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The Help My DPS Thread

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Would greatly appreciate help on my Destro Lock. Have been parsing green or grey and am not sure where I am losing all the ground out. Below are two Heroic Kills we had last night, one single, one cleave.


Heroic Ursoc



Heroic Xavius





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52 minutes ago, Roblinz said:



Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong on this fight?


You missed some Dreadstalker casts and cast a HoG at 3 shards. Other than that, it is a fairly solid parse. What makes you think you did badly?

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On 12/10/2016 at 4:29 AM, Gatsu said:

Would greatly appreciate help on my Destro Lock. Have been parsing green or grey and am not sure where I am losing all the ground out. Below are two Heroic Kills we had last night, one single, one cleave.


Heroic Ursoc



Heroic Xavius






Keep in mind that destro kind of sucks for ST.

You sat capped on shards for a long time, also wasted 7 shards.

Lord of Flames has a 10min CD, you only use it once a fight. Use Doomlord for the other casts.

Missed two casts of GoServ.


I'm not looking at Xavius since the parses on that don't really matter, it is a very high cheese fight.


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3 hours ago, Lockybalboa said:

You missed some Dreadstalker casts and cast a HoG at 3 shards. Other than that, it is a fairly solid parse. What makes you think you did badly?

It was only like the 52nd percentile for my ilvl bracket. Seems bad to me.


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1 hour ago, Roblinz said:

It was only like the 52nd percentile for my ilvl bracket. Seems bad to me.


This is a common trend that I disagree with. Just because you are X of Y either overall or in your ilvl bracket, doesn't mean that your DPS is "bad".

Bad DPS is under performing what you "should" or really "could" be doing. If you could be doing 500k, but you're doing 200k, then something is very wrong. If you could be doing 500k, but you're doing 475k, then you're not doing "bad" DPS - that pull was just a little off from what your absolute max is.

Pareses always have and always will be massively affected by people cheesing the high end ranking, thus skewing the ranks below them, and by fight times. As a tier goes on fight times will get shorter and shorter. Partly because of better gear, partly because of a better understanding of the fight. For a parse shorter is *almost* always better.

Look at your parse for example, most top parses kill Ursoc in 3:30-4min with some parses being as low as 2:40ish. Look at your parse by cutting off a minute of fight time, your DPS goes up 11,000. Just think how much it would go up if your guild ACTUALLY killed it a minute shorter and you used cooldowns accordingly. That's likely a free 20-30k DPS right there.

The point I'm trying to make is that just because your overall bracket or your ilvl bracket is low, doesn't mean you did badly. Looking at your log, I see a few minor mistakes and some room for improvement - but nothing I would call bad.

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Hi, I've been struggling with my DPS throughout heroic progression.  I understand the concept of the demo rotation, but I seem to be missing something making me less efficient.  I also sim fairly low for my item level, is that probably just due to low crit?  My haste is over 30%.  Any feedback on my logs would be hugely appreciated.


I also have a couple of specific questions in regards to Thal'kiel's Consumption:

1. Is it better to wait to have the 6 imps/2 dreadstalkers minimum before casting even if it means a several second delay or cast on cool down with what you have?  

2. I've noticed that my damage output for TKC can vary by as muck as 200k with the same number of demons out.  Any idea why this happens?

Thanks for your time.

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6 hours ago, Moirraine said:

Hi, I've been struggling with my DPS throughout heroic progression.  I understand the concept of the demo rotation, but I seem to be missing something making me less efficient.  I also sim fairly low for my item level, is that probably just due to low crit?  My haste is over 30%.  Any feedback on my logs would be hugely appreciated.


I also have a couple of specific questions in regards to Thal'kiel's Consumption:

1. Is it better to wait to have the 6 imps/2 dreadstalkers minimum before casting even if it means a several second delay or cast on cool down with what you have?  

2. I've noticed that my damage output for TKC can vary by as muck as 200k with the same number of demons out.  Any idea why this happens?

Thanks for your time.

Crit like mastery and versatility are pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.

Go to the casts tabs and click on everything apart from TKD (it's a passive). Now this is one of your biggest issues. All those casting gaps. Less casts=less Soul Shards(SS)=Less Pets and their damage=Less Doom damage (as it tends to fall off) + Less TKC + Less DB damage. Work on minimising your movement, knowing what to cast when you have to move and what to cast when you stop again. Think about your gate and your circle

11 shards wasted in just under 4 minutes. You get capped too much and stay capped too long. Do you use Doomshards? As soon as you get to 4 cast HoG (assuming Dogs are on CD).

