. - those few I slipped in were technically misclicks when I forgot to shut off F&B after Incinerating.


I'll see about converting my SB to a mouseover macro as well, that will definitely aid me in getting more of them off - that extra click makes all the difference for sniping SB kills.


Since it looks like every fight benefits more from the unglyped DS, I'll strip that entirely. My habit is to not open with DS until I've got 4 embers because it only lasts 10sec, but I can stop doing that now that I'll have the 20sec duration back.


On Kromrok, any tips for timing the CB cast? If I launch too early (at the boss), the hands won't have actually spawned  and I miss out on the cleave - if I wait until the hands pop, I'll likely only get one cleave CB out, and on Dragging Hands I won't even get that. Figuring out the time differential between when he casts Hands and when they pop will let me snipe in that extra CB cleave.


Kilrog I never get to go in the death realm, so it's more or less a wash there. If I can improve my numbers, it's via sniping more SB cleaves off blood and bloodthirsters, hopefully the mouseover macro helps there as I get used to using it.

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Thanks for replying TheGlyphstone,


Our healers always moan on HFC that they have nothing to do! From memory though we do outgear your raid by about 10 item levels and that probably makes things go much smoother. Your Raid Leader's ban is very weird to me however if it has been the cause of fails recently then fair enough no one wants unnecessary wipes but I hope at some point they do relax it so you can "pad" with the best of them.


On my last kill I was actually top damage done on the Gorebounds by quite a big gap and of course most of that came from SBs so once you snipe more as well the damage after they meta should be a less of an issue as well.


Oh and not letting you multidot on Council. Now that I really do not get. Did the raid actually happen to trigger 2 bosses at once? I personally can only see that happening if people are more focusing the second boss but maybe I am wrong in that and if you have some strange set up with melee cleaves it goes bad. 


I haven't played Destro much on Kormrok to have a deep insight. Personally I decided to not cleave off the boss as we loosely stack more away from him and my casts didn't catch enough hands. I just wait for the hands to spawn before casting. Otherwise just watch timers and see. Now days we don't get a full second hand spawn either so I am totally out of practice with this. Maybe someone else can be much more use.


I don't go into Kilrogg's eye either. Again this will be a personal thing but I rarely manage to get any SBs on the little adds/bloods as they just seem to explode when they reach 20% (I think it's our priest and 2 hunters). In the end I gave up and Havoc almost on cool down on the boss and cast a CB on the add as soon as they spawn. Like I said before though SBs>CB but yeah depends on your group.


For Kilrogg again same things, work on your opener, DoT uptimes, stack procs and cooldowns, Havoc, SB sniping. 


So for Gorefiend in addition to the double DS in feast (you can still and should use one in the opener) you also want your Doomy in the one you BL/Hero and potion in. Oh and yeah Havoc and SB!


Destro is pretty simple really. Well in theory, the practice and gameplay changing takes longer for some people. As you keep working on all these things you should see good increase in your damage. You said you did better with "regular" destro but every issue that you do have would also be affecting your damage there too.

Edited by spikeysquad

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For Spushy,


Your main issues are:


A weak opener. Could give you much much more burst

Low Immolate uptime

Low number of SB kills (do you have obvious nameplates? Do you have a mouseover macro?)

CB>SB in execute unless it will die in the 5 seconds or you are copying with Havoc (or have to move but still don't really want to spam) 

Low Havoc usage

Not using all stacks of Havoc in the SB>CB>other stuff priority

Not stacking procs and cooldowns

Not using DS at the best times for nuking

Forgetting Doomguard summon

Using DemServ (though what Grimoire are you using then? Your pet DPS seems low)

Lack of preperation for nuke phases (aka high embers)

Try to avoid capping on embers as every time you do you miss out

Lack of CBs in DS and trinket

Dumping all CBs when you cap but have no procs up

Depends on the group but usually you should be able to get more F&Bs CBs out on certain fights like HFA, Kormrok, Archy, Mann (also been looking at your heroic logs)

Do you feel the need for Dark Regen and Sac Pact? The first I find pretty blah for sure

Unglyph Havoc! Learn to pre-cast instead

I'd suggest to glyph Eternal Resolve (as you don't use it that much anyhow)

Enchant/gem wise: Mastery>Crit for CR and add fights

No potion use x 2 (which really will help on the opener)


Let me know if you need clarification on something that I have said.


Edited to add a couple of things

Edited by spikeysquad

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I feel like I could do way better in affliction, would anyone help yout?

Todays's logs:


Fights to look at: Iron reaver, Hellfire High Council

Trinkets used: DSI(M), FotDS(HC)
Other trinkets available: CSP, UGoS(HC), Sandman's Pouch (715)


Note: If I'm not mistaken, I should've used GoSup on Council, but I prefer the big absorb I can get from the GoSac + Pact combo.

Known mistakes:
-on Iron Reaver, I should've used the 2nd potion on the 3rd ring, when racial is available.



1. Should I get Iron Reaver Piston? If so, when should I use it?

2. What should I do during Iron Reaver's air phase? Should I just try to focus on reinforced bombs?

3. What should I do on affliction on multitarget fights when the legendary ring's buff is up? Should I keep my dots up or should I just bother with the main target?
4. Should I bother with Blademaster's mirror images?
5. I heard that only your most recent Corruption can proc soul shards. Is that true?

6. I heard that Doomguard doesn't scale with short buffs. Is that true? If so, why do most people use doomguard at the start of the fight?


If you got here to the bottom, thanks for reading this.

Edited by malegria

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  1. Sure. For ST fights or fights with spread out cleave it isn't a bad pick up. I wouldn't take it over a Spriest though since it is BiS for Spriest.
  2. Yes. Most of the other bombs will be taken care of by other bursty classes so target the high HP.
  3. You should have refreshed your DoTs right before the ring is comming up so that you can DS burn on the main target and let the DoTs just tick away. I don't normally break off to reapply if they fall off during ring proc.
  4. Yes. If your raid blows them up really fast, start from the back of the order they kill them. So if the raid kills clockwise, DoT them up counter-clockwise. Only 3 of them though - anymore is wasted.
  5. Yes it is true.
  6. It does scale.


I don't have a lot of time to look at logs, the only thing that jumped out at me was low UA time on Dia. But I didn't look at shard use, buff use, etc. All I have time right now was to look at uptimes. If one of the others doesn't help you I'll come back to this when Im less busy. 

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Hi guys, I did some of the things you guys suggested and saw a pretty good improvement on my dps, especially on Xhul'horac and fel lord. After getting the 4 set, switching to SB:H, and getting my ring, I noticed the improvement. There was a pug reaver I joined and did what spikey said to do about keeping dots up and drain souling everything for shards. That was a really good change, about a 9k dps gain, but unfortunately it wasn't logged :(


Here is Xhul https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/wNndr98tWCjHh4JR#fight=16&type=damage-done&source=175my uptime on Haunt could be way better, but there were just so many damn adds I couldn't haunt them all.


Here is Fel lord https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/wNndr98tWCjHh4JR#fight=13&type=damage-done&source=175this is clear on how my uptime was pretty bad. I tried GoSac compared to last weeks GoSup and saw the difference. 


I am still struggling with my use of dark soul misery. Should I be using it on every opener and then when a charge comes off CD or do I wait for lust? Thank you all for your amazing help!

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Hi Bbqnow,


Glad to hear that things are going better. My own Affliction play is not that great and I may be missing key aspects but I tend to think some response is better than none. Congrats on your ring and tier etc.




Very Low DoT uptime on boss, you're around 44-57% and in theory should be 95%+


Same applies for Omnus (could be argued though that you decided to focus little adds)


Can't actually tell this easy so draining lots for shards? Same thing applies on all add fights


Haunt you actually don't want on all adds. Firstly they have to live at least say 13 seconds and then to get the most out of your Haunts you want to be using with DS:M on possibly multiple targets and then DSI


The above you only do after you have 100% Haunting Spirits (HS) uptime. Yours is 83% and yet you still throw out lots of regular Haunts. Add fight like this where you have DoTs rolling on multiple targets HS has to take priority. However, looking deeper I think you actually do have the shards to reapply it but just are not noticing it has fallen