HoG casted on 3 shards or less 4 times.

Doom uptime 94%.

DE uptime 90%. At least 4 times post summon you didn't cast DE. Ideally try to combine more summons when you can. 

3 missed Dogs, 1-2 missed TKC, 3 missed Felstorms, 1 missed Doomguard, possible missed trinket use (not sure how the Whispers thing works),

Missing flask. missing pre-pot (the Prolonged Power ones are relatively close in damage on ST, better on MT, and much cheaper/easier to get). Plus you only used Deadly Grave 11 seconds before the end.

Weak opener. This is pretty important to tide you over longer into the fight. Check out the guide over at MMO Champion if you haven't. Ideally you want a slightly earlier BL/Hero though.

Yes for TKC you can delay a little bit. Read guides for more info on this. I've never really thought much about the TKC damage changing but most spells vary so doesn't really strike me as strange. Perhaps it is Synergy? Just make sure you have maximum pets you can, you have DE'ed and they will not die before cast end and you're good to go.

First TKC you didn't have Doomguard in it. Then later you forgot the second Doomguard.

Your haste is like 35%? With a DC proc definitely (and perhaps even without test this) you should be able to get 2 lots of Imps and one Dogs (so 10 imps) in each TKC. That is the one time you can go to 5 shards to set up for this. Again check out that opener. 

If ooming throws you try to Lifetap a bit sooner (ideal for when you have to move).

Good luck

Disclaimer: Always may be errors.

Edited by spikeysquad

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Thank you so much for the detailed reply.  I have been working on the opener outlined in Not's demonology guide, but I'm still practicing  it.  My haste is about 31% I think.  I have Not's weak auras that show the TKC damage.  It's showing the damage/demon number drop before I can finish the second HoG/TKC cast, but looking at the combat logs after casting TKC, I don't think that's actually accurate so I think I'm just going to start trying to cast 2 HoG anyway and see how that improves.  

I've noticed that I'm not casting as much as I should and I think it is a mana issue, I'm not noticing until it's too late that I'm OOM.  I've set up a TMW to try to remind me to cast my LifeTap sooner.  

I'm fairly new to warcraft logs and I'm still learning how to read it, how do you tell that I've missed casts of specific spells?  I'd like to be able to monitor that in the future.  

Thank you again, I have a lot to work on.

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6 hours ago, Moirraine said:


Thank you so much for the detailed reply.  I have been working on the opener outlined in Not's demonology guide, but I'm still practicing  it.  My haste is about 31% I think.  I have Not's weak auras that show the TKC damage.  It's showing the damage/demon number drop before I can finish the second HoG/TKC cast, but looking at the combat logs after casting TKC, I don't think that's actually accurate so I think I'm just going to start trying to cast 2 HoG anyway and see how that improves.  

I've noticed that I'm not casting as much as I should and I think it is a mana issue, I'm not noticing until it's too late that I'm OOM.  I've set up a TMW to try to remind me to cast my LifeTap sooner.  

I'm fairly new to warcraft logs and I'm still learning how to read it, how do you tell that I've missed casts of specific spells?  I'd like to be able to monitor that in the future.  

Thank you again, I have a lot to work on.

You're welcome Moirraine,

Demo does take practice. I think it took me 2 months before I could actually shine with it (though I am always slow with these things). Practice your opener on dummies/LFR until you can do it with your eyes closed (well at least without thinking!) Just a few times a day should really help with your muscle memory. Then even if you get Rot first you can still do your thing. The opening burst (well it's more like 20 seconds in but yeah it's still a good peak) is so important to Demo locks.

I use Not's auras as well. I can't say I have noticed the demon counter to be inaccurate but I don't look at it much to be honest. Rather I tend to pay more attention to the pet life bars. So start your TKC cycle on 5 shards, HoG-DE and then hope you get a DC proc for your dogs so you can combine them with your next lot of imps. Anyhow, play around with it but I do think it should be more than possible with 30% haste (assuming you are pounding your keys)

Ooming really throws me as well so yeah I just had to learn to tap earlier. In the Nythendra log though you did only oom once so that's not the only problem as such.