Is your UI fit for purpose? If so train yourself to watch HS a lot more and do not Haunt unless you have 3 shards and first check that HS is not about to be under 9 seconds. When you can be more relaxed with shards during DS: M and BL you will want Haunt up and actually are very likely to get shards back from the extra haste. If say HS has 28 seconds left and you have mulitiple procs up. Sometimes you can benefit a lot from being more aggressive but then sometimes you miss out


Summon Doomguard was a little late. I also struggle with this on these short fight times


DS: M use here much better here than in your last logs and synced with the ring


Opener could use a slight adjustment but again better. You should be noticing a lot higher burst already


So for general DS: M use. Absolutely in every opener. When all your procs are up together it is a waste not to. Then next best thing is the ring and if using on cooldown it's good to sync with that. Then you have BL/Hero. To use the extra AD charge here is usually the strongest choice I believe. DSI is also a strong choice after the above. An argument can also be made that DS: M is good in execute for the extra Drain Soul damage (though that is not that much of a boost) however if my ring guy decides to go at 35% then I will sync with that instead.


So knowing in advance for each fight where you will DS: M (and your ring will be used) does help. Oh and all of this is assuming you do not actually need it for a nuke phase. For one of those you will probably be using the ring and/or BL anyhow so not much should actually change.


Fel Lord:


Had you not died you probably would have got a lot higher DPS from the ending


Read up on the opener again as you almost wasted 4 seconds of Dark Soul (now there's some debate over manual or SB: SS for DoTs but the rest of the priority is good to follow)


I personally would have done another Dark Soul back to back in the BL/Hero especially as you had used your potion. I believe that potion with ring is better though (potion, ring and BL even better if the one in charge of the legendary had held off for another 20 seconds or the BL was earlier)


Haunting Spirits 91% so not bad but it dropped off twice


Keep working at it smile.png

Edited by spikeysquad

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Hey i need help with my DPS... these logs are old, so i have a better uptime on immolate now from what says in the logs. I still lack DPS and i dont know why. Please Help!


Armory link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmane/Zyndras/simple


Warcraft logs link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/10254979/latest/#boss=0


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Hi Bbqnow,


Glad to hear that things are going better. My own Affliction play is not that great and I may be missing key aspects but I tend to think some response is better than none. Congrats on your ring and tier etc.




Very Low DoT uptime on boss, you're around 44-57% and in theory should be 95%+


Same applies for Omnus (could be argued though that you decided to focus little adds)


Can't actually tell this easy so draining lots for shards? Same thing applies on all add fights


Haunt you actually don't want on all adds. Firstly they have to live at least say 13 seconds and then to get the most out of your Haunts you want to be using with DS:M on possibly multiple targets and then DSI


The above you only do after you have 100% Haunting Spirits (HS) uptime. Yours is 83% and yet you still throw out lots of regular Haunts. Add fight like this where you have DoTs rolling on multiple targets HS has to take priority. However, looking deeper I think you actually do have the shards to reapply it but just are not noticing it has fallen


Is your UI fit for purpose? If so train yourself to watch HS a lot more and do not Haunt unless you have 3 shards and first check that HS is not about to be under 9 seconds. When you can be more relaxed with shards during DS: M and BL you will want Haunt up and actually are very likely to get shards back from the extra haste. If say HS has 28 seconds left and you have mulitiple procs up. Sometimes you can benefit a lot from being more aggressive but then sometimes you miss out


Summon Doomguard was a little late. I also struggle with this on these short fight times


DS: M use here much better here than in your last logs and synced with the ring


Opener could use a slight adjustment but again better. You should be noticing a lot higher burst already


So for general DS: M use. Absolutely in every opener. When all your procs are up together it is a waste not to. Then next best thing is the ring and if using on cooldown it's good to sync with that. Then you have BL/Hero. To use the extra AD charge here is usually the strongest choice I believe. DSI is also a strong choice after the above. An argument can also be made that DS: M is good in execute for the extra Drain Soul damage (though that is not that much of a boost) however if my ring guy decides to go at 35% then I will sync with that instead.


So knowing in advance for each fight where you will DS: M (and your ring will be used) does help. Oh and all of this is assuming you do not actually need it for a nuke phase. For one of those you will probably be using the ring and/or BL anyhow so not much should actually change.


Fel Lord:


Had you not died you probably would have got a lot higher DPS from the ending


Read up on the opener again as you almost wasted 4 seconds of Dark Soul (now there's some debate over manual or SB: SS for DoTs but the rest of the priority is good to follow)


I personally would have done another Dark Soul back to back in the BL/Hero especially as you had used your potion. I believe that potion with ring is better though (potion, ring and BL even better if the one in charge of the legendary had held off for another 20 seconds or the BL was earlier)


Haunting Spirits 91% so not bad but it dropped off twice


Keep working at it smile.png

Hi there and sorry for the long delay. Work and school has been so draining. I took your advice and managed to keep my dot uptime on Tyrant to the best I've ever managed.


Here is her log https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/F8qdtXLcn1Nj7ghw#fight=32&type=damage-done&source=273the difference was astounding. My first kill on her I did only 41k, granted I did die close to the last phase. However, the difference in dot uptime pretty much says it all. I am trying to keep my DS:M used as best as possible, but I will keep at it.


There is just one boss I am extremely uncomfortable and struggle in: Archimonde. I cannot for the life of me sustain over 41k on multiple pulls. Once in about 7-8 pulls I'll make it to 48k, but then it's back to a slump. I've asked for a lot of advice, but this will be the last time I ask. How in the world can I maintain over 45k on Archie? Even the best geared lock in the guild can manage 46k-55k. I struggle with dark soul haunt and target tabbing. Should I use the soul swap glyph or what? Thank you for the help!

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Sorry Zyndras; somehow I missed your post. Are you still reading?


Glad to hear you are doing so well Bbqnow. Keep at it and should continue to see progress. I've never played Affliction on Archimonde so afraid I cannot help there but hopefully someone else can. Yeah I think that the Soul swap glyph is pretty essential for Affliction. Just remember to be draining adds as they die to get the shards back.

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Sorry Zyndras; somehow I missed your post. Are you still reading?


Glad to hear you are doing so well Bbqnow. Keep at it and should continue to see progress. I've never played Affliction on Archimonde so afraid I cannot help there but hopefully someone else can. Yeah I think that the Soul swap glyph is pretty essential for Affliction. Just remember to be draining adds as they die to get the shards back.

Dont worry im still reading. im trying to get used to destruction now... but its very hard since it affects my dps to a point where i get kicked from raids.... soo i feel almost trapped with affliction...

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Thanks for the reply Fox and let's see if we can narrow down where you are going wrong.


Hellfire Assault:


For your item level here you are actually doing decent (50 percentile). Main issues are:


Lack of Havoc. You should be able to pretty much use this on cool down so say 28+ times where you did 15


14 SB and 5 CB copied across (assuming that you did not do casts of CB where the target died before it hit). Again decent but try to be using all stacks of Havoc every time. Track the stacks of the buff if you are not, you may be surprised at what is actually copied


Lack of F&B CBs. While you did cast some at least on top ranked logs this is the highest damage done. Also your hits seem slightly lower, are you AoEing (padding) the little guys as soon as and every time they spawn? Highest DPS and how to kill a progress boss is a very different mindset


Your ratio of F&B CBs to other F&B casts seems a little off as well as in you probably can cast more CBs and less fillers assuming you have enough targets (about 4+) each time. If you have say 2.5+ embers F&B CB (just check it's enough for you to not get locked out, perhaps 3 is safer)


Lack of SBs. Again you did decent but there are a lot more to be had. Do you have obvious nameplates? Do you use a mouseover macro?