Watching back your replay On Nythendra I would suggest to try and find somewhere less crowded to stand (though of course it depends on your guild's tactics and what you're allowed to do). The less people around=less chance of breath coming your way=less movement. You only spread on one side? It also seems like you move as a group. Quite different to how we do it though the second half you seemed to move less and you also got to the edge of everyone else which is good.

Personally I tend to stand quite near the outside wall then with Rot I only move a few steps in and out. For breath I use gateway (if that's on cooldown, rare it is though then I will go a bit closer so i don't get caught). Play around with what you have though and see what works for you.

So yes movement. Firstly think about where you need to be on each boss so you have to move the least. Can you make use of gateway and/or circle? When you do move lifetap (say under 75% MP) then Demonwrath (though you don't want to be overwriting it a lot as then you're wasting mana). You did sometimes but it's not fully natural yet as other places you casted nothing. Then when you move think ahead which spell you will be casting when you stop. These are all learned skills (for most people) but if you give it some attention it should become much more natural in future. Does this make sense? So yes again more practice :)

For missed casts it's just a comparison with other logs of a very similar time frame (or you could divide the fight time by the cooldown time +1 but I find the former easier as I still want to get a comparison anyhow). Do you know how to find other logs to compare with? Also check a few though as sometimes even the top logs miss spells too! For TKC you can also compare it with Felstorm casts as it has the same cooldown though be aware people might be forgetting to use that as well. Yell if you have any more questions about reading logs. I do encourage people who wish to improve long term to learn how to as you can keep checking up on your issues.

Good luck

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I appreciate help on my Destro Lock. I think that my dps is way lower that it should be based on my ilvl, but looking at the secondary status im not sure if this is what my dps should be! 

Heroic Ursoc



Heroic Xavius


Thanks in Advance


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Hi Arcaan,

Well dying never ends up looking good on the DPS meters but let's take a look.

Do you have anything more recent? This is from 21st December and your gameplay may have changed from them.

Ok I have found some logs from 2 days ago but since 7.1.5. the optimal talents have changed. Will you be switching over? Or staying with the lesser ones? If the former there's not much point me reading these as the rotation is quite different. It is never worth using Cata in EN/ToV (except for trash).

For now some tips. Try harder not to cap on Soul Shards and if you do CB soon. If you spec out of Eradication then you can use CBs much more freely. 

If you're staying with BD never chain cast Conflag.

Your immolate uptime seems decent but be aware you are actually casting it too much and wasting those GCDs.

Some major casting gaps. Always Be Casting! If you do move Conflag/Rift. Stop as soon as you can and then start casting again. Start the fight with good positioning. Think about Gateway and Circle.

Use Havoc more on Multitarget fights.

Don't forget Infernal/Doomguard uses.

Get some pots and flasks.

Good luck.

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3 hours ago, spikeysquad said:

Hi Arcaan,

Well dying never ends up looking good on the DPS meters but let's take a look.

Do you have anything more recent? This is from 21st December and your gameplay may have changed from them.

Ok I have found some logs from 2 days ago but since 7.1.5. the optimal talents have changed. Will you be switching over? Or staying with the lesser ones? If the former there's not much point me reading these as the rotation is quite different. It is never worth using Cata in EN/ToV (except for trash).

For now some tips. Try harder not to cap on Soul Shards and if you do CB soon. If you spec out of Eradication then you can use CBs much more freely. 

If you're staying with BD never chain cast Conflag.

Your immolate uptime seems decent but be aware you are actually casting it too much and wasting those GCDs.

Some major casting gaps. Always Be Casting! If you do move Conflag/Rift. Stop as soon as you can and then start casting again. Start the fight with good positioning. Think about Gateway and Circle.

Use Havoc more on Multitarget fights.

Don't forget Infernal/Doomguard uses.

Get some pots and flasks.

Good luck.

Thanks A lot for the tips ill look at that and try to get better, i just change it to affli the last days to try it as it was buffed, im just having a go on it! But I Apreciate your time and Tips!

Just one quick question does the secondary status on my set get a big difference on which spec should i play or i the one im playing is getting the best it can?



Thanks a lot!


Edited by Arcaan

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19 hours ago, Arcaan said:

Thanks A lot for the tips ill look at that and try to get better, i just change it to affli the last days to try it as it was buffed, im just having a go on it! But I Apreciate your time and Tips!

Just one quick question does the secondary status on my set get a big difference on which spec should i play or i the one im playing is getting the best it can?



Thanks a lot!


You're welcome. If you decide to still play Destro read guides and decide whether you will be switching talents. If so practice a bit and then come back for another reading. Really focus on the minimising movement thing and always be casting (for all specs/classes etc). Destro's biggest strength is its cleave; learn to Havoc well. 

If you stick with Affy hey come back later too if you want once you have got to grips with it more.

Secondary stats do matter but probably not as much as some people think and especially not for Destro. Destro is the least gear dependent and blooms far earlier than the other two specs (in my opinion). I am rocking 88% mastery at the moment (which is silly high though I still have 32% haste) and most people will say go Haste-Crit for that but it works still as the stats are all close together. 

Affliction however I feel is much more gear dependent and people tend to say it will not really shine until the 100%+ Mastery mark (and 35 artifact talents). Demo needs a lot of Haste to come into its own as well.  

Personally I would say play what you like and then you can focus on that gearset. Destro/Demo tend to be a good combination (if you plan to play multiple specs) as the gear sets are very similar. If you want to bloom early stay with Destro and perhaps switch later. Anyhow, that's a decision you have to make but I wouldn't let your gear stop you from your favourite spec. Gear comes easy enough if you put the effort in and the practice you get from playing a spec is far more valuable.

Edited by spikeysquad

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Hey guys, seem to be struggling with the switch from demo to affli

My logs are https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/nWjvgrmXxV6DwF9h#fight=15&type=damage-done&start=2839183&end=3121276

And armoury is http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/amanthul/Dottyy/simple

Just wondering what the best way for me to get my parses up would be

I dont have a mastery stat stick as of yet but i do have the demo legendary bracers (sin dorei spite)

Thanks in advance

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If someone could break down my log and tell me what I can improve on, it would be most appreciated it.

Main things I'm struggling is with my opener:

Opener - I'm itemized horribly and don't have a lot of haste, but I can't seem to get the opener of Demonic Emp. -> Precast Demonbolt -> DG -> G:FG -> Felstalkers - > Demonbolt x4 -> HoG -> Emp -> Thalkiel off before my fel hunters run out. Which may just be a haste issue. Would I benefit more with with Doombolt x3 -> HoG?

Bonus Question: I recently looted Kazzak's Final Curse legendary belt, should I be running Impending Doom all the time? Or just in multi target situations?

Feel free to critique, I enjoy honest feedback.

Link to recent nKrosus kill for Endijor: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/bdBz3kvn8MCrhPaq#fight=3




Edited by sbVital

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I seam to be vastly under preforming for someone of my ilvl and I am having a very hard time discerning what the issue is. I have good up times on my immolate/empowered life tap and do a good job of keeping my soul shards bellow 5. According to my sims I should be doing around 450k-480k for single target but I can only maintain around 360k.




The high movement of star augers second phase tanks my dps so that is partly to blame for the low average, however even during the first phase I have a hard time breaking 400k after my initial burst. There must be something major I am doing wrong at this point and I'm not sure what it is.

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I am looking for some assistance. My DPS seems "ok" but I feel like I am leaving a lot of potential DPS behind during the boss encounters. My character's name is Bombeon.


Here are the logs from our most recent Nighthold adventure. I died on Trilliax so you can pretty much ignore that one but in the other encounters, especially Krosus, I feel like I should be able to do more damage. I can't really put my finger on it but I am sure I am missing something.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Looking for some assistance on DPS.  The below log is from our Gul'dan kill tonight, using MG/Contagion/SL/SC, and as you can see from the logs, I'm only hovering around 400K DPS with an equipped ilvl of 892 with legendary Reap and Sow and Sephuz.  Some attempts are a bit more, but 400K seems to be the lowest.  I'm frustrated as I feel that my DPS can go between 450-500K if I have decent procs on reap and can get a couple of drain cycles.  Couple other boss kill parses in there as well, the Tich one is pretty low performance.  