RoF I gather is only good on something like 8+ mobs now I think or for moving and you have really nothing else to cast. Your 17 casts is way too much. Pretty much anything else you can cast takes priority


A lot of ember capping. It's really difficult on this fight actually but something to be aware of to not waste ember bits


Dark Soul usage is very low. For fight time you could have got 5 in, you got 2 1/2. This is your best cooldown/proc! Respect it, plan for its use with high embers. You don't have the legendary ring yet but then you will want to be using them together. Now just don't be capped on 2 stacks and finish the fight on 0. Other fights though you are actually ok with this


Need more dumping of CBs in Dark Soul (and be tracking DSI too if you are not)


Had you had BL/Hero during this fight you would have done even better. I really would advise potion use x2 as well. It really gives us a good start to the fight and a nice boost when we decide to nuke something


In Gorefiend back to back DS in feast that you Hero on with Doomy (which you did) and potion!


On Socrethar ghosts and other fights like that and say Kormrok hands with short lived multiple adds. Plan in advance, have high embers and open with a F&B CB. Save DS for add phases (if you want highest DPS)


Oh and don't forget Doomy or do him too late. If you Hero at the start that is fine for him as well with all your procs up (and a potion!)


In execute unless the target will die in 5 seconds or you can copy SBs with Havoc then use CB


Tl;dr (all fights show the same issues)


More Havoc, more copying of spells, more SB sniping, higher Immolate uptime (though not so important on Assault), more F&B CBs when appropriate


Good luck. Work on the above and you should see some definite improvement. You have the basics mostly, just need to learn to take advantage of the extra stuff to start shining as a destro lock 

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Thanks for the reply Fox and let's see if we can narrow down where you are going wrong.


Hellfire Assault:


For your item level here you are actually doing decent (50 percentile). Main issues are:


Lack of Havoc. You should be able to pretty much use this on cool down so say 28+ times where you did 15


14 SB and 5 CB copied across (assuming that you did not do casts of CB where the target died before it hit). Again decent but try to be using all stacks of Havoc every time. Track the stacks of the buff if you are not, you may be surprised at what is actually copied


Lack of F&B CBs. While you did cast some at least on top ranked logs this is the highest damage done. Also your hits seem slightly lower, are you AoEing (padding) the little guys as soon as and every time they spawn? Highest DPS and how to kill a progress boss is a very different mindset


Your ratio of F&B CBs to other F&B casts seems a little off as well as in you probably can cast more CBs and less fillers assuming you have enough targets (about 4+) each time. If you have say 2.5+ embers F&B CB (just check it's enough for you to not get locked out, perhaps 3 is safer)


Lack of SBs. Again you did decent but there are a lot more to be had. Do you have obvious nameplates? Do you use a mouseover macro?


RoF I gather is only good on something like 8+ mobs now I think or for moving and you have really nothing else to cast. Your 17 casts is way too much. Pretty much anything else you can cast takes priority


A lot of ember capping. It's really difficult on this fight actually but something to be aware of to not waste ember bits


Dark Soul usage is very low. For fight time you could have got 5 in, you got 2 1/2. This is your best cooldown/proc! Respect it, plan for its use with high embers. You don't have the legendary ring yet but then you will want to be using them together. Now just don't be capped on 2 stacks and finish the fight on 0. Other fights though you are actually ok with this


Need more dumping of CBs in Dark Soul (and be tracking DSI too if you are not)


Had you had BL/Hero during this fight you would have done even better. I really would advise potion use x2 as well. It really gives us a good start to the fight and a nice boost when we decide to nuke something


In Gorefiend back to back DS in feast that you Hero on with Doomy (which you did) and potion!


On Socrethar ghosts and other fights like that and say Kormrok hands with short lived multiple adds. Plan in advance, have high embers and open with a F&B CB. Save DS for add phases (if you want highest DPS)


Oh and don't forget Doomy or do him too late. If you Hero at the start that is fine for him as well with all your procs up (and a potion!)


In execute unless the target will die in 5 seconds or you can copy SBs with Havoc then use CB


Tl;dr (all fights show the same issues)


More Havoc, more copying of spells, more SB sniping, higher Immolate uptime (though not so important on Assault), more F&B CBs when appropriate


Good luck. Work on the above and you should see some definite improvement. You have the basics mostly, just need to learn to take advantage of the extra stuff to start shining as a destro lock 

Thank you! ill try this out :D

Is it ok to link new logs later and see if i have improved in maybe 2-3 weeks time?


and then again thx :D

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