Some general comments:

  • I think my trinkets are pretty low.  Using 870 Bough of Corruption and 855 Mastery stat stick..  had shitty luck with drops.  I have 890 Icon of Rot but it sims about 2K lower with the stat stick equipped.  
  • Only tier piece that has dropped is cape but I have legendary already.  
  • For Gul'dan, I think i may be better off with SE and Writhe as I find my self moving around so much that it's difficult to get a full drain cycle or 2.  

Anyhow, I feel like either I'm missing something, or gearing is a problem.  Any comments/suggestions are welcome.  Thanks in advance!

Gul'dan Log: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/zaPgkFJGcTdfjD2A/#type=damage-done
Krosus: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WzFTGnp8q4hMXKCy#fight=9&type=damage-done
Tich: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WzFTGnp8q4hMXKCy#fight=10&type=damage-done


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On 7.2.2017 at 3:28 AM, Mit said:

Looking for some assistance on DPS.  The below log is from our Gul'dan kill tonight, using MG/Contagion/SL/SC, and as you can see from the logs, I'm only hovering around 400K DPS with an equipped ilvl of 892 with legendary Reap and Sow and Sephuz.  Some attempts are a bit more, but 400K seems to be the lowest.  I'm frustrated as I feel that my DPS can go between 450-500K if I have decent procs on reap and can get a couple of drain cycles.  Couple other boss kill parses in there as well, the Tich one is pretty low performance.  

Some general comments:

  • I think my trinkets are pretty low.  Using 870 Bough of Corruption and 855 Mastery stat stick..  had shitty luck with drops.  I have 890 Icon of Rot but it sims about 2K lower with the stat stick equipped.  
  • Only tier piece that has dropped is cape but I have legendary already.  
  • For Gul'dan, I think i may be better off with SE and Writhe as I find my self moving around so much that it's difficult to get a full drain cycle or 2.  

Anyhow, I feel like either I'm missing something, or gearing is a problem.  Any comments/suggestions are welcome.  Thanks in advance!


Hey there,

first...yeah...the Stat Stick is...lets say "Hey...you got something in that trinket slot" :D So there you can just hope for some lucky rolls.

On Tich i would recommend to switch SL to SoS cause of the high amount of adds. This is a perfect fight to show why AffLocks are great guys if it comes down to many small adds.

The idea of using Writhe and SC sounds interesting...unfortunatly i haven´t seen Gul´dan on HC until now so i can´t comment it. But it sounds like its worth trying. Same at Flowerboi.

But to be honest...in your Logs there is another problem...you died a lot...9 Deaths in 16 fights is pretty high...there are you loosing tons of DPS. So maybe you should try to improve your movement to get a higher DPS ;)

Guess with your gear you should easily reach ~500k DPS at some fights. So just hang in there an improve yourself.

Good luck and have fun.

Edited by Devkarin

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On 31.1.2017 at 5:45 PM, BomSquad said:

I am looking for some assistance. My DPS seems "ok" but I feel like I am leaving a lot of potential DPS behind during the boss encounters. My character's name is Bombeon.


Here are the logs from our most recent Nighthold adventure. I died on Trilliax so you can pretty much ignore that one but in the other encounters, especially Krosus, I feel like I should be able to do more damage. I can't really put my finger on it but I am sure I am missing something.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Hey there,

on Krosus i would recommend to use "Contagion" instead of "Absolut Corruption". You casted Agonie to often so its overlapping and you may lose some hits.

Good Luck and have fun.

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Looking for some help with Heroic Gul'dan. I feel and by looking at logs my damage is terrible. Its low on adds and boss I can play affliction or destro. I feel like wreck havoc here is ideal, but again my damage is pretty low. Here are some logs, if anyone can point to something specific I can do or not do to improve on this particular fight I would appreciate it. 

I am Faiwen the only lock in the raid.
Thanks in advance

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2 hours ago, Faiwen said:

Looking for some help with Heroic Gul'dan. I feel and by looking at logs my damage is terrible. Its low on adds and boss I can play affliction or destro. I feel like wreck havoc here is ideal, but again my damage is pretty low. Here are some logs, if anyone can point to something specific I can do or not do to improve on this particular fight I would appreciate it. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports...pe=damage-done 

I am Faiwen the only lock in the raid.
Thanks in advance

I...did a thing trying to fix the formatting so it was more readable and I broke your log link. My bad. Can you reattach it so I can take a look and fix it?

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